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Eri Szikki's Alchemical Robes

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Character name:

Eri Szikki

Item name:

Senior Alchemist Robes

Why is your character carrying said item to work?

Eri Szikki was a respected Alchemist of the Akhanzi Order, formerly dwelling in Derhai. Though their chemical knowledge was vast, they were one of many that sought greater things, such as, of course, the fabled Elixir of Life. The Magnum Opus. The Divine Quintessence: The Philosopher's Stone. After asking the Elders of the Order what it could be, and after being told that's something he'd have to find himself, he was given a laboratory in the temple to find out. It was promptly exploded by Maraziites, and the libraries burnt. After escaping and relocating to Tau Ceti, their quest resumes. They continue to wear their temple robes to remember their purpose, and to remember where they came from.

Item function(s):

Functions basically like an untoggleable labcoat. Would be nice for it to have the same resistance values.

Item description:

'A green set of robes, trimmed with what appears to be real gold. Looking at the necklace, you can see the alchemical symbol for the Philosopher's Stone, made of ruby.'

Item appearance:




How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP?

I like to tell people about the Akhanzi Order (at least, what I think of it), and to try to spread how useful Alchemy can be, despite the stationgoers beliefs that it is but a pseudoscience. I think having this would help me have a visual prop to tell my stories with.

Additional comments:

if you're reading this it's too late

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Guest Marlon Phoenix

I don't know why you told Kaed that the green colors of the Akhanzi are "gay"; this looks sick. It would look "gay" if it was purple and gold and pink. Green is the color of nature, life, renewal, and positive chakras.

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-Those aren't the right colors for an Akhandi robe. Green and gold =\= green and brown.

-If he used to be a member of the Akhanzi Order, he would have to renounce his clan name and taken on that title.

-This character was also practicing Alchemy on station before the plot that introduced the Akhanzi order into the lore started. It was only very recently that they left Moghes in the first place.

In order for you to plug your character into the lore of a race, you have to actually follow the Lore that you are trying to plug into.

Regardless of how aesthetically unpleasant you think it is.

I suggest you make a new character if you want to do this, and fix the clothes to actually match the appropriate colors.

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