BYOND Key: JGlitch
Character Names: Johnny ''Glitch''
Species you are applying to play: Tajaran
What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Dark grey-ish (Zhan-Khazan)
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, I did indeed.
Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question
Why do you wish to play this specific race: Glitch is my main character in all the serves I've been.. (Not including the ones who doesn't have Tajarans) and I have an affection for him.. Can't play as him if he is a human and I also like cats! The lore is interesting and that's pretty much it.
Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Well, different planet, different history, different culture and different behaviour, there are a lot of different things to identify.
Character Name: Johnny ''Glitch''
Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs:
He was born at the year 2423 at his home planet, making him 35 years old. He was taken away from his parents when he was only 3 years old by a human merchant spaceship, named him ''Johnny'' because it was easy to remember and they took care of him until he was old enough to be their slave; Cooking, cleaning, picking up crates.. All the dirty jobs were Johnny's job.
When he was 18, he decided to steal some good money from them, enough for him to buy a pretty cheap and crappy spaceship and enough resources to go away for himself.
He soon ran out of money, so he started to steal from other people, usually easy targets such as makeshift stations, small ships and outposts.
To avoid the authorities he started buying gene mods to hide his identity and kinda as a hobby as well, that's where he earned his nickname: Glitch.
He continued doing this until he was 22 years old, he got caught by the authorities and was sentenced to prision for 5 years for thievery and assaults.
Working as a miner at the prision, he continued his life being treated like a weirdo, a monster because of his DNA mods.. And like he was retarded because he never got education and his speech was poor but enough to be understandable.
Turns out he liked the mining job, as a Zhan-Khazan he kinda had it in his blood, when he got out from prision he started working as a miner, going from station to station and gaining a lot of experience until he arrived to Aurora.
What do you like about this character? He can be considered an ignorant, stupid, or even retarded by other crewmembers but in reality he is very, very intelligent and yeah, he can be hostile and unstable sometimes, but he would never hurt anyone... He has a lot of hate and pain inside him but not enough to make him a murderer. I like seeing how some people hates him, A LOT, but other people feel sorry for him and others actually like him and be friends with him!
When it comes to looks, he can be a little snowflakey, yes, but in reality he isn't anything special, no special traits, habilities, knoweldge... Just a poor unlucky fella that just wants to work and live in peace.
How would you rate your role-playing ability?
Pretty good to be honest, I love making a character, writing, interacting with other characters, inmerse myself on this fictional and amazing world.. Space, the future.. Man I really wish I could see all of this happen in real life. My only problem is that I'm not a native english speaker, I don't need to use translators or anything but sometimes I screw up with some words.
Notes: Glitch doesn't speak Siik'Maas as a consequence of being taken away from his home planet as such a young age, he only speaks galactic common using a lot of slanders and slurls as well of lots of swearwords.