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Everything posted by jimbredda

  1. Let's be honest, this isn't getting an approval either way. Being banned for years, appealing on the grounds that you were young- but that it also wasn't your fault that you were banned, never attempting to appeal the ban earlier, and then immediately trying to become a Mod after being unbanned just isn't going to work. Especially considering, as you pointed out, he hasn't even been on the server. I'm merely trying to be personable. This is how I write my resumes in real life for getting real jobs, and I get them. I never argued that I did anything because I was young, and I wouldn't argue that to begin with. 17 is not that young of an age seeing as most of the people that died in wars throughout human history were about that age. If you review my posts you will see that nowhere do I make any mention of what you are accusing me of. You're merely extrapolating from what I said and putting words in my mouth that were never there. The reason that I mentioned my previous age was only to illustrate the vast amount of time that has passed since I was, and let me state it again, erroneously banned. Countries have been created in this time frame and people who were born when I was banned are now in school. Hypothetically, even if I had been guilty of what was arbitrarily laid upon me I would have served out my sentence an extremely long time ago. Furthermore, I needed to expound on this situation in order to clarify why it took me so long to be able to use a computer long enough to write an unban request. This is what I'm attempting to emphasize by even touching upon the subject to begin with. There's no need for any of you to treat me with such disdain. I have been nothing but polite and respectful in stating my claims and beliefs. If I was even half of what you think me to be I would have responded much differently. If I am denied, I am denied. If I am accepted, I am accepted. Nothing that I can say or do at this point in time can change anyone's minds. A person with wisdom would see that I am competent. Therefore, I will sit and merely wait for the ultimate decision to be finalized. Any legitimate concerns about my application will be addressed in short order.
  2. Alright, thanks. I appreciate your clemency.
  3. BYOND Key: pognivet Total Ban Length: Unknown Banning staff member's Key: Unknown Reason of Ban: Unknown Reason for Appeal: I'm banned from the Chemist job even though I'm not banned from anything else and I don't know why. I'd like to play as a chemist and I'm writing a character based around it, but whenever I try to select the slot it says something like "You do not appear jobbanned from this job. If you are still stopped from entering the role however, please adminhelp.". I did an adminhelp and the guy told me to post here.
  4. This may be a problem, a large majority of the back-end staff work and communication is on Discord, not to mention any information about changes to policy's or things needing to be done or having to talk to someone off-of the server. If you were to be accepted as a trial, and pass it, you would be required to at least have/use Discord on a daily basis. That's fine and I have no problem with it. I tried to emphasize this in my application, but perhaps my words were too ambiguous. I have no problem using Discord or making an account. I simply don't have a strong reason to use it currently as opposed to something like Mumble so therefore I lack a real account on it. I've made throwaway accounts on it once or twice to talk to people I really needed to contact, but had no other way of interacting with. One of these was to talk to a SWAT4 community and the other was to ask the creator of a Gamespy dinput8.dll wrapper for the hunting simulator "Deer Hunter 2005" how to use it after a certain server went down that it required. I'm not impeded by using Discord and I'm familiar with how it works.
  5. Server Moderator Application Basic Information Byond Account: pognivet Character Name(s): Jim Bredda AI Name(s): Breddarius Prime Discord username + tag: I do not use Discord because I have objections to their terms of service, their use of private data and the behavior of the owners of the company. That being said, I would be willing to make an account in order to communicate if necessitated. Age: 20, but that will change in less than a month. Timezone: Pacific When are you on Aurora?: It depends on which days I have work or other things to do. Thankfully, I have no kids and I'm single so my schedule is relatively free. I mostly play between 6 P.M. and 6 A.M. PST. I don't mean to say that I play for 12 hours straight, but that is usually the timeframe in which I am active. Experience How long have you played SS13?: I have played SS13 for over ten years. How long have you played on Aurora: I have played on Aurora for roughly four or five years. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I've downloaded the code and edited it myself just in order to play singleplayer. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: I could be a security guard during the 1992 Los Angeles riots at a Korean liquor store letalone keep people in check on a SS13 roleplay server. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: I was erroneously banned one time for releasing a virus that I had nothing to do with. I was supposed to be banned for 1 minute but it ended up being 3 1/2 years because I never bothered making an unban request because I had to deal with real life obligations and turmoil. Personality Why do you play SS13?: I enjoy the complexity of the game and the interactions the different mechanics have. I appreciate the limitless possibilities of what is constrained in essentially a 2D game engine whose second most popular game is a Dragon Ball Z roleplaying game. I like living and performing a job expected of me while in an environment where I can easily be hurt, killed or maimed for the rest of my life and succeeding. I probably have more real life experience in relation to that than anybody on here does in any video game. There's no other game that scratches the itch. I've tried them all. Why do you play on Aurora?: It seems to be literally the only server that exists now, unlisted or otherwise, where the station doesn't get griefed into oblivion within the first fifteen minutes of the round. What do moderators do?: The most succinct definition is that they moderate people's behavior by use of force when people cannot or will not moderate their own behavior, such as in a prison. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: It's like taking care of a car or a boat. You make sure there's no holes in it, that its basic components operate correctly, that nobody has vandalized it and that it can perform the actions expected of it by its user or users. Why do you want to be a moderator?: So that things may be made whole and so that balance may be brought to the server. Countless words count less than the silent balance between yin and yang. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I'm fair and tolerant, but also direct and strong like the leaders of some Middle Eastern countries. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: In my daily life I deal with more stress, anger and insults than you can possibly fathom. That's all I can say about that without getting too personal about my life. It's essentially my job. Anything Else You Want to Add: I don't feel that I need to add anything. I think that you can accurately determine my competency or lack thereof from what I've already stated. Anything more would be simply frivolous.
  6. I acknowledge.
  7. BYOND Key: Pognivet Total Ban Length: 1 Minute Banning staff member's Key: vikingpingvin Reason of Ban: Released a deadly virus then logged before being able to discuss the matter. Reason for Appeal: This ban was issued in 2015. It's 2018. That's over three years ago. I was only 17 at the time. Number one: I didn't release any virus. There were two Virologists on board and I was one of them and the other guy released the virus yet I got blamed for it. Number two: the reason I logged out and couldn't get into voice chat and talk for half an hour and have an extended conversation about server logs was because the police were at my house in real life looking for one of my family members and I had to stand up from the computer and talk to them so I didn't get taken out of my house and arrested. I only bothered to post this now because I've had to deal with a lot of stuff in real life the past few years and now I just want to play some SS13 to get my mind off of things. I'm sorry for whatever offense I caused. Please unban me.
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