BYOND key:
Character names:
Natalie Gywurvek
How long have you been playing on Aurora?:
a few hours, but I've been playing Bay 12 code for going on 3 years
Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?:
I just joined this server and would like to assume my normal role.
Why did you come to Aurora?:
My old server was going to hell in a hand-basket and i wanted to find a new server that ran the old Bay 12 codes (because I know the chem)
Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?:
Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.
Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:
Roleplay should be about retaining continuity in story while expanding it, and doing as much one can to intertwine story with enjoyment. Role play is meant for people to express their thoughts and ideas through the characters they create and control in the environment, as well as to express their creativity in the given parameters.
What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:
To act as a moderator and to ensure that everyone is having a good time, as well as keeping everyone safe, and making sure story doesn't take a turn for the worst.
What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:
I feel that being white-listed should be nothing less than an opportunity to further assist and uphold the rules of the server, as well as make sure everyone can have an enjoyable role playing experience. As a CMO I will do my best to make sure that the crew is alive and recovers from being incapacitated asap, both for the sake of story line, as well as for the sake of helping players resume rp
Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions.
Character name:
Natalie Gywurvek
Character age:
Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs):
A Tall, dark haired feline woman, with an attitude for work and a moxy for order. Natalie was an experiment in radiation hardening in living beings by the Spetsnaz, but was repossessed by NATO ~2047 A.D. and was placed in cryogenic storage until such a time that she could be rehabilitated. by this time her body would have been roughly 16 years of age in terms of development. After being bought, stolen, sold and traded by several different agencies, as though she were a piece of military equipment, she finally somehow made it aboard a Nanotrasen space station, (by this time roughly 21 years of age). She takes up work there and begins to try and begin her life for the first time, ever avoiding the blur and chaos of her past.
She was made for radiation rich environments as a soldier capable of surviving radioactive fallout for long periods of exposure, but was never allowed to be combat trained. Through NATO as a child, she was given medical training and raised to be a productive young woman, as a unique specimen and success of science. The hope of the future. But still being kept under raps, she was never able to operate until she arrived to the Nanotrasen central command station. There, she would complete her medical training and become a skilled practitioner of medicines of all fields. She particularly loves chemistry, and performing chemical reactions has a soothing effect for her. She doesn't know why. She is recently broken from her fiance, who was a manipulative Unathi ex-marine and spy for the Unathi Homeworld. Natalie was a pawn in a plot to overthrow Nanotrasen and cut off plasma supply to Humanity, but upon discovering the plot, she removed herself from it, and whistle-blew on her fiance's cover, for having been lied to for many years. Natalie has been made a humble woman from her struggles, and she tries her hardest to keep her crew safe at all costs, and will do anything to defend her friends.
She recently has begun a habit of sometimes using high grade painkillers and booze to try and distract her from the pain of her breakup and the anxiety of being used for so long, and she tries to forget her problems in it. She's weened off a bit, but sometimes it can get particularly grim.
She has minor MINOR experiences with hooking up a SM engine in an emergency, but has about a 4/7 success rate.
What do you like about this character?:
I made it, its a fun backstory and while it's on the edge of "snowflakey" I think its not so badly out-there that it would disrupt game-play.
What do you dislike about this character?:
The fact that even while I wrote this I could hear Filthy Frank sarcastically saying "OOH WE HAVE A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE HERE"
What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?:
The fact that her story includes actual medical training and focused conditioning for the role,
Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions.
How would you rate your own roleplaying?:
7/10 - 8/10
Sometimes I get overly emotionally invested in my characters, and I can act like a cunt OOC, so try and overlook that.
Species you are applying to play:
What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):
That faint dark blue you see in the pelts of Russian Blue cats. I dont know what that color is called, but lets just say blue-gray for now.
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:
yes, you have it pop up when you select a character.
Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question
Why do you wish to play this specific race:
Its the race that best fits my sona's anatomy
Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:
The Tajaran anatomy allows for greater speed at a debuff of physical strength. This again plays into my character, as she's a runner, not a fighter.
Extra notes:
I really like this new server. It already seems better than my old one in a lot of ways.
first off its not shitty V.O.R.E. code. second, its pre-defined as heavy rp, and it has a very rigorous vetting process for griefers. i like that. a LOT.