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- Birthday 28/03/1992
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Actually, the main jist of the logs weren't done in grudge, but mostly in humour. I found the concept of a Skrell vagina very amusing and it was a very hilarious read - the chat really enjoyed it, but, continuing on. I still operate on the rule that ERP not done in skype (regardless of viewed via ghost chat or admin logs) is pretty much fair read. Good luck charming the new members with your self-proclaimed psychopathic security officer or one of your fetish characters, because that will be very interesting. Aurora was sinking before I came, and it will continue to sink after I leave. Just so you know. Good luck either way, you will honestly need it.
But isn't that... hypocrisy about hypocrisy? Please explain how this works.
Except the house server was kind of intended for off-station RP for me and like four other people. It was secret. Other people found out and wanted to check it out. I said "okay", I was accommodating to most people, despite history with them or disagreements in the past. I tried to get people out of their houses, but in the end left them to their own devices. My characters particularly were interested in the disco, park and whatnot, but many Aurorians are still stuck in chair RP mode in their houses. ... Which is fine since, it's not a huge deal on a server that isn't accommodating a public playerbase or any gamemodes. It's a small private server that pretty much allowed anyone to do whatever they liked in regards of off-station RP. That's the opposite of cliquishness. Considering I've had to deal with some rude disrespectful shit: http://www.pdf-archive.com/2015/05/25/xander/xander.pdf You're probably just jabbing in because you're embarrassed Meowy. Just saying.
Doomberg. You are an admin. I am a member. You talk about admin standards. You insult and are blunt to your members as well. I honestly don't see the verbal difference between you and I apart from the fact that you have board powers. I mean, seriously. What have I done that most of the staff/lore team haven't? I honestly need to know.
Doomberg, here's another thing you might want to know. I experienced terrible things on your server. I make complaints about the things on your server. I explain how and why these things happen, and what dangers they can cause. I offer solutions to fix these things. That is not a Messiah complex - I tried to do something so no one can say I didn't try. I did start off pretty civil but got ignored, I found out being confrontational gets you noticed but nothing will actually want people who don't want change to change. Nothing more to do. Game over. You're also incompetent and I have no more optimism, and I have good evidence in front of me to believe that. Look at how you handled this situation, was it professional? Anyway. Growing list of problems. One of them is limited vision, have you noticed? The community will probably get another Cassy in future, so it's actually quite pointless picking on me but w/e congrats I don't give a shit so I hope you notice I don't post as much any more and soon, never. I stood down quite a while ago, I only occasionally post half-heartedly to back someone up now and again on something I agree with; just for support. You don't even need to ban me, I can just leave and observe from a distance. I actually placed bets on when you guys will turn into Hypatia 2.0 because my faith in you is 0%. You don't have the experience, knowledge, or sincerity to deal with the issues on Aurora. So, I'm just sitting here waiting for you guys to die.
Doomberg, let me reveal a piece of important reality to you. Did you know, that if I leave tomorrow or gain the verbal kindness of a MLP your community would still be fucked up? Even if my tone could be abrasive sometimes, my points still stand. If I leave you, you won't have me here hurting anyone's feelings, but you will still be drowning in your issues. One thing about me, once I lose respect for someone - it shows. I can't pretend to respect and be all civil with people I have no respect for, it's weird and apparently it wasn't enough to stop people disliking /you/. Are you really holding the wellbeing of your community to ransom over how Cassy phrases "You fucked up"? Well, that's nice, but jokes on you because I don't care about this place any more. Anyway. The ERP was not a big deal, you're taking personal dramas into server issues and overstepping with admin bias. You know that I don't care at this point and I am just highlighting that for you.
Hello. I'm Cassandra. I'm not that bad, to say. But hey, let's get to know me a bit better. I play: Lhinton Lovely, Penny islington, Elizabeth Hawthorne, Camile Crafter, and Dendritic So, I think you have seen my current topic kindly provided by Aurora administration today. Regarding the house server and the ERP log mockery I did. Yep, I did it. Do I have guilt, or qualms? Nope. Was it nice? Nope. Do I hate anyone that I leaked the log of? Nah. Was it questionable? Debatable. Why did you treat the ERP on your private server with such disrespect? Because I am an ex-hypatian, ERP is not sacred, it is written erotica if done on a server unless you're a self-insert, and I have no regrets. But m-muh ERP. I don't give a shit m8. Did Skull like it? I do believe his head went 360 degrees. Poor Skull ey? Was it something that could have been brought up in a personal conversation? Yes. Was it worth the ban? I don't think so. You want to be unbanned? No. Anyway, the purpose of this topic is to clear things up and give my point of view. I am not angry, but this is indeed a rant - I am good at those things, and I have a few things to clear up. I'm not particularly here to debate the highly subjective ethics of gawking at ERP logs with your friends, because I think this is possibly the greatest overreaction in the history of Aurora. Especially when you consider you've got a cute little spy logging your own members chatrooms, member gossip, spying on your players and whatnot and boasting about being an all-seeing eye and then preaching about privacy and admin responsibility, you lovely hypocrites. But hey! Take a seat will you? The following will be a jab at the label "toxic", you have bestowed on me. Well. Look over there, you have your newcomers silently cryo'ing leaving in masses over poorly rp'ed unfriendly SSLs played by pathetic lonely men that take up medbay slots and run off to whisper in each others ears while a guy dies of an infection in the lobby and few competent medbay docs try to meet the demand of their AWOL uguu-comrades. You've got favoritism that is running rampant, double standards, fetish fuel that only exists to ERP on server, your cliques, metashunning, your hyper-controlling command members, intimidating bureaucracy, and powergaming edgy shitcurity who would never vaguely pass the SIA test in any fictional universe and worship the "insulting an officer" regulation. I find it strange you're not... disturbed by that. "Oh, clearly THIS is more important! In fact, let's make an announcement and an instant server ban." The above is so rampant on Aurora that I lost the will to play, so when you banned me I didn't really blink at all. I feel like I dropped a penny on the ground and didn't even turn to look. Many others can testify they feel the same, with the exception of the people actually participating in said behaviour. Yes, this incident, is hardly the greatest thing to affect the community, but somehow is worthy of a giant announcement. ERP is not sacred, it really isn't, and let's not get started on your hypocrisy either. You know, if you put that much effort into combating your actual issues, Aurora would not be a cold, stale wasteland to people outside the regulars roster. But I guess that does passes for a roleplay style these days so I'm going to leave you guy to it because that's clearly your tastes. Cool, your call guys. It is a sub-community, it is not a "server breaking" clique. Why? WE INTERACT WITH PEOPLE. We branch out on your server, we encourage people to roleplay with new people. I don't metagrudge you guys IC'ly, even if I don't agree with your RP methods. We don't allow people in who are part of the "problem" of how this group of established in the first place - they have you, we had no one (because apparently administration has not been here for us). They have no reason to form groups, we do - for survival and have people to relate and talk to because a lot of you made our RP experiences insufferable and didn't care. They don't care about us or what we've been through and continue to contribute to our problem, and that's the only reason they're not with us, so don't you dare compare us to you. So, I keep myself in character pretty well on a majority basis and whatnot, and I even play sec and is jovial with sec regulars when I do, despite the department being filled with bitter egoistical shitlords. Heck, I even RP with newbie baldies who come to my bar. I refuse to be compared to the people who decided to get on their high horse and whine about my "conduct" on sharing the sacred private documents that is ERP someone volunteered to add to my private server with my friends to laugh at. It was a pretty good laugh too, we did voice impersonations of the lines and all that. Made terrible ERP into good comedy. Whoop de fucking do, everything is honestly fine. But fug it, that blunt girl making your problematic regulars uncomfortable + who shared logs of lore-breaking, ridiculous ERP with her friends on a private skype channel that was -logged- secretly by your double agent (why do you, staff, even have a fucking double agent?) and laughed at it, was clearly a TOXIC thing on your server. Wow, so harmful. Sorry for being caught breaking ERP privacy by your own personal spies. My bad. Anyway, since the poison (me) been removed, let's see if you guys start getting better. If you hate me, just ban me and say "Fuck you Cassy, you hurt my feelings. GTFO I hate you". I'd have a lot more respect for you as that would be honest and refreshing, something I am rather dehydrated from in this desert you call 'impartiality'.
Right, so I've continued making the IPC. It's not so-dark blue yet, and I can easily recolour it, but here's what I've got so far: I will do the screen next.
I really disagree with the concept of the cultist carrying anything like a weapon on-board. I think it should be left be, or at least make the cutting a metaphysical thing they can control by the power of Nar-Sie or whatever. Let me make an example: 1. There once was a wizard round that happened on Aurora. The wizard, from a non-metagame perspective is just a stranger with weird clothing who appeared on the ship. At round beginning he was searched, and was found to have his dagger on him, that was enough cause to send him instantly to the brig. Non-compliance of the search would have caused him to go into bad territory early in the round. Since brigging someone for having weapons is legit, it could cause issues. Especially when it's all combined with IC reasons. The difference here is that a wizard can choose to not bring a knife with them. So, a cultist's round can be ruined from one person's actions. It'd make cult rounds more fragile (they are already) because if for whatever reason any cultist gets searched (trust me, people will find a way), they can be insta-arrested even if they have not done anything antag-worthy yet.
The first free slots will be done free. Got a screencap of your character sprite? Reason is, I want to find out what shade of blue it is Xelnagahunter. Also nanotoxin, I know you've mentioned his build but he'll be wearing clothes, right?
First three slots are totally free. (For portfolio and practice reasons.)
Nope, never tried. In terms of confidence, I believe I could pull off Unathi, Tajara maybe. Diona however, apart from the in-game sprite I'm not sure how they're supposed to look. I did an IPC a long time ago, I made one of Haruspex. I'm much better at drawing since then. I could give it a go?
Aite, well, I'm doing character designs for flavourtexts and such. Here's some examples of my work: I can do 3D (like the first one) and 2D. You must provide a detailed flavourtext, or preferably a referential picture. I can't quite do Unathi or Tajaran yet, but I can definitely try. IPCs are possible. Diona... might need some reference. I have three slots available: 1st slot: 2nd slot: 3rd slot:
Elizabeth does a few vogue-inspired poses, clearly in love with herself. It takes her a while to react at first. She pauses at Anonymous's response, she bares a fist to her chest and clears her throat. "Well, ah-him! I didn't realize you were... Oh right. That's a quite the long story." Elizabeth Hawthrone, places a finger on her lip, she begins to ramble slightly, looking up to her right, "It began on Sunday. Fisher, one of my ponies got ill. He was like, coughing a lot, and his coat was shedding so much that blue fur was all over the stable floors. The vet told me it is a deadly disease that horses sometimes get, and if he does not get better soon he might have to be put down. I had to travel to New England to get my pony medicated and treated as my insurance for that particular pony is only valid there. I am still on holiday there now." "It was late and I needed to let the pony racing club I attend know that Fisher needed his rest or he'd die. They wouldn't believe me and thought I was bailing out on them. I took a photo of Fisher and they still didn't believe me because I apparently used "Spaceshop 9.0" to improve my eyelashes one time." Elizabeth rolls her eyes and crosses her arms, "Jealous traitors." "Anyway so... I had to find a webcam and fast, so there was this dodgy marketplace that was still open and sold me this second-hand piece of junk to show them Fisher is indeed wheezing and sick. So, I've still got it... And here we are I guess."
The account screen name reads Elliebeth503. The screen is blank for a couple of seconds, you see the screen adjust from being pointed to the ceiling, then to a blurred figure. It is rather hazy and you can not see much, a faint blob moves the camera, adjusting the lens. The picture now comes into focus and a hand leaves the screen's view, showing a young woman with long wavy blonde hair and heavy makeup. This young woman sits onto a rather comfortable looking office chair, she has a poodle on her lap. The poodle is a strange pink colour and is quite small for its species. The woman releases the poodle lovingly after giving it a smooch, and the small dog pants as it eagerly escapes the clutches of the evil witch that held it. The woman looks at the camera, tiling her chair toward it. "Elizabeth Hawthorne here. I won't state my occupation if you don't know it already. I know my camera is terrible right now, an awful sub-standard one I picked up at a strange market. Ask me anything." "... Hm." She sighs with the lack of response, she ruffles her thin manicured hands through her hair, pushing a few locks of it backwards on her forehead. She vainly checks herself out in the camera, making rather funny poses in the camera as if no one is here...