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  1. I guess I overlooked the detail about the colony being only 21 years old. It would make sense for his clan to move to the planet. As for religion, Th'akh will be his major influence. I will edit the backstory and update it.
  2. BYOND Key:Ownagemaster Character Names:Skaleck Valitek Species you are applying to play:Unathi What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):Emerald Green Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:yes, thoroughly. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I rped on several small servers/stations a few years back as a unathi where it wasn't whitelisted. I grew accustomed to their honor bound ways and enjoyed the many stories of my characters either struggling with the space faring races, or rising and becoming scientists and xenobiologists. Most of my time was on Red's RP Shack, where I created the first instance of Skaleck, a passionate xeno biologist and scientist eager to discover the universe as it was presented to them. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Unathi have very different ways of displaying emotions. They use their tail and body more than their eyes and lips compared to a human. They also live by etiquette not found in today's society, such as a last name basis and full title pronunciation. Character Name:Skaleck Valitek Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Skaleck was always inquisitive growing up in the shadows of the Ouere's metropoli after relocating from Moghes at the age of 9. That is not saying he was in poverty. The valitek Clan held quite a bit of footing with the others, valuing knowledge and archiving above more material possessions. For this reason, the Valitek has amassed an extensive library, open to the slums to educate those willing to learn. From children's books, to religious doctrine, to textbooks about warp travel, they had at least one copy sitting on the shelves. Skaleck grew up under the teachings of Th'akh through dusty tomes and spiritual literature. His father, Vikeran, would sit his three children down, and explain to them the very nature of a soul. From the largest beast, to the tiniest blade of grass, to even his very own pen, carried the essence of those that now walk the spirit world. Once a week, they would walk the run down park in the slums, tending to the plants and shrubbery that struggled to live. Vikeran believed that angry spirits are part of the cause for the slum's conditions. Random fires, disease, famine from poor harvests, all due to those looking down at the sorry state the Unathi ghettos were in. Vikeran educated every youngling that entered his library, that if they truly wished to change the world they lived in, they must first start outside. To fix and tend to the gardens, to show proper respect to the crop fields, and to treat every brick in the foundation of your house like savior from the outside world. Slakeck was the oldest of three, and was entrusted by his father, Vikeran, to journey to the stars and collect artifacts and devices that may better educate those on the lifestyle beyond the stars. He had an ambitious plan to open a school further south of the library, in hopes of better providing to the young lings. Skaleck humbily accepted, and most of the family's earnings made through the library was used to send him to the first nanotrasen shuttle bound for the first research station in orbit. From there, he was accepted under a researcher, Tom Hallow, to become his apprentice at the age of 21. Only a year in however, tragedy struck. The library was burned to a crisp down on Ouere. The family made it out safely, but a few young lings were caught in the inferno and killed. His father pleaded with him to continue on as they joined the other poverty ridden families in the slums. All their wealth was lost, including the phoron head dress passed on from leader to leader. Skaleck worked tirelessly with his mentor, and within a year and a half, successfully entered into the university of mars where his mentor once studied after a prestigious recommendation. His career was not as colorful as his apprentice years as the studies were hard and the book work exhausting. Notes from his father became less and less coming as they could barely afford the service to ship them to him. After what felt like an eternity, he graduated at the age of 27 with a PHD in xenoarchaeology. He sent his father the good news, but a reply never came. That would be the last note Skaleck ever sends to his clan. Now he embarks on his first assignment, the NSS Aurora, hoping to finally bring back something that shall restore the family treasury. What do you like about this character? He is struggling against the norm of his people, trying to be himself while also trying to be the defining unathi everyone wants him to be. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Nobody is perfect. I am an average roleplayer. I spend extensive time on forums and the such. I am rusty as it has been a few years since I picked up the SS13 Stick again. Notes: Rping with body language like the unathi use is quite intriguing to me. It would be a nice stem from the usual human I always do. I am also a naturally nervous person IRL. This will translate to my character as well.
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