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  1. I believe we're going to get into semantics if I go back and forth with you, you do not seem like an enjoyable person to converse with. I had written a paragraph in response to what you have posted but have decided against posting it. I will not be responding to you any further then a staff member responding to their own complaint makes you look insufferable.
  2. BYOND Key: Jerkmilder Staff BYOND Key: readthisnameplz Game ID: 2023-09-27 04:24:36 is when the warning was given. I do not know the ID. Reason for complaint: "AFKing in a limited slot role for nearly an hour. Don't do this again" Not very happy with implications of end remark of the reasoning. Evidence/logs/etc: I was asleep. Additional remarks: It was late at night lowpop hours. I fell asleep at my desk at may I repeat again, lowpop hours taking a medical intern slot of all things. I normally would be pretty over the entire warning but the addition of 'Don't do this again' makes it sound like I could be banned for having shitty sleep issues if it does happen again. I'd like to find out if this is true, I cannot help it sometimes I just fall asleep sometimes late in the night, It's happened more than a couple handful of times to me, and if I can be banned for falling asleep at lowpop hours in a less important jobslot in medical, I'd rather like to spend my time elsewhere if the warning is implying this. Was informed this was the correct place to put this by Roostercat12.
  3. BYOND Key: (Jerkmilder) Total Ban Length: (Forever) Banning staff member's Key: (Unknown to me, apparently no longer a staff member now.) Reason of Ban: (DC'ed as Nuke Op after just talking with him. He claimed he read the rules. Obviously he did not.) Reason for Appeal: So, some time ago, probably two years ago, I played aurora, I didn't play it much, and I for some reason(?) had some settings on that I didn't know, and had gotten nuke ops, this was when I was still new to bay/ even the server(yes by that time, I've played a couple times, already read the rules, ETC), and bay nuke ops, are like a whole new thing to me, I was going to try to play, and figure it out, but I 'think' I had to go do something, so I logged out, and forgot to alert the staff(Never did remember getting a boink from the admin that antag banned me?), also think I accidentally shot someone, or my gun on the ship? Dunno, at the time I had a shitty computer, anyway, because of this ban, I've lost the ability to be an antag, and it was a rather long time ago, when I was fairly new. Thank you for your time.
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