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Everything posted by Jorven
I will be withdrawing this application, as I don't think that this is the server for me at this time. It is clear to me that I don't meet the roleplay requirements for the server, as there appears to be a very narrow-minded and one-sided view of what constitutes proper IC behaviour, due to most of the player-base being understandably unable to comprehend others having drastically different mindsets and past experiences to their own - particularly a number of the moderators, I've noticed. As I don't enjoy constantly being singled out by an online community's staff for having a different way of responding to certain situations than your typical person, I think it's best that I just avoid it entirely and find a more open-minded roleplaying community. Thanks for reading and replying to the application, and I'm really sorry that it was a waste of your time.
Thank you lol. He will of course miss the Reishi mushrooms though. And yes, I'll be bumping Anomalia's RD app when it comes up.
Thank you, Killerhurtz. I look forward to it!
Thank you for the feedback on this front! I didn't realize that was the reason why they acted based on the AI's intentions instead of what the crew wanted. I'm sure given the character's stance on synthetic intelligence that this would be the case, I can amend it properly so that rather than following machine-laws, he instead considers the AI to 'more often know better than the crew' - except perhaps in drastic situations where there are really mad laws like 'oxygen is harmful to humans'. That'd give rise to a great character flaw too whereby he's unable to see eye-to-eye with crew when it comes to threats of the non-biological sort until it's either too late or the robot / AI starts acting in a very malfy manner. Even then, staying true to the character, his own beliefs would prevent him from ever attacking a borg or an AI, or even assisting the crew in doing so. Though at a push he might assist with reprogramming attempts - as a form of 'healing'. Really appreciate the help there.
BYOND Key: Jorven Character Names: Jorven Brent (Scientist) | T.E.R.A - 193 (Cyborg) Species you are applying to play: IPC (M.M.I Variant) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: In depth and with great interest! Why do you wish to play this specific race: - I am very much into my cyberpunk style, and a huge lover of the whole general concept of extending one's life and overcoming the weaknesses of flesh through the total merging of man with machine. Honestly? If I could be a cyborg, I totally would. But that's what fantasy is all about right? Enjoying the things you can't do! - I've spent quite a bit of time developing Jorven as a character who has a very heavy dislike of his organic components, having deliberately chosen augmentation in the past to enhance his endurance for labour-intensive tasks, or to protect against the ravages of what is essentially a very unhealthy lifestyle. For me, it's time for him to make the jump, because that's really where his roleplay has always been leading. Essentially a life goal. To be a machine. - AimlessAnalyst discussed a fantastic idea with me, at length, that I would be very interested in. A lot more roleplay that would be far more suited to my character's aims and interests can easily stem from this - that is to say, falling in with the Tutamen Consortium as a result of seeking an even higher purpose following his 'upgrade' or even, perhaps, completing the transformation to IPC-chassis directly through them. Mechanizations (Robots, AI, other similar technology) are, for lack of a better term, of the utmost holiness. - The Fourth Tenet of the Tutamen Consortium. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: For starters, I don't want the character to become a PTSD cyborg. He wanted this. It's an upgrade, for him. An ascension from mortality to something a little more permanent... at least as far as age and disease are concerned. A human who'd deliberately chosen to surrender their organic tissue and completely integrate with a machine chassis would, in all likelihood, have a fairly negative outlook on biologicals. Not necessarily nasty? More like pity, and impatience for the fallacies that plague beings composed of organic matter. ( Although, obviously, he himself would be flawed in this way, due to still having a human brain... Just significantly less so than before. ) I can see an MMI-Type IPC being very short, overly-logical, and inquisitive of others' ideas, but also more likely to follow regulations to the letter, and to behave in a far more sensible, composed manner. Which, for those who have roleplayed with Jorven before, is perhaps something that my RP sorely needs - and I feel that being an IPC would give me a fantastic platform on which to make such a sudden and drastic change in his behaviour. I think as well, that I would enjoy having him linked to the Artificial Intelligence (this is something that I have seen a lot of people praise other IPCs for doing because it adds greatly to AI Malfunctions or lawed behaviour), which, whilst frowned upon by humans as being a form of slavery... Would actually be considered a higher form of enlightenment for one who places their faith in machines - as stated in the Fourth Tenet, above. It would mean a greater amount of interaction with the robotic roleplayers on-station, as well as certain 'forced' events that can alter your roleplay in an interesting (or even hilarious) way due to law changes and AI updates. Character Name: J.O.R.V.E.N / JB-0193 (have not yet decided on this fully, but would welcome recommendations) Alternatively, even keeping the old human name of Jorven could make sense. Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs: Born to a family of average means on Sol IV in early 2430, Jorven had always been surrounded by technology and innovation. Growing up from a young age in a Martian Hive, biology and indeed nature itself - to him - would've always been something that was sustained and nurtured by machines, and not the other way around. Brent was a relatively intelligent boy, scoring very highly in high-school exams but flunking out on college with very low grades due to severe boredom and borderline depression born of a sense of stagnancy and longing - the vast shipyards of Sol IV lighting up the night sky frequently filled him with a fascination for exploration, as well as a dissatisfaction with his lot in life. At the age of 19, he graduated as an Atmospherics Technician in the Sol Navy, and spent five years an Enlisted Sailor, picking up heavy bionic augmentations due to injuries sustained during minor fleet actions, along with a degree studied part-time in Planetary Geology with Astrophysics. He left the service as a Petty Officer Third-Class, taking with him the various qualifications he had acquired, along with a substantial amount of savings. Returning to Mars for a brief period, the next two years were spent refining his degree into a Doctorate, living mostly off his own savings and - like any middle-aged man with no job - his parents. A significant past-time was indulging in various philosophies and movements - chiefly a modern form of the Wiccan faith and the Synthetic Intelligence Movement. Having not only been raised, in a sense, and sustained indefinitely by machines, the latter was a very natural ideology for him to adopt. In 2458, Brent was accepted for a position with the well-respected NanoTrasen corporation, and continues to work for them to date - though often finds himself in conflict with many of their regulations and the attitudes of his co-workers, being far more used to an efficient military environment where improvements and shortcuts were fairly commonplace, with regulations often being overlooked and over-signed by level after level of supervising personnel. The very nature of working in the close confines of Aurora Station, a veritable nexus of technology, forward-thinking and deadly hazards, brought to the fore fresh desires for the enlightenment of machine intelligence, as well as frustrations with the limits of his own 'weak' meat-sack - particularly when it came to bursts of radiation, frequent biological hazards and the strain (both mental and physical) of operating under the station's somewhat 'powder keg' conditions. A partially fragmented perception of reality combined with a generally fatalistic and cynical view of the universe, drew Jorven Brent into a more isolated state, until he could only find solace in the voluntary surgical transition to a Man-Machine Interface, whereby he hoped to awaken to a superior level of understanding and true clarity of purpose. What do you like about this character? I like him because he is, in many ways, like myself. I do not enjoy roleplaying things that I cannot relate to in any way, therefore in any game I will only play the one character - or, occasionally, other insignificant 'filler' characters such as T.E.R.A or, in the past, redshirt grunts with little need to invest in emotionally or story-wise. I like to stick to what I know, and I know a -lot- about engineering, science and shameless cyber-fetishism. The idea of achieving what he would regard as the vaunted state of true metamorphosis is extremely exciting for me, as I would not only be able to iron out the personality flaws that other roleplayers seem to strongly dislike, but would also get to enjoy the kind of industrial-punk science fiction that I am into and develop a more meaningful story and direction to give me a better sense of belonging in the setting. Deus ex mechanicus, praise be to the god of all machines! How would you rate your role-playing ability? Honestly no idea. I would've said it was good? But lately I'm clueless about that. Let others rate it. Notes: - One thing that I suspect others might say about the voluntary transition into a machine chassis is that it's an unrealistic objective for any person, given that you're basically giving up your humanity and the pleasures of being human. My reply to this, would be that this sort of thing is, in my opinion - as someone who IRL would gladly do such a thing were it possible - very similar to the reasons why someone might get a sex change, or drastically alter themselves through body art. - I have read the lore for IPCs in great depth, and whilst I understand that the only IPC sprite available in game is the Positronic Brain variant, I also recall that there is canonically a Cyborg-type variant of IPC whereby the main processor is an organic sapient brain instead of a synthetic one - 'wetware' processors, I believe was the term used on the wiki. It really doesn't bother me that if I get gibbed, the Positronic Brain would show. Suspension of disbelief! It could be a brain in an opaque box! I guess it could ruin others' immersion, maybe, but... Really? Thank you for your consideration!
^ Also not Ad Hominem because apparently someone wrongly claiming I was boasting and acting the big time doesn't constitute that and the way I understood DatBerry's reply - he basically called 'fair game' on personal attacks directed toward me so I'm gonna do the same. "Shitty roleplay" is certainly rich coming from someone who was attempting to single-handedly negotiate with a character who had done absolutely everything to warrant a fully-armed team of riflemen gunning them down. While also obstructing repair operations by doing so in a major arterial route for engineering personnel ---> Medical. Either the character is a downright muppet and should not be trusted to negotiate with an unstable person, or you weren't roleplaying their level of intelligence correctly. Anyway. He wasn't. He was only acting on what he was trained to do at this point. #1 - Repressurize a breached room as quickly as possible. By the quickest route possible. Maintenance is a beeline from Engineering to Medical and for some reason Azza had chosen to obstruct cleanup operations with a poorly-thought-out negotiation attempt with a highly dangerous terrorist. #2 - Defend self. Pre-emptively if needed. Sorry if that wasn't clear but yeah, that's basically why. No person in their right mind would actually continue to work after being bombed twice already. Unrelated tangent to what you said - Of course if we're getting into the nitty-gritty of realistic roleplay, I am -surprised- that members of a station so interested in what they consider to be realism didn't think to contain any injured personnel and give them proper treatment for trauma and injuries. Any manager knows that you don't send someone back to work on the same day when they are subjected to a stressful event. But obviously there wasn't anything you individually could do about that, I'm just pointing out another hypocritical flaw in the level of realism that was exhibited during that round - the elephant in the room, so to speak. I mean, aside from the fact that the Wizard had no reason to bomb genetics of course and still did. But antag so is okay to murderbone just because you didn't get the attention you want. Back to your reply - I appreciate you backing me up about the military mindset thing, I was wondering if anyone else would actually understand. I didn't actually know that anyone else did roleplay characters with a military history. I've certainly never met any and I often take the time to check out other people's characters or engage them in conversation (often people don't actually talk though, or aren't chatty). Though I apologise for adding to what is apparently a cliche already... Really had no idea. I can't really change the background though, I pretty much based the character on myself in many ways and I like to stick to things that I know and understand rather than trying to roleplay something that I'm not comfortable with. But I'll bear in mind what you've said about a lot of people doing rambo stuff because of an ex-military character. I will certainly make sure mine doesn't do that, he just wants to work and stay alive. *nod* Honestly the only reason the history even plays such a big part now is because in my mind, what I did was perfectly realistic because it was 100% something that I, personally, would have done. And people are telling me it's not real, which is pretty insulting because I've basically lived through similar situations and they're basically telling me that I'm lying. *shrug* After seeing the kind of replies and the majority of people I'm dealing with (save a few exceptions) I don't see any point in re-formatting my original post. I'm happy for this issue to be closed, as I think that people are clearly unable to see realism from the point of view of someone with very real life experiences. * * * I am sorry you all felt my character was a bit god moddy or overpowered in that situation. He's not, simple as that. You're wrong. I just did what seemed like the logical thing, to me. Whether or not you agree is up to you, but nothing you ever say will change the irrefutable fact that a logical process of what I personally would do in that situation led towards the decisions my character made. Therefore it was realistic. All that's going to happen at the end of this, is that I'll just keep my head down and tread on eggshells while I roleplay, I'm fine with that. Of course, naturally, since the Moderators all wish to help, I will naturally be using ahelp a lot more often to resolve a very staggering number of issues that I often have with the realism of other characters who attack mine. That seems fair to me. The only regrets I have from this post are that I didn't whine like a little butthurt bitch to the moderators when Morrigan burst into genetics and screamed "THIS IZ WRANG WHUR IZ THE MORALITEE" followed by "LAIF IZ SEKRED" before throwing a shit ton of fireballs and breaching four people - which, incidentally could've ended their 'sacred' lives and altered the course of nature by abusing her powers in a similar way to how she felt Genetics were. But then again, that's hardly unrealistic, because Hypocrisy is a very common trait among those with power, isn't it? Still, a complaint about that, unless of course, there are double standards as I predicted there would be, probably would've stopped all of this is in its tracks. Final quote to reinforce the voice of reason here: Here's a thought - maybe my character could get Borged and Lawed? I'd certainly be happy with that as an IC consequence to wrap all of this up! He does need to be punished for what is basically borderline vigilantism.
The argument here is for realistic RP and I used my military experience in real life to demonstrate exactly how I know what is and isn't realistic in a crisis situation, which other people seem to fail to realise that it was - because, as previously mentioned, I got fireballed. Twice. Before any of this even happened. So it actually makes it more rational really. Didn't really boast fella. Just stating fact. Although calling it boasting sounds a lot like Ad Hominem to me ("meaning the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual"). And by fact I mean I outlined how long I've been roleplaying for, and at what sort of level. That's not a boast, that's just to clarify that you're not dealing with a muppet who doesn't understand what Meta, God-Mode, Escalation, Psychology, Plot Consistency etc, is. Pretty sure that's not the case and you could've just had good luck. But unfortunately for this logic, it doesn't really work. I've stated a large number of reasons why I feel singled out, and you can't present any except "you're being immature" to counter that with. If you can outline to me examples of when I've behaved in an OOC manner - OUTSIDE of this post - badly, that would've provoked people's ire, I will definitely take what you've said into account. Nah, you read it wrong. I just said military experience + conditioning. As to increased scrutiny, as long as it's in-character, I welcome that, because IC Actions with IC Consequences is correct and good roleplay. The problem I am outlining is the OOC scrutiny for having a realistic and perfectly plausible character background and mind-set. I'm pretty sure this argument has come up before in OOC, because I've seen it loads of times. But for posterity, here's the crux of the issue here. If you take the time to type out an emote in combat against someone else who probably won't do the same, you're going to get ganked and look like a twat. And I know for an absolute fact that if I were killed just for taking the time to type something out, that person would get away with it. Further more, how often do I see the security typing emotes for firing their guns? Not once. Antags? Not once. Other players who have attacked my character or manhandled them? Nah, never. a) I'm not changing my character concept just to be popular. b) I did not feel that there would be any issue with what I was doing given the escalation that had occurred throughout that round. And therefore did not think to take measures to guard myself against judgement. c) Emphasis on "Attacker" - she was about to fireball me again. What I did was 100% rational, sensible, and would've been done by any other player with the means and the character background. And they would've got away with it. I've seen countless distinguished members of this station get away with hitting people for far more pointless reasons. d) Logic goes out of the window when you are driven insane with anger. Of course, most people wouldn't really know this, because they've never actually been in a truly high-octane high-pressure situation, but you revert back to your most basic instincts at these points. In real life, you would NOT have had ANY warning that my character was going to suddenly snap and attack the wizard while she was on the ground. This right here is just plain wrong. I've seen plenty of people get criticized as an Antagonist for rubbish escalation. In fact, it happened to one of my friends who joined the server and was a wizard. He pretty much did the exact same thing as this one did, but got told off. Consequently, he didn't come back because he felt like he wasn't going to fit in with the community. You again fail to perceive that my issue is NOT that she was blowing shit up, however. My issue is purely, and I cannot stress this enough... That I was called out OOCly for what SHOULD have been ICly dealt with. That also sounds like Ad Hominem to me. Again I was not stating how good or bad I am, merely that I know what I'm doing. I have many areas to improve. Realistic RP? Not one of them. I've lived through many situations that my characters could possibly encounter. Not all. But most, to one degree or another. Why does it bother me to get a warning? Christ, I'm honestly going to get tired of the vast variety of ways in which I apparently have to say this but here it comes again: My issue is that I was called out OOCly on what should have ICly been dealt with. Because everything I did was solely based on my own reactions to very real experiences I have had, which you cannot possibly ever call into question as "unrealistic roleplay" because it -actually happened-. What I did was entirely feasible and perfectly sound. I don't care if my character gets into trouble. That's what happens when you roleplay something that gets you into trouble. All I'm asking, as per the title of the thread - rather than "plz tek down mai warning plz" - is that this view of what consistutes 'correct roleplay' is re-examined somewhat - or at the very least that people can stop coming after me OUT OF CHARACTER everytime my character does something perfectly reasonable without giving me ample opportunity to explain myself, and making broad sweeping statements about the quality of my roleplay. I'm not here to meta. I'm not here to win. I am here to live on Space Station 13. You have to stop and ask yourselves, before you zealously accuse someone of doing something strange without good reason - Okay, why did they do something strange? They seem like they actually are here to roleplay so it's highly unlikely they were chucklefucking. Hrm... I wonder if there were mitigating factors that occurred before the incident in question? Perhaps I should ask this person about their character's background. Perhaps I should not consider my own opinion as the only authority on what isn't and isn't realistic. Would it be more reasonable to simply allow the character to be punished ICly for their IC actions?
Conversely, I will ask you guys the same question. A bear attacks you - these are 10x more powerful than anyone and can normally only be killed with energy weapons easily. Do you fight back? Answer is yes, you do. Unless your character would not, then you don't. Mine would. Please do not sit there and tell me illogical things like "Your character wouldn't do this" when clearly both he, and I, have, and would do so again. Any member of the armed forces will tell you that it is not a case of "Am I properly equipped to do this", it is in fact a case of "Can I do something to protect myself (or another person) here, no matter how small?" It's a question of conditioning and ingrained responses, not practicality. If you have an issue with the way my character has been conditioned however, I would urge people to deal with that ICly through a Psychiatric Evaluation rather than OOCly. If what you're getting at here, however, is that you would just prefer it if Security handled all threats on the station and that everyone else should simply roleplay a timid character, this should be stated in the rules. "I don't think" being the operative terminology. This logic doesn't really work unless you're basically asking everyone to roleplay in a similar way to your own mental state / perception of life? In which case, wouldn't that defeat the whole point of a character background? Also. As previously mentioned being attacked by the Wizard TWICE BEFORE had severely damaged my character's mental state already. I would recommend reading through the whole thing please. Addendum: A welding tool takes 2 hits to the face to incapacitate someone. Hardly an inefficient tool for the situation. Further Addentum: "More aggressive" also made me laugh IRL. Is it just me, or are people CONVENIENTLY forgetting that the Wizard acted without logical reason against Genetics and BLEW IT UP twice? Three times? As I stated already, please read through all of my notes and you will discover that I mentioned that a perfectly reasonable thing for Morrigan to have done, would be to simply file a complaint about the morality of Genetics. Rather than assaulting four people, twice. With supernatural powers. I could be wrong of course but I feel like there's a big double standard here between established players and those who are trying to find their place, like myself. Even Further Addendum: "All Jorven managed to do" - Hindsight is a really accurate sight-glass, isn't it Roderick? You'll notice from one of the screenshots that I got two hits in with my welding tool. Had one of those hits not been against the Scrubber pipe by mistake, that wizard would be down. Would have been a very different story if I had succeeded methinks.
The situation for which I feel, based on my 12 years of experience in highly realistic, roleplay, story-writing and real-life crisis situations (Read: Military, can post evidence and ID for proof of both operational tours and employment if required), I was unjustly warned for: Apparently a wizard (Morrigan) - whom had previously bombed the genetics room that my character was sat in twice, causing two breaches which caused significant harm and injury to both my character and other characters in the room (Witnesses: Adam Evans, Lyanna Fields, Mikhail Mende'liev) followed by a third unsuccessful bombing attempt, none of which were provoked save for the fact that she felt that 'Genetics went against nature' - has decided to complain about the way in which my character responded to what he, with his military training and previous experience of being in a room that was bombed, TWICE, by her character, perceived to be a threat. (Read: Perceived to be, i.e. Correct Roleplay as human beings have different perceptions of the world based on the experiences that shape their views and behaviour, i.e. perceptions will often differ from those of what the moderator staff - who neglected to take into consideration the wizard's own escalation beforehand - consider to be 'Logical'). These are the logs of the situation for which, as my Warning states, I was warned. My character's first attack against Morrigan when 'threatened': https://gyazo.com/7867172ff9128634d18362c3212da39c As the situation had already happened and I do not take screenshots 24/7 due to being entirely unprepared for being challenged for what I personally consider based on my own experience of real life and roleplay in general to be correct roleplay, I cannot provide proof of the layout, however, envision if you will: My character had just come from being bombed. Yet again. By Morrigan. He is moving through maintenance with a Portable Air Unit in order to repressurize a room. The maintenance corridor offers no space for my character to get past Morrigan, and he is in a hurry, being a dilligent Atmos Tech who likes to get a situation under control as quickly as possible. Note his initial words, which were reasonable, considering how downright and obviously dangerous she was - read: Previously BOMBED genetics twice already, critically injuring at least four people and causing significant damage to NanoTrasen property. "Move. Saving lives." It is impossible to see from the logs, but her character stepped back in a threatening manner as if preparing to launch another magical missile and began to say: "I'm going to count to three." Put yourself in the shoes of a military man with operational experience both in character and out of character. A highly unstable individual performs an action which you consider to be a threat after repeatedly attacking crew already with what you percieve to be little or no logical reasoning behind it. As far as I'm aware standard procedure if you feel something in inhumane or wrong is to file a complaint or start a protest, rather than BOMBING the room in question. Twice. My character was not about to be bombed a third time. He stepped forward, welding torch in hand, and attacked her. I can safely tell you that in real life, under the current laws of 'Reasonable Force' in any country around the world, this would be considered perfectly ample means of self defence considering the armaments this person had at her disposal compared to my own character's employment as an unarmed engineer with no body armour and no backup standing in front of a person who was clearly unstable and prone to unannounced, violent outbursts of a supernatural quality. The other incident which followed, shortly after: https://gyazo.com/4e8d7d794ce2b92c09795f78c0432717 Again, imagine, if you will, being hit by a fireball for the third time in your otherwise perfectly normal day. Obviously, it's fairly impossible to imagine accurately. I've been subjected to a rocket strike, a mortar attack, and a car bomb, but none of those three in the same day. These situations are extremely high stress, as any psychiatrist will tell you. Human beings have a known propensity to 'snap' under significant and sustained levels of stress in a very short period of time. Now considering that I was very, very wrongly accused of poor escalation... Let us examine my character's behaviour shortly after suffering a direct hit - a DIRECT hit - from a fireball. I am unable to provide logs as unfortunately the situation left my character quite deaf... However other witnesses will indeed recall a hideous amount of foul language in capital letters directed toward the wizard in open comms stemming from my character's unfiltered mouth. My character is now in a critical condition, however he is still able to move. He sees the wizard being dragged around med bay. I want to take a moment to ask you people how many movies you've seen? War films, perhaps? Police movies, even? What is the most common occurrence when a character - who has been subjected to a significant amount of stress by an individual who somehow gets away with it - then finds themselves standing close by that individual with easy access to... Shall we say, a crowbar? I feel I've said enough on that matter to very accurately and conclusively sum up precisely how my roleplay was not only correct on both a realistic and psychological level, but also how the escalation on my part was very reasonable and... If that is still under dispute, then I would ask the Staff to please also issue Morrigan a warning for incorrect escalation due to her highly unrealistic and compulsively aggressive behaviour in Genetics which, as I previously said, can be accounted for by Adam Woods, Lyanna Fields, and Mikhail Mende'liev. Please note, that none of my comments about Morrigan's character at in any way an attack against the player. I am merely recounting the character's (not the player's) behaviour at the time and questioning why one is acceptable and the other is not. For posterity, I will also include the logs of my conversation with two administrators. I am perfectly happy with being ICly arrested for IC crimes. Certainly what my character did would be considered a criminal act of vigilantism at the very least, and Security were absolutely right to detain him for it - IC punishment for IC actions seems to be the way to go, at least in my opinion and experience of roleplay. What I am not happy with, is being OOCly questioned about my character's behaviour - not mine - by members of a server who similarly and consistently attempt to enforce the rule of 'Icky Ocky' as we call it. With my experience of crisis situations in real life, and my highly extensive experience of realistic roleplay across a variety of platforms and genres, I found this very patronising to say the absolute minimum. Therefore, I apologise if my responses appear somewhat emotional. Again, this brings me back to the issue of perceptions and behaviours based on your experiences of an environment - I find the server to be a very mixed bag, with some individuals being very toxic and seemingly (from my viewpoint) being able to get away with whatever they want due to being popular, and other individuals providing the server with absolutely stirling, top-class roleplay and competent characters such as FROST, Adam Evans, Bianca Bailey, Alice Knapps (I think is the name) and Riley Findlay. Below are the chat logs from the discussion that followed (I was unable to capture anything prior to my comment in admin help due to a server disconnect). https://gyazo.com/608a6e8e54388c7b6bbb8f75dbe73dd7 https://gyazo.com/ad227f9b2d8a77b3625018d9b0f6b3ec https://gyazo.com/5076447210d2ef6a52ba2e6634ab095f https://gyazo.com/5bc051a3286e3c3ff6c1d3daa30de7c9 The final is the reason why I am here. Thus I apologise if this is the wrong area for my complaint, however this is what I was instructed to do. I also apologise for the lengthy nature of my post, and I understand if it is a bit TL:DR, however I felt it was necessary to include all of the details and a good grounding of solid logical reasoning. Finally, I apologise for the passionate nature of this post, but I feel that this is a very serious issue for me - I am frequently being targeted by Moderators for, what I can only suspect, is the result of complaints from other, more well-established station members who do not like it when a character responds to their behaviour in a way that they do not enjoy i.e. not everybody in the station is their personal 'bitch' anymore. Again, that is not a personal attack, just the way that I see it based on the experiences I have had while dealing with members of the server whom, thankfully, are in the minority.