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AuroraEmployee#24's Achievements


Assistant (1/37)

  1. BYOND key: HalfBakedBun Character names: Dominick Chernikova, Jennifer Richardson, Tyler Smith, and ofcourse Godwyn Black. How long have you been playing on Aurora?: I've been playing here recently more often. On an off starting about 2-3 months ago. But I cant really say how long in total since I'm sure i've stopped by multiple times throughout it's lifetime. This is the first time I've applied for any positions. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I pride myself on being calm under pressure and keeping my head (sometimes literally) in stressful and dangerous situations. I've played SS13 for at least 5 years I'm sure. In that time I've seen so many different squabbles and situations that have gone from bad to real bad, and the opposite, I've seen stations come together and absolutely destroy any obstacle. I believe with my experience I deserve a spot on the command chain or at least a chance to prove myself competent. But mainly Internal Affairs would be my focus (it) just seems like such a good job and rarely played. I'm sure it will be a challenge to manage the first few times and I'll piss off security once or twice but I'm all about the common good and getting everything handled and keeping security guards and others accountable for their actions. Why did you come to Aurora?: Because I love Space Station RP and this is a perfect place for it. Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: I have but I feel experience is really what makes a head of staff. Not every answer to a situation is with the Admins or on a Guide. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay is to me the creativity of the mind to put yourself into the shoes (role) of another or a character of your imagination. I feel it's some of the most fun and we've done it since childhood. What roleplay should be about in my eyes is just having fun but knowing when to step back. It is artistic freedom that everyone I think requires in their life at times. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: To assist in day to day activity on station. To be the voice of reason and the judgmental one when needed. The Heads are some of them most important jobs on site and function as pretty much the last say. They bring morale up and help get projects done with co-workers. I enjoy being Head of Staff and giving specific jobs if my work station requires. I like meeting with employees and creating bonds that last until one of us is outed as a traitor or some such. It's a totally different dynamic to being just a employee in a work station. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: I feel the Whitelists are to give back to the community and create it from the interaction with the players that come to the server every day to have fun. I feel they should strive to be funny, witty, scary role players. Just have fun and make it fun. Obviously Whitelisted players are usually SS13 vets and aren't going for 10 plus kills as changeling. They're the guys who create the most elaborate plans and heists. The ones who make the rounds. It's clearly not going to happen every game but every whitelist in a lobby is another player you know is ready to actually contribute to the round and not cryo if they don't get antag or some other Meta reason. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Godwyn Black Character age: 34 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Godwyn is a very professional looking Caucasian man with a young looking face with a slight jawline. He stands at an average height of just under 6 foot. He has black hair cut short and strides with a confidence of many years in the workplace. With grey intelligent eyes and a slim lips and short stubby nose he comes of as slightly younger than his age suggests. His face always clean shaven and smooth he has a white smile with the lines accompanying it up his cheeks, trained perfectly to not betray any type of under confidence and his voice is measured with a barely noticeable rasp as if he once smoked. Tending to steal the attention of people when he strides into a room he rarely makes direct eye contact unless needed. He speaks and makes conversation and can be a bit narcissistic. He tends to have a odd sense of humor as well as in stressful situations. He is a driven man and once he sets himself on a task and isn't successful he becomes lethargic and can become unfocused on other stimuli until a solution to the task presents itself to him. Failure hits hard for him. What do you like about this character?: I like how he reflects a bit of myself. I feel a connection especially when playing as Black. What do you dislike about this character?: Can't say I dislike alot about him. He's a successful working man without a path. I suppose he's got no family or anything keeping him on a set on any one place. Seems like he's a bit lonely now that I think about it. But Nanotrasen preys on people with nothing to lose... (Some Head Cannon) What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: He's got the experience and cares about getting the job done. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I would like to say I'm pretty good at it. I've been apart of different servers and felt like I made impacts on players and staff and hope to continue doing the same here on Aurora! I just hope the Community will have me. Extra notes: Thank you for reading my application everyone. It means really a lot and I hope upon hope to see you all soon as your new Internal Affairs agent. or other. Thanks again staff this time for your encouragement and time!
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