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- Birthday 05/07/1997
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BYOND key:ZeroNetAlpha Character names:James Huff, Mikeel Ka'Best, Zartajr Kaytam How long have you been playing on Aurora?: 2 months or so now? Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: This reason's changed in the month or so that I've had this application up now. Instead of trying to follow the crowd and that shit, It's more for my own self gain to be honest. I'd like to eventually get a whitelist for Heads and the rest of the Xeno races, just to have access to them. Why did you come to Aurora?: For the roleplay and the Respawn. Seriously. Aurora was the only populated server that I saw that said they were a rp server and that they had respawn on. Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: Yeppers Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: In essence, roleplay is the interaction between two or more individuals, all pretending to be people they aren't. It's that game of pretend that we would play when we were younger, it's the interactions between characters on SS13 now that we're older. Roleplay is the escape from reality that we all crave, and for some, is the reality we spend more time in than actuality. Roleplaying is meant to be fun, however it can be stressful. Supposed to be exciting, but can be dull. In the end however, roleplay should be about building common experiences with other people and players. As a way to make friends and build communities. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: The out of character purpose for a head of staff is fairly simple. The same as a regular player. To be there. To be a part of the community that has been built and to help that community along. There's a well established line between out of character and in character stuff, and whenever that line gets crossed, people get upset. However, re-reading this question again and again makes me wonder if it's not meant to be answered as follows. A head of staff's OOC purpose ingame is to teach newer players the ins and outs of their departments. A chief engineer showing an apprentice the supermatter. A CMO teaching an Intern the basics of Triage and Cryotreatment. A HOS teaching a cadet how to uphold the laws of the station. They're the leaders. The teachers. The guides. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:I may have answered this in the last question, but again, I think it's to set the example. To show others how it's supposed to be done. People that go through the whitelisting process are asking for the responsibility and the permission to lead entire sections of the station in game and in extension smaller groups within the community. This isn't something that should really be done lightly, and the people that do take it have the responsibility to try and be part of the glue that holds the server together. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name:Mikeel Ka'Best Character age: 47 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): This will be partly the bio from the taj whitelist app I did, partly new stuff that I've added to it since then. Not plagairism if I wrote the original, right? Mikeel Ka'best started life as a doctor's son in the Adhomai Capital city of Nal'Tor with his Father, mother, and two siblings. Even as a Hharar Tajaran, his family was known for producing good doctors. Growing up he watched both of his older siblings be conscripted and invariably come home with postmortem honors. Hoping to avoid this fate, Mikeel acted out in an attempt to seem unstable and avoid conscription. His father, however, saw through this ruse and was a devout supporter of the PRA and nipped this behavior in the bud before it could cause too much danger. Mikeel's father was a doctor and taught him the basics of medicine and first aid. It wasn't until Mikeel was conscripted into the Republican Army that he truely started his own medical career. While serving the glorious army as a corpsman, Mikeel took every spare chance he could get to better himself and progress further along his chosen path in life. Day in and day out when he wasn't patching up the wounded he was learning more and more, even going so far as to learn some basic Human and Skrell anatomy and physiology. All seemed to be going well for him. For a while during his service he enjoyed a relatively comfortable position behind the front lines. Though as anyone who's been a soldier knows, the lines of war are constantly shifting. On a day that seemed like any other on the battlefield, the ALA decided to ambush a column of PRA troops that Mikeel happened to be a part of. The end result of this was Mikeel losing both his left arm and leg as well as being discharged from the army. Having been taught from a young age to always strive for improvement he decided to try learning a new language. Most of the humans he'd seen always spoke this odd foreign language so what better way to work on improving self than learning what they spoke? Another thing done out of sheer boredom while in rehabilitation was applying for any and every medical job he could find an application for, even one for a company called NanoTrasen. This application was mostly filled out as a joke due to the location of most of their facilities. It was this application that bore fruit however as once Mikeel was out of Rehab, NanoTransen offered him a job as a medic based on his experience as a medic in the army. Stunned and suprised, he took the offer for two main reasons, one was to distance himself from Adhomai and the other was the sweet, sweet credits. Having worked with Nanotrasen for several years now has brought a new strain of boredom to Mikeel. Instead of being bored for a lack of things to do, it's now a boredom stemming from being stuck in the same position for several years with little to no advancement in duties or pay. Having seen other Tajara rise to positions of command and having worked with Nanotrasen for at well over the minimum time required to even be considered for promotion, Ka'best decided to finally push his name forward. What do you like about this character?: I like that he's capable and willing to stand his ground if threatened. He will however know when enough is enough and to admit defeat. What do you dislike about this character?: He's stubborn and racist towards unathi, generally. He also doesn't really know when to quit when it comes to "defending" his patients after he's subdued the threat. He's also a dirty catbeast that will try and smoke in medical if nobody is watching. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: On a technical level, he is qualified for the position. He doesn't have any major psychiatric or psychological issues that would cause him to be unstable. Personally, he's capable of directing people and resources and keeping track of where people are at, usually at least. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: 6/10. Generally average with some good points here and there alongside my own fair share of failings and reliance on mechanics instead of words. Extra notes:
[Approved]Zero's Tajaran App.
ZeroNetAlpha replied to ZeroNetAlpha's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Awesome, thank you very much. Also, Congratulations on your One Thousandth post. -
[Approved]Zero's Tajaran App.
ZeroNetAlpha replied to ZeroNetAlpha's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Alright, let's take this from the top, shall we? Yes, he definitely harbors a grudge against the liberation army and its sympathizers. However his disdain is not enough to cause him to lash out at known rebel scum. Physically that is. He's always ready to tell some revolutionary to go shave themselves and go for a long walk off a short dock. On the flip side of that coin, while Mikeel wouldn't take any sort of direct action against a sympathizer or even a former enemy combatant he is more than willing to refuse to render aid, be it emotional, monetary, physical, and even medical to said person. Unlike some others who might become disillusioned with the People's Republic after such a lapse in tactical awareness, a youth full of propaganda and even parental influence guides his anger towards those that launched the attack and only resents the officers in direct command of him for not being as prepared for something like this to happen. Playing the tune of his rather shotgun approach to finding a job, NanoTrasen paying more was definitely a deciding factor in why he chose to go to work with them and to that extent why his application was more of a shot in the dark than the others he filled out. Having effectively completed his term of service for the Army, escaping the war was less of a driving force than wanting to see some of the universe that he'd heard stories about. Mikeel's father wholeheartedly supports his decision to leave Adhomai for the universe at large, and is in no small part actually somewhat jealous of his son being able to do something like this. His father also acknowledges the fact that by leaving, their family line stands a better chance of surviving as it becomes harder to conscript people that are off world and beyond. As for the question about his hobbies outside of work I've honestly got half a mind to say "find out icly" in a non-ironic and non-sarcastic way. However in the interest of actually answering the question I won't. Mikeel prefers more sedentary past-times like reading and even watching holovids as opposed to more energetic tasks like he would perform at work. He's always eager to learn more and can usually be found in a library on his time off. Part of his more relaxed off-duty enjoyments stems from his prosthetics. Despite them being imported to Adhomai from elsewhere in the galaxy (And being of better quality than anything the Tajarans could produce at this moment), they can't stop what psychologists describe as Ghost-pain or Phantom-pain. Such pain derives from a cruel trick that traumatic amputations can pull on the brain, causing it to think the limb is still there and in severe pain. Most people have their own way of dealing with this, and plenty more don't even have such pain. Mikeel however has found that by taking a load off and reading a good book, he can distract himself enough to not be plagued by it. -
[Approved]Zero's Tajaran App.
ZeroNetAlpha replied to ZeroNetAlpha's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
It's partly that, and partly because I'm nervous about making characters in other departments. One character that I retired, Aleksander Jakobs, was an absolute shit scientist and I'm nervous about learning more than one department at a time. Now that i've got the hang of engineering and read basically all I can about medical I'm looking to branch out. -
BYOND Key:ZeroNetAlpha Character Names:James Huff, Borgs of the X-8 Line Species you are applying to play: Tajaran What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Hharar Taupe (RGB 72, 60, 50) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Honestly? TAJARAAAAAAN SPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED. Joking aside, I've wanted to make a medical character for a while and a Tajaran EMT just sounds like it needs to be a thing. With the right backstory and setup, I think the Exodus (And Aurora II) could have a new Kitter CMO one day. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: A few things make Tajaran RP different than human. For starters there are a few mechanical differences imposed upon all tajaran characters in game such as overheating faster, seeing better in dark places, and not being able to wear standard issue gloves or boots. There's also the more subtle IC undertones of racism one could expect (But let's be honest, how many humans are truely racist here on the server without being shouted at by other xenophilic morons?) Character Name: Mikeel Ka'best Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Mikeel Ka'best started life as a doctor's son in the Adhomai Capital city of Nal'Tor with his Father, mother, and two siblings. Even as a Hharar Tajaran, his family was known for producing good doctors. Growing up he watched both of his older siblings be conscripted and invariably come home with postmortem honors. Hoping to avoid this fate, Mikeel acted out in an attempt to seem unstable and avoid conscription. His father, however, saw through this ruse and was a devout supporter of the PRA and nipped this behavior in the bud before it could cause too much danger. Mikeel's father was a doctor and taught him the basics of medicine and first aid. It wasn't until Mikeel was conscripted into the Republican Army that he truely started his own medical career. While serving the glorious army as a corpsman, Mikeel took every spare chance he could get to better himself and progress further along his chosen path in life. Day in and day out when he wasn't patching up the wounded he was learning more and more, even going so far as to learn some basic Human and Skrell anatomy and physiology. All seemed to be going well for him. For a while during his service he enjoyed a relatively comfortable position behind the front lines. Though as anyone who's been a soldier knows, the lines of war are constantly shifting. On a day that seemed like any other on the battlefield, the ALA devised a terrible plot. Using rudimentary fragmentation mines coupled with an unexpected ambush, soldiers of the Adhomai Liberation Army managed to inflict serious casualties upon a column of PRA troops with a small medical detatchment. Unfortunately for Mikeel, this was only the first stage of the plan. Having managed to evade injury during the main ambush, Mikeel and the other medics of this particular group of soldiers set up a triage point and started moving all of the wounded they could in for assistance. Meanwhile an ALA mortar crew had zeroed in the triage point and sat in wait for the moment when they could inflict even more damage upon the wounded soldiers and the medics taking care of them. When stage two of the ALA attack began, nobody understood what was going on. Suddenly the medics had stopped responding to nearly all hails and requests to retrieve injured soldiers. Nobody was getting any help suddenly and the triage point had exploded. Mikeel had been "lucky" as he wasn't immediately within the concussive kill radius of the mortar shells. However that was where his luck ended as one of the detonating shells flung hot metal shards in every direction, peppering everyone and everything nearby. For Mikeel this meant that his left side was rendered pretty much unusable by the fragmentation damaging his arm and leg. He had mere moments to tie a tourniquet around his leg and arm before blacking out. When Mikeel woke up he was no longer in the field. No, he had woken up in a vaguely familiar setting. It took him a few moments to realize what was familiar. Was it the architecture? The paint? The skyline. He was in the hospital his father worked in. The first time he tried to move was quite a shock for him as his left arm and leg no longer responded to his commands properly. Using his right arm to remove the covers from his left side he was horrified to find that he no longer had his original arm and leg. The doctors explained to him that they had to remove them due to the sheer amount of damage and shrapnel that had injured him. The good news was he had a medical discharge waiting for him should he choose to accept it. While literally learning how to walk again, Mikeel found himself with a whole lot of free time on his hands having decided to accept the discharge. Having been taught from a young age to always strive for improvement he decided to try learning a new language. Most of the humans he'd seen always spoke this odd foreign language so what better way to work on improving self than learning what they spoke? Another thing done out of sheer boredom while in rehabilitation was applying for any and every medical job he could find an application for, even one for a company called NanoTrasen. This application was mostly filled out as a joke due to the location of most of their facilities. It was this application that bore fruit however as once Mikeel was out of Rehab, NanoTransen offered him a job as a medic based on his experience as a medic in the army. What do you like about this character? Well, I don't really know yet. I tend to get attatched to my characters as I play them and not having been able to play Mikeel yet hasn't offered me the opportunity to develop quirks and such for him. I guess if I had to pick a thing it would be the backstory so far, I guess How would you rate your role-playing ability? 4/10. After years and years of roleplaying, I'm still pretty bad at it. I tend to rely too much on in game mechanics. Notes:(edited)
BYOND Key: ZeroNetAlpha Total Ban Length: 2 weeks or so now. Banning staff member's Key: Unsure, either ShameOnTurtles or the other guy who starts with an S that I can't remember the name of. (Thanks to ShameOnTurtles, It's actually SirCatnip Reason of Ban: Killed a non-antag as a rogue borg after they surrendered. (Even though I was under orders by the AI to kill anyone near the bridge). Also had been warned earlier in the week about killing an engineer as a ninja solely because they had spotted me and called me out over common frequency. Reason for Appeal: Well, it's been a couple weeks now and I think I can handle a second chance at not fucking up as an antag again.
Okay so this is something I've been trying to wrap my head around for a bit. What does NT Consider a transformative Xenobiological experiment? Turning yourself into a slime or more using genetics? What about brain transplants into alien bodies? Why does NT consider these types of experiments death? Is there any recourse for someone who's undergone any of these experiments?