Character Names: Rube Allen, Davis Logue, Mark Willey
Species you are applying to play: Dionaea
What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): N/A
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes
Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question
Why do you wish to play this specific race:I wish to play this species as i love how Dionaea have their own way of life, their unique language composed of a combination of rattling, rustling and various vocalizations, the fact that one gaesalt, while considered an individual, is actually a group of Dionae, creating legal problems, as a Diona is considered an animal
Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:This species is different than role-playng a human as their biology, nature and way of life are very different. For example, a Dionaea thrives in radiation where any normal human would perish, Dionaea are assembled of a group of Diona nymphs.Those groups are called Gaesalts. In the lore, the Dionaea have many, many forms, Those include, but are not limited to: nymphs, workers, colossi, shells, satellites, and a theoretical form,not yet discovered, the singularities
Character Name:One in a Galaxy of Many
Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs
Grown on-board the station of Aurora under the name of One and raised by Brian Richard. One in a Galaxy of Many is a caring Gaesalt worker, never once backing down from helping others. This led to him to eventually becoming a caring individual which most visitors of Aurora station would deem trustworthy. Should the need arise, he can split himself up in different nymphs and search for a wounded individual trough the ventilation ducts. Although, when doing that, the Nymphs tend to follow him, and not look for the wounded. His nature has also led him to become a Medical Doctor. And hating all that would forfeit the lives of those he laid his "eyes" on is a thing he does. He is always sad when he sees a person who is in great pain, and would like to treat it as soon as possible. He also never questioned his motives, as they, i quote, "Arre for the what... is considerred beetter for the pacieent". Or, that may be a facade he buried his thoughts in, delving into his sorrows in a sad effort to retain his sanity, proving effective....... for now.
What do you like about this character? The thing i like most about this character is that its caring for other species. Never letting an injured person slip his view without trying to help them in any way he can being one of his weak points, as people may use that against him. He will not harm any living being, including robots with personalities, unless he is threatened by them, verbally or physically. When he inevitably does get threatened, he will often attempt to settle things peacefully or escaping. If neither are available, he will resort to violence, however trying to weaken the opponent, not hurt him in a way his opponent's life would be forfeit. However, if he is hurt beyond a limit, his natural instincts kick in, putting survival of the collective over his code, usually resulting in the opponent to have serious injuries, in some cases even lethal. Given enough time to calm down, One in a Galaxy of Many would, usually, search for the organism that threatened him, and apologize properly.
How would you rate your role-playing ability?If my role-playing ability is measured on a scale on one to 10, i would choose 7
Notes:Grown and raised by the Brian Richard. Usually found as a part of the medical wing