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Posts posted by Code2200

  1. BYOND key: Jaden Kent
    Discord name/id: Code2200#0956
    Borg / AI names: 

    • Avalon (AI)
    • EvE (AI)
    • Sam (AI)

    Have you read the Aurora wiki page about the AI?: 

    • Yes, I have read the previous and updated wiki page for AI.

    Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?:

    • After at least 10 years of playing SS13 in general and several years off and on within Aurora, The AI role is the only thing left that excites me to play due to the limitations yet freedoms of the role itself.

    Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? 

    • Seems I have two warnings on record. One was for the character skillset, which was fixed with mod guidance. The other, I believe, is a major warning, which happened years ago when I logged during a mod discussion. Other than those warnings, there are two CCIA actions on records due to incidents ingame as CMO.

    Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?

    • I do, yes. 
  2. I'm for keeping Cryo as well as feel like it could cause problems - especially in terms of malpractice (though it could stand to be rewritten anyway tbh). A sci-fi space game should have those nice nostalgic space techs to keep the vibe. I also will say that I'm very hesitant to push medical too far into medical practice. This is a game after all. 


    With that all said, I'm down to give it a try - it will either be fun or a pain in the ass <3

  3. Not sure how feasible it would be, but a rather easy test of persistence could be disabling a round restart. And allowing the shuttle to return to the station after a debrief. The station would then persist through the 'new' round with the returning crew fixing any damage.

    Of course this is my assuming that a server restart isn't necessary and is just use to reset the map. This also assumes that shuttles and other advanced equipment could be rebuilt by players.

    I assume that admins use 'Game IDs' to investigate certain things. Thus, generating a new ID each time the transfer or emergency shuttle is called, would be the bypass for such an action. 



    • Would allow data to be gathered on how a persistent 'world' could function in a SS13 setting.
    •  The standard transfer/emergency shuttle would allow people to leave the round - essentially finishing their duties
      • Would also allow new crew to start from scratch (the starting screen would then be the station that the crew transfers to Odin(?)) 


    • Would need Admins on 24/7 to initiate a server restart should something RP breaking destroy the station. 'RP Breaking' meaning that you don't send an entire station crew if the entire station is gone. 
      • This could be replaced with a majority vote to restart the server. 
    • Could cause potential headaches for players now that we all have to cleanup our own messes.
    • Risks player numbers after tough 'rounds' that leave a station crippled. 
      • Would also cause some hard feelings to one that always would stick around and get the station up and running again. 



    •  I think it is reasonable to assume certain resupplies would be needed in order to return. Engineering, for example, would need additional metal and glass to get the station rebuilt (if needed) 


    Of course, I am not a programmer, nor do I know how such dark magic works. It could be very possible that a server restart is required to function. 

  4. Reporting Personnel: Jaden Halliwell

    Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Chief Medical Officer

    Game ID: (Game ID of the round on which the incident took place. If you don't remember the exact one, then the round after or the round before works as well. Found in the chat log once you log in, under the status tab above station time, and the lobby tab) 

    • b1e-aJO7

    Personnel Involved: (Name, Job Title: Offender/Witness/Other)

    • Connor Raley - Medical Resident - Offender

    Time of Incident: (If unable to provide, leave blank)

    Real Time: (E.g MTS 11:30pm 05/12/2019)

    Location of Incident: Internal entrance of med bay.

    Nature of Incident: [  ] - Workplace Hazard [  ] - Accident/Injury [  ] - Destruction of Property [  ] - Neglect of Duty [  ] - Harassment [  ] - Assault [ X ] - Misconduct [  ] - Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.)

    Overview of the Incident: (General description of the incident, to include as much detail as is deemed necessary)

    • We lost a patient that was critical. After cloning procedures, Connor found me and threatened to report me from medical malpractice unless I created and provided him with Oxycodone.

    Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: (Name, Job Title)

    • I was the head at the time, I did tell Oliver Roadman -CE- while on the end of shift shuttle.

    Actions taken: (Description of efforts made by the reporter, security, Heads, and/or Internal Affairs to resolve this incident) Additional Notes:

    • This event happened while the transfer shuttle was enroute. I filed both a complaint form and suspension form and faxed it to command and provided a copy of them to Officer Eric Bayer. Officer Bayer then promptly detained Connor for the duration of the shuttle ride back to Odin. 

  5. How do you expect this to work? From a coding perspective, I mean. If you do this on a per-door basis, it is unnecessarily tedious - you may have to go through several doors, have the AI accept the override for each, before you get there. If there are shutters in place for a valid reason you will also cause atmospheric leakage this way. On the other hand, if you want this to temporarily change the access rights of the department to include medical, that might be feasible, but if you have the AI's attention for that, they can open the doors for you anyway.

    I think, if you wanted to implement this idea, going the way of the AI holopad is better. By which I mean, a simple text-window notice saying "Urist McMedic wishes access to Security Brig", with a link allowing you to quickjump your AI eye to the door in question. This way, if people DO decide to be annoying and spam it, you are capable of ignoring it, without an obnoxious popup window prompt appearing.


    The original suggestion had it tied into the department itself. The fire alarms work by mapping out department areas (or at least they use to). My initial idea also said that the popup would include atmospheric information to inform the AI player if there is a danger to the outside area. All in all, yes it would be, I guess, a temporary change in access rights to the department. I agree, the need to do it on a per-door basis would be tedious. As for the coding that is outside of my area. I study law in university, not computer science.

    The notification could ask the AI to temporarily add medical to the access list for a predetermined amount of time. I would consider that reasonable. This type of notification and acceptance would moot the need for atmospheric information. The medical team would be able to enter the department and see the shutters down (do the shutters detect toxins? If not then current atmos alarms for the areas could be displayed), or just give priority to atmospheric tech and station engineers first. I also lightly tackled ways to combat spamming, such as a timer.

  6. Just because suggestions are things we don't necessarily need doesn't mean every suggestion has inherent value.


    While I understand this, there is no sense in a person being a sarcastic dick. Be constructive or move on. His title says "coder" which makes it even worse if he is staff. Being nice to the ones who play their game is rather essential.

    I never said anything about an "all access pass" please do not imply I did or that that is what I was suggesting.

    Now, typing it out would be amazing if the AI was an actual AI and not a person. Sadly, the AI player has to see the typed request. whereas, this would present a nice notification of requested access. Therefore, it guarantees that the request would be seen, barring the AI player being AFK of course. This system would improve RP as the AI would seem more omniscient.

  7. I just had an idea for a medical item similar to the pAI door jack, but faster. It would take about 30 seconds and would alert the AI and perhaps a computer on the bridge. It would give enough time for the AI or bridge to deny a request and shut down the device.

    Another idea would be a handheld device similar to an EFTPOS that could scan another ID and act as a 5 minute temporary pass. This too could generate some kind of alert. Alternatively, it could be stored in a wall rack in medical and be programmed by the CMO to give access on the fly, but also be revoked just as fast.


    OO, I like the sound of the first one because it keeps the AI still active in everything!

  8. Yes we definitely need this.

    I would suggest a dropdown menu where you can select what type of emergency access is needed.

    The following types would be included:

    • medical emergency access for when a patient needs to be rescued
    • security emergency access if there is greytider that needs to be prodded
    • engineering emergency access if there is a chair that needs to be placed
    • janitor emergency access if there is a mess that needs to be cleaned
    • qm and cargo tech mergency access for those important crates
    • hop emergency access for those urgent demotions
    • greytide emergency access so the baldies can get easier into various places (this also alerts security and enables security emergency access so they can more efficiently take down the baldie)


    [/sarcasm off]

    No we dont need that.

    What prevents the Paramedic from just asking the AI to open that area ?

    Or anyone that works in that department ?

    Or any engineer thats near by ?

    Or any borg ?

    And if there is really an emergency, and you cant reach anyone. Just smash in the nearest window.

    It seems useless and redundant and I do not see how this suggestion contributes to RP, in fact it seems to be "the easy way out" by just providing a button to click instead of being forced to ask other people for help. (Be it the Ai or whatever)


    What doesn't contribute to RP is people dying due to medical being locked out. What doesn't contribute to RP is medical having to "break a window" to do our jobs.

    If you read the suggestion, then you would know the AI makes the call and is given information to allow it to determine if an emergency is actually happening. Your sarcasm is absolutely unnecessary and is the opposite of constructive. Furthermore, this is a suggestion in the "Suggestions & Ideas" thread, arguably nothing is "needed."

  9. Medical Personnel should be able to request emergency access into restricted areas. Now, I know this sounds crazy and abusable, but I do think it could be balanced if done correctly. My idea would be to have a popup option on secure airlocks (IE Science, Bridge, Engines). This popup would give medical personnel the option of requesting 'Emergency Medical Access.' Such a request could then be forwarded to the station AI or done internally. I think having the station AI oversee this would be much better.

    Once the request is sent, the AI player would be given a popup prompt. This popup would contain the name of the requested department, the life support of said department, and the number of injured in the department. I had to think long and hard about how the popup would detect players, and I think I may have figured it out. I once played around with the SS13 source code, and fire alarms were broken up by departments. So, I thought that it might be possible to add a check for injured people, or perhaps, the devs could tie it into the medical computer.

    Once all the information is displayed, the AI player would be given a choice to accept the override or deny it (Deny would conflict with law??). If the Ai accepted the request, then the door would open automatically without further AI player action.

    Now, what about spam? We currently have the holographic projectors that issue popups to the AI. They are rarely used; this may be due to their overall usefulness. However, if spam is truly a concern, we could impose a timer on this action by department.

    Why should we consider this, we have cloning? I would think that medical personnel would attempt to save lives as their priority not create them. When it comes to a crew members life, I would think a secured room would be opened, if safe to do so, if a doctors needed to get inside for medical reasons.

    I got this idea from an old episode of Star Trek where a doctor vocally requested emergency access to a crew member's private quarters.

    Please let me know what you think about the idea as well as any changes you think would make it better. I must say this is a rather rough concept, so please forgive me.

  10. I don't know about the whole two people on a rollerbed thing - depends on how sturdy it is, I suppose.

    I can't say it's a feature I've ever noticed missing.

    Still, isn't that what Inaprovaline is for?

    It might be nice to be able to put a sheet over someone on a rollerbed. There's a sprite for it already, though it's not especially good.


    Should be doable, even for me, to resprite it to look a bit nicer and maybe create a sort of blood overlay that stains the sheet to match the places where the person under it has open wounds, but I've got no idea how complex the code would need to be to make it work.


    Sometimes Inaprovaline just doesn't cut it. The sturdiness of the bed shouldn't count too much. The doctor would be positioned at the middle of the patient to allow chest compressions to be done. I do love the sheet idea which could even be used for crime scenes to cover the dead during investigations.

  11. I'm sure most of us have seen a medical style TV show like House or Greys Anatomy. Well, when a patient in the show starts crashing while in transit. A doctor or nurse normally jumps on the bed to do CPR while another person keeps moving the bed. Med bay could really use this. There has been a countless amount of time where we have to do CPR while trying to move a patient and it doesn't really flow. Allowing a medic to jump on top of the patient to do CPR while another doctor or nurse moves the bed would help make medical feel a bit more real.

    Let me know what you think.

  12. His setup ultimately made the job of MD useless unless someone broke a bone


    Honestly that mix was just my way of shaking off the cobwebs. I usually don't make it unless it's a higher pop round with few people in medbay. As a matter of fact, it was invented because medbay was often a one man show on Unbound.

    In that case I hold to my +1

  13. I have had the pleasure of running into Arkin a few times. He was always a rather nice person to be around and treat. I have never had to treat him for anything serious, that alone shows that he can do his job. I do believe I see him on the night shift more than anything, and we really need more CEs for coverage.

    I forward to seeing him in a command position during one of my shifts.

    P.S. I love your backstory very well thoughtout!

  14. Finally an application for a character I know relatively well! Normally I feel hesitant about posting in these forums, both because I'm new, and I feel that my input is slightly irrelevant. I'll definitely take a stab at this one:

    To cut to the chase, before I elaborate - this person is getting my +1 right off the bat. I honestly hope you do end up getting the position, because if you're not worthy of it then I'm probably not worthy of my own application.

    Now to those of you who actually wish to know why, here are my considerations:

    I've had the pleasure of running into Dr. Halliwell several times over my short career on the server, and I have to say he was always a striking figure to me. He always seemed to know what he was doing, always seemed calm and in control, and always gave my character the best possible treatment at the time (I've never been fatally injured while on the Aurora, but I've seen him taking care of other critical patients while I was in the area, so I count those as well). Sadly I never got to interact with him on a scale that would allow me to accurately gauge his character's performance - but I certainly never felt any inconsistencies with his act.

    OOC wise: Code2200 strikes me as a player who knows nearly every aspect of this job to a fault, and deliberately handicaps himself in order to portray his character more convincingly. Considering how easy and tempting it is to Metagame, this is truly admirable in my opinion.

    Lastly: To me, it goes a long way when a character's personality and traits match the background story behind it. Usually I love to nit-pick and find small clashes between a character's story and their personality ingame, but I can honestly say I found none in your application.

    Goodluck with your application, I'll be looking forward to more adventures in game!


    Oh my goodness, thank you so much! :)

  15. I have played with Jack Thomas a few times recently and I like his work. His knowledge of chemistry is very helpful, and he is one of the very few chemists that actually do their job. With that said I feel he may attempt to power game a little to much. Having seen the way he sets up the cryogenic tubes was genius though very much overkill. His setup ultimately made the job of MD useless unless someone broke a bone. Now, in his defense he was the only on the med bay staff so in a way I do understand. However, if the cryo type of power gaming was just a fluke to keep the round going and not having an actual doctor on board I will +1 his application. If that is how he likes med bay running I would have to -1. We need to balance med bay by allowing our doctors to actually care for patient and their medical needs. In OOC terms we need to make sure that all players that work in med bay are actually able to play.

  16. Okay. I'm either mistaking this character for someone else, or this person has one of the most realistic nurses I've seen so far.

    The player is quite good - and I've seen a few instances where they COULD have powergamed to get things done, yet chose not to.

    I'm also vouching for this application. I think.

    Yo, Code - Jaden's the one who two-person-worked Medical with Lua, right? Where we saved like three people?


    Umm, I never play a nurse I'm always an MD. I think I worked with a Lua.

  17. Cloning, surgery, cryo, and chemistry are all supposedly under your purview as a ceemo. I've seen you muck these up, but that's probably due to lack of access and character flaws. If you play Halliwell without these handicaps as a Ceemo, it's going to lead to better qol for the crew, especially when short staffed.


    It is out of my character's access. Surely, a CMO would be trained in some of these things. OOC wise, I know how it works. I have done cryo perfectly. So, I'm not to sure what you mean by cryo or surgery for that matter. I do surgeries all the time especially on the night shift.

  18. Just gonna voice a few strong concerns here. While Halliwell is a perfectly pleasant and courteous character, I'm leery of the idea of a head of staff that doesn't have at least a baseline knowledge and competence of all aspects of their department. In a pinch, you should be able as a character to both DIRECT and SUPERVISE unskilled or amateur personnel within your department in proper procedure. Or lacking competent staff, perform the procedures yourself.

    That's why I'd suggest reimagining Halliwell as an older man, or creating a new character entirely for your CEEMO. It's a semi-OOC gripe, but I'm sure you see where I'm coming from.


    I don't, the majority of people say I am a great doctor especially under pressure. What is the OOC gripe?

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