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Assistant (1/37)

  1. Oh. I think I know what happened, although I am confused as to why both my accounts are banned. At any rate I can explain this occurrence. I was introducing to my friends to ss13. Unfortunately they seem to believe it is about the shenanigans and less about RP. At the time I intended to start them on a lenient server like yogstation, but there was some sort of update being pushed and many servers were down. So reluctantly with both of them asking me to join I invited them here. Normally I play a role and stick with it but to teach them how to play (they didnt want to read the wiki since I was on hand) I had them play as assistants with me. The server at this time was a bit empty and one of my friends wanted to try a server with more people. My friends got bored and started punching each other. at this time another server opened so to avoid issues I dragged them off to a less RP heavy server so I could show them the ropes. This resulted in friend 1 spacing himself accidentally in cargo and friend 2 getting murdered by an antag. It was not a very productive day. : P At any rate I apologize for bringing them on and for the potentially immersion breaking actions we did. I have since told them what an RP server is and have had a few good rounds with them on other servers and believe they wont muck around again. As for me I am still responsible for what we did and am sorry.
  2. Can confirm. It is an IP ban. I tested quickly with my old account prior to a rename. It is also displaying a ban.
  3. BYOND Key: Callidus1 Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: Skull132 Reason of Ban: Minor griefsquad,Metagaming, Ganking, Logging upon contact Reason for Appeal: Im not sure what to say other than I did none of these things. I don't even remember playing on this server more than an hour or two before. Could this be a IP ban? Possibly an IP range? Because I have done none of the things listed and would like to be able to play on the Aurora again.
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