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Everything posted by IronTeapot

  1. Thanks for the response I appreciate it. I'll take a look at redrafting the origin story using a cheaper to produce model and get back to you.
  2. I've had a number of interactions with Ferguson's characters; Rennek, Kingston and OS have been apart of some fond moments for me on the server. His work on the serial killer case in my opinion is enough reason to get him the whitelist as said above. Overall he's a great roleplayer with well-developed characters, I'd be glad to see him in Command. +1
  3. Soter may misuse idioms or attempt to rephrase them in such a way that they become meaningless. However as he's relatively experienced/advanced in communication that he can puzzle out most of them. I'm sure the crew can step up to the mark to protect their species' idioms from desecration by synthetics.
  4. My experience with most security IPCs is that they're the more robust designed models (for obvious reasons) but a major part of policing is interaction with people and dealing with a situation before it escalates to force. A shell is in most cases more equipped in my opinion to serve this part of the job. While in some cases this may be unsettling, psychologically a human face would be easier to trust and build a rapport with than just a flashing TV screen to put it bluntly. I recall talking to an IPC who mentioned they can converse in a number of languages. They aren't limited by what they can vocalise opening up a massive communication avenue. It seems with mimicking humans there is going to be a market for shells that are more capable than a human/organic at conflict resolving and communication. Rather than a simple translator they do most of the lifting in terms of negotiation. This all accumulated into the character design. I think along with the language potential especially when dealing with other species the lack of humanity can be an advantage. An IPC is always going to be calm no matter what unless they are simply pretending. A key part of deescalating a situation is remaining calm so in turn the parties involved feel less threatened. It's always going to vary, some characters are going to react negatively to that but adapting to that on the stride is key to that ability to diplomatically resolve a situation. Identifying facts about the person I'm dealing with, pulling up their records or noting details on the fly can allow for a response that is tailored to them. Adopting mimicked expressions and attitudes and playing to the strengths and avoiding the weaknesses of both Soter's appearance as superficially human and it's nature as a synthetic that everyone will be aware with even if it is not immediately obvious from a glance.
  5. BYOND Key:IronTeapot Character Names: Rylan Holmes, Murphy Goodwin, Ryan Derby, Johnathan Gibson(Replaced) Species you are applying to play: IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): N/A Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: I have. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Having no other species White-list like most players I am limited to human characters, while broad in the options it gives me in role-play I've become interested in further developing my role-play skills beyond the scope of more familiar personas. An IPC makes the perfect bridge where I can vary between being almost human to very inhuman varying from character to character. Certain aspects of the IPC lore such as AI morality provide new avenues for conflict and interaction due to how those can be manipulated to justify actions that directly would be unjustifiable or dubious for an IPC to do directly. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: As mentioned above a key part of IPCs (also synthetics in general) is their AI morality for those not yet sentient it requires a different approach they cannot simply shrug off this morality or push it aside as an sentient being might for convenience. Their justifications must satisfy their programming, to add the values of all consequences and actions in a way that permits their decision. The popular 'Greater Good' justification is self-examined and broken down before the action is taken, rather than (if ever) after the fact. The expressions and mannerisms of the IPC have to be closely considered at all times when role-playing on the station, apart from quirks or mimicking such things are alien. An AI would not express shock if at all in the way an organic might. Perhaps with confusion if the action was illogical or wrong. Character Name: Soter Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Developed by a NanoTrasen Subsidiary, Soter was an Accessory Frame baseline model produced for front line security and negotiation with much of the funding directed at language and empathy programming. Less focus was placed on subduing criminals but instead to aid in deescalation and positive interactions with organics. The more humanoid appearance hoping to lend to his negotiation ability but without the associated risk and cost of a Shell model. A departure from conventional use of exploiting the superior strength of more robust IPCs respectively. Programmed with the primary languages of a number of species aids Soter in this approach, especially if used correctly to build rapport and solve potentially violent situations. During it's calibration period, once off the production line Soter was assigned to an Alliance Diplomat in the frontier as close protection to help develop and tweak it's mimic programming. During it's time with the ambassador, Soter mostly self-improved through observation of the more unfamiliar Outer-Sol cultures. Relying on a roboticist for any major quirks or errors. Within the first week of being with the diplomat Soter began to repeatedly draw upon the man's native Elyran accent during conversations with others and even used his phrases, albeit unsuccessfully initially. This prompted a number of complaints until it was suppressed during a maintenance checkup. Soter was later transferred to a post outside of alliance space following the Frost Invasion due to deteriorating synthetic relations and ease the fears of NanoTrasen being caught in a scandal if any incidents were to occur. The tense relations with the Republic of Elyra were seen as another suitable situation to field the new models in and Soter was briefly assigned as an aide to a Nanotrasen representative. The hope being that by reviving his Elyran mannerisms he might help improve the situation and reduce attacks on NT shipping by the EAF. The decision was rapidly reversed following the poor reception by the Elyran Representative, who much to the initial puzzlement of Soter was overly hostile towards him. The hostility changed to outright rejection of any meetings involving Soter; the Representative complaining that he couldn't abide by a synthetic playing as an Elyran to be in the room. Not that Soter's insistence that he was superficially an Elyran and that his complaints were unfounded whenever he spoke to the representative helped. Rather than risk deteriorating their already strained relationship with the Republic, Soter was recalled. Deciding not to risk another outside incident Soter was moved back to Company territory resulting in it being handed over to the ISD and updated with Corporate Law and other protocols and then transferred to NSS Aurora. Soter is currently being set to focus on developing their cognition before being reviewed and any future assignments decided upon. What do you like about this character? Soter is in a relatively early stage of their development where they still have some quirks that need to be ironed out which could provide an interesting spin on interactions. Soter is also much more fragile which requires it to seek a peaceful resolution to an issue before going into the fray. Soter is liable to receive a culture shock when first arriving on the Aurora, with the most foreign entities it has interacted with being Elyrans. Which I think if I play it right could be fun to work into Soter as they develop and grow into their own. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I'd say it's rather decent, I've done various RP on a number of games in the past to varying quality. I admit it can slack on some days or with some characters but overall I like to think of myself as competent at it. Notes:
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