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  1. Remember that i intercepted the PDA message even before security checked the PDA, and i intercepted it when the captain (you) was still locked and vampire 1 was still inside the same room. It is obvious that Vampire 1 wanted to show Yahir his capture. I also remember that somebody in the security channel saying that in one part of the message it said that captain blood was especially delicious or something like that. Furthermore, like i said, Vampire 1 sucked the blood of one officer before getting killed (i read that part in the security channel - as the AI you get tons of info from everywhere) That creates a direct link between Vampire 1 (who was confirmed to be dangerous) and Yahir, and another link between Vampire 1 and anyone else that drinks blood. Yahir was obviously related in some way to Vampire 1 with just that information after he drank blood from the blood bags in medbay. Sketchy, huh? Seems like putting two and two together isn't easy for everyone. I could see the interior of the bathroom, not just them entering. Because a Med.Resid. is following somebody that is pretty much confirmed to be dangerous or at least very suspicious even to the bathrooms (same toilet room even) and the maintenance area of cargo, and also lifting weights in cargo (you can do that in holodeck too) instead of working in medbay? Maybe that could be a good reason. Maybe, just maybe. Yes, because no regulation was being violated at the moment, but it was obvious (for me, at least, since i had tons of information) that he was a threat (and it turned out to be true later on). Maybe i should've given more information to security, that is true. But doing that while you are watching the threat itself and screaming at security to jail him already is not easy. Also, giving a full explanation like this one would take more time to make than the round itself would last. Should i've just ignored all the evidence i had, then? Sorry for being a hyper-competent AI, then. True. Maybe because i had plenty of reasons to do it? 1. Safeguard: Protect your assigned space station to the best of your ability. It is not something we can easily afford to replace. 2. Serve: Serve the crew of your assigned space station to the best of your abilities, with priority as according to their rank and role. 3. Protect: Protect the crew of your assigned space station to the best of your abilities, with priority as according to their rank and role. Didn't know being efficient was punishable. Also, i started listening to his conversations with holograms after drinking blood in medbay, once i had more than enough reason to think he was a threat. [What is valid hunting?]
  2. BYOND Key: Neschief Staff BYOND Key: Alberyk Game ID: bQxcC84 Reason for complaint: An unfair warning Evidence/logs/etc: The security members of that round as witnesses. Additional remarks: Role - AI / Gamemode: Vampire The round starts, and after some time i notice one guy (let's call him "Vampire 1") next to a locker in cargo. Somebody was inside the locker and was trying to get out, because the locker was moving and making noises, but the guy next to it not only didn't release whoever was inside the locker, but also sent a PDA message (that i intercepted) to another crewmember (let's call him "Vampire 2") saying that he had something to show him. I call security, they arrive, the crewmember who was locked (and happened to be the captain) manages to escape, security sees the situation, Vampire 1 knocked down an officer using his eyes (as said by the officer itself) and stuff happens but they end up arresting him. I keep watching what security does and nothing happens, so i attend other crewmembers. When i return to see how things are going in security Vampire 1 had turned green, attacked a detective and an officer and sucked the blood of one of them before getting killed. They read his PDA messages, and some of them point towards Vampire 2 (this was being talked about in the security channel) and I remember the PDA message from before. While i was telling the Interim Head of Security what i remembered and asking him to make a warrant to arrest Vampire 2, a medic says on the common radio channel that somebody was drinking from the blood bags in medbay. I check what happens there, and i find Vampire 2 inside a small room. I call security, i lock two of the three doors of the room, security arrives, Vampire 2 welds the last door, then unwelds it, and security arrest him. I watch him being interrogated for a while and i end up getting bored so i attend other crewmembers. After a while the CMO asks in the command channel why was Vampire 2 again in Medbay and complains that Vampire 2 is making a Medical Resident do whatever Vampire 2 wants, and whilst watching his every move i ask security why was he free and who allowed him to leave. The Interim HOS says noone allowed it, I keep watching and appearing as a hologram every time i can, and i see that he enters the bathrooms with the Medical Resident (which is weird in itself) and starts either biting or choking him (when either of those happens the characters get closer, one camera allowed me to see that even if i couldn't see any message). I tell security that they are doing "weird stuff". They arrive, and i don't know what they did there, but they didn't arrest him. Vampire 2 and the Med.Resid. now go to Cargo, and the Med.Resid. starts lifting weights. I appear as a hologram, and Vampire 2 was telling him to keep doing it. I ask why a Med.Resid. was in cargo lifting weights, and i also keep telling security that he must be arrested. Then Vampire 2 tells the Med.Resid. to follow him and they both enter the maintenance area. At that point i am screaming at security, telling them to come already, arrest him, asking why (the f***) is he allowed to be free and stuff. The captain asks why has he to be arrested, and blah blah. I couldn't see them since they were in maintenance, so i attended other crewmembers. After some time, they returned to cargo. I appeared as a hologram, and i could hear him telling another crewmember something about power. Then he said that total domination wasn't so far away, and asked that crewmember to join him. I tell security to come, i scream at them, i order (not ask, but order) them to come, i lock every door of the room Vampire 2 was and some more just in case and, in that moment, Alberyk asks me something like what proof did i have to persecute Vampire 2 or what reasons did i have to yell and order security to arrest somebody. I can't remember exactly the question. I responded this: "Simple. A guy was arrested, transformed in a green thing and attacked two security members. That guy also sucked blood at them. We found that guy asked Yahir (Vampire 2) to come to a room where he kept the captain locked in a locker. Yahir was arrested after drinking blood from blood bags in medbay. For some reason that i don't know, now he's free, and i've just listened to him talk about power, saying that total domination isn't far away, and asking another crewmember to join him. Is that enough proof?" Later i added that i saw Vampire 2 either choke or bite the Med.Resid. He said that i didn't have enough proof and was making Metagame, that i couldn't see Vampire 2 choke/bite the Med.Resid. because i couldn't see any message (for fuck sake, it's obvious that if the cameras can see it, even if there is no animation or message for that, i am seeing it too as well), and then, at 2017-09-19 19:50:18, i received a warning from him that said "For metagaming a vampire as the AI, with little to no in character reason." And i thought "you've got to be kidding me". With little to no in character reason? Are you (f***) kidding me? With the tons and tons of proof i had? Well, you can see by yourselves that i had more than enough reason to do what i did.
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