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About Battieralarm3

  • Birthday 19/07/1998

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    Spirit Spencers

Battieralarm3's Achievements


Assistant (1/37)

  1. I dunno!
  2. No I don't identify as a furry Eh, no I guess Mice are kinda cool! Gasp! Me too! Been playing Paradox for years! My personal favorite is CK2, though I've been away from it for a while. Ohh! What's your steam? A few friends and I tend to group and play every so often Anyways, thanks for all the welcoming and such Hello to you too, Chaz, need to go somewhere that isn't 1 person on!
  3. Hey there! So I've come to likely this server very much in the few days I've been playing here, and thought. "Hey, how about I make one of those Forum account thingies and say hello" So here I am! Anyway, lemme just say a few things about what I do and such! So other the playing SS13, I tend to play mostly strategy games, such as EU4.. Company of Heroes 2, ect.. I very much enjoy watching anime. some of my favorites are Clannad, Angel Beats, and Re:Zero! Well, other then that, I think that's about it, if you have any other questions, go ahead and ask!
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