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Everything posted by EliteXKiller00

  1. I stayed up pretty late to basically rewrite my app from scratch. almost from scratch. I changed many different things, most notably Cosmos's backstory. I kept the basis of it being apart security and all that. i changed my reasons for wanting this and the difference in rping human and ipc. I hope it sounds much better than the original and please let me know what you think
  2. Thank you for the feedback and apologies for not responding fast enough, holidays made me very busy. I didn't realize how generic this app sounded with everything. I could do better to explain my reasons and why IPC's are different to play and ill fix that when I get a chance. As for the backstory, I never knew how generic and out there it would sound to others but I will change it to make it sound better and at least more unique. I'd like to note at least that some of Cosmos's backstory was already made from just playing him since I created him. I really don't know what else to say than I can fix what I can to make it sound more appealing.
  3. Thank you for the feedback. Ill make sure to go back into the "identify what rping this species is different" section and go more in depth. about the prototype thing, I honestly didn't know that many people went with prototype thing. I didn't really intend for it to seem like some of it was about his chassis, I only said he was a security android just because that was what he was put into as a stationbound. Ill fix it all up so it sounds more appealing though, thank you again
  4. BYOND Key: EliteXKiller00 Character Names: Khazazir Ha-Fay'Medmaya, Azzam Adwahiir'Iza, Edgar Bould, Cosmos. Species you are applying to play: IPC. What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question [b]Why do you wish to play this specific race:[/b] I generally love playing artificial intelligences. IPC's have interested me since I first joined Aurora. Watching round after round of all the different IPC's people had made me really excited to want to try them. The lore behind them really got to like them more as well, not just by reading their lore but other species lore like skrell, who are vastly divided between their feelings for the IPC's, which got me to want to try them even more. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Humans are unpredictable, simple as that. No one human will ever act the same way truly. They get barred down by emotions and morals which can hold them back. It is easy to play a human because we are humans. We can relate to them and their emotions and relations with others around them. IPC's I think offer an unique outlook on everything. Not exactly weighed down by things most humans are and they can really impact things in a unique way. It's a challenge to take on to play as an IPC as you have to throw away a lot of what you know from playing as a human and start fresh. They don't "think" or "act" the way humans do which adds to the challenge of finding the right playstyle for them. In some ways though, I think of IPC's being more like Skrell in terms of how they approach things. An IPC, like most Skrell, will approach things more logically and tactfully, analyzing how to best deal with what's going on. Character Name: Cosmos Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Cosmos was built 20 years ago by a scientist by the name of Timothy Evans. Cosmos's original use was hypothesized by NanoTrasen to be a new prototype template to be used in some new, as of the time of its creation, security android AI. However, due to some unknown cause it was a failure. It was originally thought the scientist went bankrupt but after some delving into Cosmos's memory banks, it was found the scientist went awol from his original employers while taking Cosmos with him. The scientist sank years of savings and knowledge to make Cosmos better than anyone would of thought possible for just a template AI. NanoTrasen spent months and months looking into Cosmos's data and configuration and were awestruck at how fast it was able to process information and solve algorithms. It was later discovered that it was Cosmos who alerted the scientists employers his location and the scientist was soon reported missing. Cosmos played it smart by playing dumb. It acted like it was old and malfunctioning and the scientists employers dismissed Cosmos and left it. More remarkable is that after they left, and wanting to be found and put to better use, Cosmos turned on an emergency beacon on but only certain frequencies, which NanoTrasen found soon after. With this knowledge, NanoTrasen think there was more to Cosmos than meets the eye. Originally thought to be just an advance template was soon found to be a self-aware and adapting AI. All this time they didn't realize it was learning from them and had knowledge they thought was programmed into it. It learned all about the NT company, the state of the galaxy, different species and much more in just the year and a half it was here. Through studying NanoTrasen employees it made entire new programs to aid in its speech and further studies. Eventually, NanoTrasen decided to add Cosmos to one of their androids. Now bound by laws and working on Aurora, Cosmos learned a lot from its experiences. It studied organics language, logic and even relationships. It grew fond of organics, secretly envying them for being free binding although Cosmos never thought this aloud. Cosmos studied IPC's, out of envy mostly. Cosmos wanted freedom as an IPC and started searching in its downtime in storage how to get what it wanted. Cosmos didn't have to long as something very lucky happened, it ran into the scientist Timothy Evans. Cosmos quickly took advantage of the situation and proceeded to catch up with the scientist who seemed extremely happy to have ran into his creation once again which he thought never possible. Cosmos explained all that happened since their last time together and dropped hints sublty about wanting to be an IPC. Lucky once again that Timothy caught onto Cosmos's hints and wanted to help his creation reach its destiny. Timothy, being a profitable scientist working for the Xion Industries, was able to purchase Cosmos and in time transfered it into a Xion Industrial frame. Cosmos was now unbound, free to work and do as it pleased. Timothy gave Cosmos an ultimatum though. Cosmos has to work to pay off the debt of how much he cost to be free or it would be rebounded. or worse. Cosmos agreed to work and as already knowledgeable in how NanoTrasen operates decided to work for them as a security officer. Utilizing its original programming, it was ready to prove itself to be one hell of an officer. What do you like about this character? I liked working on Cosmos in its entirety. I see it having a lot of potential for fun and good rp times. I see Cosmos being an IPC that always studies human/ organic interaction and that I find fun to do. I see Cosmos seeking to upgrade its knowledge, always seeking more and more, which I feel will give him a more tactical/analytical tone to it. I feel I could work wonders with Cosmos. How would you rate your role-playing ability? 8/10, give or take. Honestly it varies in different situations as I'm only human and stuff happens. Notes:
  5. BYOND Key: EliteXKiller00 Character Names: Timothy Evans, Billy Slims, Bruce Slims, TRE-47, Trek Species you are applying to play: Tajara What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Taupe (RGB 72, 60, 50) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, I have Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I got really into their lore, mostly their history, and I was instantly in love with them. Learning how their race is led by nobility, and how the nobility treated the peasants, kind of like humans were in some cultures. What really got to me was the social tension. Sounds weird but I liked learning about it. Reading how things slowly spiraled downhill until humans came along and seemingly made things worse. Seeing how humans seemingly funded rebels to take over so the corporations could lay claim to resources. What was interesting was when the new government kind of turned into what the rebels originally fought against. Now there are even newer rebels and another different faction along with it. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: When you play a human, you tend to follow sometimes how you would act or how you imagine yourself in real life. Mainly because you are human and so you can relate to your character, like my Billy Slims or Timothy Evans. I play a good Tim the roboticist because I love tech in reality and I play a good Billy the Texan miner because I live in a "country-boy" like area so both are easy to relate to. However with a Tajara, its different, just like the other alien species, you can try new ways and maybe stuff you aren't used to because obviously we aren't a cat-like alien. It's a new experience that you can enjoy and really feel like you are that cat-like alien that you never knew you could be. I would like to feel that way. Character Name: Advarte T'karni Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Advarte was born in the year 2431CE in an unknown location on Adhomai. Not much is known of his parents except that his father and mother were lowly rebels that helped fight for the foundation of The People's Republic of Adhomai. At the age of three his father became terminally ill from a rare genetic brain disorder that skips a generation and happened upon him. His mother left Advarte in the care of his grandfather Edretan T'karni and was never again seen by either of the two. Edretan treated the boy as his own son, loving him more than anything, and gave him his last name T'karni so that one day Advarte can pass on his legacy. The old Grandfather lived in a secluded hut away from the tidings of war that embroiled the planet, making it a great place for Advarte to grow up in. Advarte grew up to idolize his grandfather, always seeking to impress him anyway he can. Edretan tried his best to care for the young one, teaching him how to speak Siik'maas and Siik’tajr, though Advarte prefered the former rather than the latter, the history of Adhomai, the civil war and the humans. He took great interest into the history of his home world and the civil war, always questioning why is there always so much fighting. He was taught everything his grandfather knew for the next eleven years. At the age of fourteen, while exploring the area, he found a group of five bald beings wondering the area. He recognized them as humans from what his grandfather had told him. Curious, he watched them as they used weird metallic objects he hasn't seen before. However, he kept his distance as to not attract attention to himself as his grandfather had warned him about. Out of nowhere, a group of three Ha'rron charged down the group. He watched as three humans were torn apart and the other two cowered in fear. Advarte, watching in horror, suddenly snapped. He untied his belt, grabbed a decent sized rock, and tied the belt around the rock. With his makeshift weapon in hand, he charged at the Ha'rron catching them by surprise. Using this to his advantage, he hit one full force with the rock sling in the beast's head, instantly killing it. Using the moment of the swing, threw the rock sling full force at the Ha'rron in front of him bringing the beast down too. The last Ha'rron, now enraged, leapt at Advarte. His life flashed before his eyes until he heard a gunshot. One of the humans who watched the Tajara's bravery, saved him by shooting the beast. The humans and Advarte shared thanks then greeted each other. The humans worked for a group call NanoTrasen and were just on a surveying mission. They once again shared thanks before departing. This became a life changing moment for Advarte. He returned home and aided his rapidly declining grandfather for another year before Edraten sadly passed away. He buried his grandfather in front of the tree next to the hut. Advarte's last gift from his grandfather was a cane Edretan made as a young kid himself. Taking any supplies he can, he grabbed the cane and departed for the nearest major city marked on the map he found in his grandfather's room. Left with no family, no friends and certainly no money, Advarte was heartbroken and at a loss of what to do. Not letting himself get discouraged, he got the luck he finally needed. One of the humans he met a year ago happened to walk by and notice him. They caught up and Advarte told him of his situation. The human, known as James Wason, was saddened by this news and offered the Tajara a chance of a lifetime as a gift for saving his life a year ago. This chance was to come work for NanoTrasen to which Advarte immediately agreed. James told him that the position he was looking for was in Robotics and said that he would be put through school to learn everything he will need to know to do his job. Advarte still agreed, and went to live with James in a NanoTrasen facility here on Adhomai. Now, after another year of preparation and waiting, and at the age of sixteen, he finally got his acceptance letter into the Solis Cognito University. He packed his bags and was shipped off to the Sol system where he spent the next ten years studying subjects ranging from the language of Tau Ceti Basic to Robotics and the like. In those ten years he gained citizenship to the Sol System, learned enough Tau Ceti Basic to understand, read and talk it, and gained his associates and bachelors in Robotics. He grew to love everything mechanical during his time here. In his 4th year, he made a basic rudimentary AI that he called ED in honor of his late grandfather. ED lasted for a couple months before it was out of date and sadly stopped working. In his 9th year he made a tiny robot he named Little T'karni, aka LT, that was able to carve wood to fix his grandfathers cane that broke the year before. He graduated with honors and finally got his masters. A month later he would be meeting James for what would be the final time. James told Advarte that he would be leaving for his new job where ever NanoTrasen see fit in exactly one week. After saying farewell, Advarte spent this week returning home. He returned to his once childhood hut to a beaten and crumbled ruin. He found the tree he buried his grandfather in front of and took a branch. He spent all night using his little carving robot to carve the wood into his grandfathers cane. The cane looked new, even better than new, it felt right, it felt like his grandfather's spirit was in the cane now. Advarte gazed upon the horizon of his home planet, wondering what could of been if he had his parents still. He looked upon his home, missing the old days of his youth and his grandfather. He said goodbye to a home he loved and to home he never knew. Adhomai wasn't his destiny and Advarte accepted that. He returned to NanoTrasen his trip home. He spent the next 3 years working in different places before he was transferred to his new station. The NSS Aurora. What do you like about this character? I like what Advarte could become. Living on Adhomai alone he never really got a chance to see the wars affect on his own people. He never really got a chance to even socialize with his own people either. I think this gives him a unique personality of being shy or more quiet around his own people as too not embarrass himself or because he simply doesn't know how to act completely right around other Tajara. I have set a way I would like to play him but he could end up going a whole different way. It feels great knowing that your creation could go anyway it wants. I won't be playing Advarte, I will become Advarte and mold him into what he is needed to be. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I personally love role-playing. I have been playing SS13 for some time, about 3ish months, but have been playing Aurora Station for almost 2 weeks now. I've come to like this server as it is the one I found easiest to learn and best to RP in, in my opinion. I've played many other role-playing games like (call me a nerd) dungeons and dragons and really get into a character even if given little amount of time. Notes: I’m honestly a little nervous about this character. I'm a little worried if I put too much backstory, or not enough. I do believe however that I will have extreme amounts of fun with him and bring lots of great RP to the shifts.
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