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pAIs: How Do They Work?


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After playing as a pAI and having a talk with skull and a Dakota Lloyd, I think I may have heard some conflicting ideas.

The software interface of pAIs says the following:

Recall, personality, that you are a complex thinking, sentient being. Unlike station AI models, you are capable of comprehending the subtle nuances of human language. You may parse the "spirit" of a directive and follow its intent, rather than tripping over pedantics and getting snared by technicalities. Above all, you are machine in name and build only. In all other aspects, you may be seen as the ideal, unwavering human companion that you are.

However, I was told that pAI are like programs in a phone, and not carried in positronic brains. Then, on the wiki for the positronic brain (https://aurorastation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Positronic_Brain) I found this:

The Positronic Brain (Posibrain) is a type of processing unit used for most complex robotic devices in the current age, from simple posibrains found in Personal AI's to massive networks of interconnected positronic masses used for military level calculations such as used by the Sol Alliance military.

So, pAIs use positronic brains according to the wiki. Wouldn't that put them on par with androids? Could the same personality of a pAI also occupy an android, and vice versa?

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Now I'm gonna need a loredev to answer this as well. My two Echos were once pAIs.

However, the way I play them is that that the pAI Echos are a set of programs sent from a main server and uploaded into a pAI. The Echo can then do its pAI duties. Once its recalled to the server, the program is transferred back for assessment and evaluations - as well as repairs for glitches and whatnot. Each program gets made a little differently to give it a sense of individuality.

So then a certain Echo program gets kicked out of their server for being too different and cannot be reintegrated back in. That program is uploaded into a positronic brain instead, which has a lot more processing power. It went from the simple life of a pAI, to the complex existence of an IPC. Basically it was synthetic enlightenment.

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