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Das_Boot's Achievements

Cargo Technician

Cargo Technician (4/37)

  1. I'm having a small issue in that no 'post new topic' button seems to appear there. At first glance, I thought maybe there was some sort of access restriction, but then I noticed someone else who actually had less time and posts on here than I posted on it, so I'm assuming it's either some sort of recurring glitch on my end, or I for whatever reason, don't have access? It's a small thing, I know, but I really wanted to post a profile there and was curious why I can't. Thanks in advance!
  2. I understand, I'm not really sure what I could put as a description though, as the intended purpose of it was to provide an 'at-a-glance' assumption that the character is tough, relaxed about lesser company standards, and isn't a pushover. But I do understand that is a bit of work for something that is essentially a visual fluff-piece, so if you want to disregard it that's fine. The RIG hat would mean alot though! Thanks!
  3. BYOND key:Das_Boot Character names: Thomas Callahan How long have you been playing on Aurora?: 2 1/2 - 3 months Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: To play as HoP and because most of the time when I'm on there are barely any Heads available or none at all. Why did you come to Aurora?: To Heavy-RP Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Yes I have, although I still have to learn about the jobs under most of them, the main role I want (HoP) is one I believe I understand and excel at. Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay is, to me, taking on a role and personality that is not of your own and acting it out as you believe that character would. The best role-players can construct elaborate backgrounds and psychological profiles for there characters that are believable, with all the quirks and eccentricities that we all would have. Roleplaying on a game like SS13 though, should be about creating a unique and enjoyable environment where everyone's characters have a part. If that means dieing while cowering in a corner, bravely fighting an alien with a broom, treating the sick, or just generally being an ass while you demand signatures for that shipment of emergency supplies, all of these unique personalities would come together to form an interesting and unique story. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: The purpose of the head of staff is generally two-fold. First, to ensure that there department is running efficiently and getting things done in-line with corporate regulations and SOP. Second, that the moral of there staff remains high, although not at the expense of of efficiency or regulations. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: I'd assume following the directions of the admin would be a priority (like when they tell everyone to shut up), as well as being calm and mature about IC and OOC situations (like if you believe someone ICly acted inappropriately, take it to the forums and not OOC) and help new players who have any questions, if you know the answer for sure, otherwise direct them to ahelp it, to the wiki, or to the forums. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Thomas Callahan Character age: 30 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Thomas Callahan, or Tom to his friends, was born on the NTV Volans to Archibald and Melissa Callahan. His early life was unique from most in that he spent a majority of his childhood on ships and stations belonging to NanoTrasen, with both of his parents working for the company there was little other choice. As such, from early on learned general maintnance and construction from his father (who was a an Engineer) and Corporate Regulations and Procedures from his mother (a ship navigator, later promoted to Station Clerk and then Personnel Officer). This unique upbringing also gave him unique insight into the life of the average employee. At age 17 he was inducted into the Engineering Cadet Program, where he excelled and was stationed the very ship he was born on. Wanting to mix things up and, more importantly, try something new, Thomas transferred out of the Engineering Department and over to an open mining position on NT RIG-20114. Three years later, Thomas would be one of only 20 to survive, out of a total of 230 personnel. Thomas was eventually transferred to a cargo supervisor position, before finally accepting a job as quartermaster on board the Aurora. The loss of his friends onboard the mining RIG has always haunted Thomas, and he has developed a deep fear of fire as a result. He is generally relaxed, but takes the lives of those under him very seriously. What do you like about this character?: His dedication to those under him and his relaxed attitude. What do you dislike about this character?: The fact that he is extremely loyal to NanoTrasen and his belief that he owes them anything. Do you think this character is fit to be a Head of Staff?: Absolutely, he has a spotless record of departmental reviews and an above-average safety record for those serving under him. He is also efficient, organized, and loyal, all key traits for the HoP position. Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I would say I am average, to above average? I haven't had much feedback, but I believe I have significantly improved and will only continue to do so. Extra notes: I'd like to make it clear that I only intend to have one character in the HoP role, as I have RPed and fully understand all of the positions in the supply and service categories. I admittedly need some more work in some of the more advanced positions of Security, Medical and Engineering before I would even think of touching those head roles.
  4. Woah woah woah! /First of all/, I never said I didn't know how mice chitter. (I didn't, but still, you just /assumed/!) /Second of all/, ...uh... brown? /Third of all/, thank you very much!
  5. BYOND Key: Das_Boot Character Names: Gregory Freeman, Thomas Callahan, Natasha Seminova How long have you been playing on Aurora: 2 1/2 months Species you are applying to play: Snowflake Mouse What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Standard Mouse Color Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: No lore section on mice, which is a travesty. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Mice are highly underrated IC roles, capable of providing unique RP opportunities and a comedic effect that only a clown could provide. I believe I could organize exciting quests for my snowflake mouse, quests that people would /care/ about and want to either help, or if your that way, attempt to stop. I also don't really play much as snowflake characters, but I believe this would be an excellent way to ease myself into creating unique and fun characters. Also, it would be fun to watch antags get robusted by my amazing mouse-skills. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: I have to fill out an entire paragraph about why mice are better than men? Jeeeez, well, here it goes. First of all, they are mice, uniquely gifted among all the races with an amazing smallness and FOUR legs. Also, as a mouse, I can but squeak at other players, which is adorable. Literally /everything/ is a hazard to mice, from evil janitors to 2x2 airlocks, my life would be a living nightmare from the first second of my existence, a virtual apocalypse as unplayed by any other race. A mouscalypse, if you will. One day I may spawn in an airlock and slowly die of boredom. Another day I may be stepped on. Not to mention the various villainous denizens of the station that would specifically seek out my destruction at every turn. You know what they say; if you can live as a mouse, you live as /anything/. Why does this species in particular hold your interest? They are adorable and challenging. Character Name: Anonymouse, Lemmingwinks, whatever, anything other than mouse (209). Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs I am a mouse. I did not choose this life. Daily I search for scraps of food and scurry through air vents, often oblivious to brutal murders, bloodsucking vampires, nuclear threats, and science as a whole. However, I am unique. Out of all my fellow mouse-brethren, I alone carry a name. This name does nothing but make me more adorable to some, a special target to others. My mere existence an affront to god and the janitor. I am a mouse. What do you like about this character? He/She is a mouse. Everything I have already written should be sufficient proof of how much I would adore this. How would you rate your role-playing ability? 11/10 - Best Roleplayer Ever (IGN) 10/10 - I am the Roleplay, so obviously, I am the best. (Kotaku) Honestly? I'm alright. But seriously, how much RP does a mouseketeer need? Notes: This is a joke as I understand it is impossible. However, if it is possible, everything about is deadly serious and I would love you all so much it would be borderline stalkerish. Thank You.
  6. BYOND Key: Das_Boot Character name: Thomas Callahan Item name: 1. RIG-114A Cap 2. Black Skullcap Why is your character carrying said item to work? 1. The Hat(RIG-114A Cap) is something kept as a memento and reminder of a terrible event in his past. A day in which many of his close friends were killed in a catastrophic industrial accident. This event is noted in his employee records. 2. The Black Skullcap is a reflection of his personality. Worn when he is off-duty, or if he feels he's going to have to get his hands dirty, it would go well with his myriad tattoos and personality. Item function(s): Both are hats, AKA headgear items. Item description: 1. RIG-114A Cap. - A hat worn by the mining veterans of RIG-114A, usually in reverence for those who died in it's destruction. 2. Skullcap. - A black skullcap, keeps your head warm. This one has a cool logo on it. (or design, up to you.) Item appearance:Both are pure black, it's more about the description and less about the spriting really. Although, the black skullcap could have bits of white representing some sort of design. Additional comments: Please and thank you?
  7. Addendum: Gregory Freeman, Robotocist on duty at that time. I just think it needs to be said that according to the statements made repeatedly by ASIMOV/The Collect after the incident, this was purely a workplace accident. I'm not disputing anything that was said otherwise, but the will of the positronic brain to live was truly remarkable in my experience, and in my opinion, the Neglect of Duty charge may be a bit out-of-line given the volatile nature of the Toxins Department and the frequency of accidents reported with that particular department. I daresay there isn't anyone working that department you hasn't at one time accidentally destroyed a part of the station. Further, I'd like to point out that this incident took place on the bomb range, a structure specifically designed for this sort of activity, and that any damage that resulted is to be expected given the intended purpose of that area. Regards, Gregory Freeman
  8. See, now that is an excellent answer. Hadn't even thought of that, it fits so perfectly. Thanks!
  9. So wait...what was the original charge? I mean..did they lock you up for cannibalism or something? Because they couldn't of known you were a changeling untill you said you were.
  10. Fair enough on the flash thing I suppose, but once again, you're really pressing the whole "you should follow regulations to the letter, no matter what." kind of thing. Also, what does batoning you even have to do with me metagaming? Nothing, it has to do with me being a good officer or not and is an entirely different complaint. I was a human guard that was completely without back-up or any chain-of-command. I had found a horribly mutilated dead body, and in the course of trying to find the suspect, was incapacited in my ability to give commands or information of any kind. Of course a guard would get paranoid and angry in a situation like that. Like the other player pointed out, I went from being nice, and trying deal with a lot of hooliganism calmly and with no arrests, to dealing with a brutal murderer. I may have made a few mistakes as a user, but everyone makes mistakes. The fact is, I've played Security quite a bit, as well as Supply, Science, Medical, and Engineering, and never had a complaint on how I RP. Also, as far as metagaming goes, the borg even said in OOC someone had changed it's laws and I commented in OOC "I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear that" and at no point did I bring it up or act strangely to the borg. (I still don't know what that was about anyway.) If we're going to continue playing together, this needs to get settled somehow. If you just don't like the way I RP, than that's a personal issue that just isn't going to get dealt with. If you still truly believe it was me intentionally being an a-hole and metagaming ON PURPOSE, than I guess it's entirely up to an Admin to decide.
  11. 1 & 2 - Wow, well I really don't remember it going down like that at all, but I'll admit I might be jaded by the rush of the situation and panicking. 3. Seriously? A guard wouldn't of needed to think? That's what you're saying or am I missing something? 4. This point is really kind of stupid to argue about. Intent to be sarcastic. My bad. 5. Yeah, I just didn't notice that. Honestly, didn't even think about it till you just said something. Look, I've said 1000 times already I admit I made mistakes. Hell, I called the Admin on myself and told them what happened. The first two things I really don't remember going down like that, but how about this, tell me how that should of gone down? Despite what you might think, I'm not some asshole trying to get a leg up on RPing or something. I love dieing in this game as much as I love living. The thing that's been my major issue is how the hell I'm not supposed to recognize that there was something wrong with that situation with my voice dissappearing. So, is there any way you could tell me how, if you were me, you would of handled the situation?
  12. There was an incident I was involved in earlier that caught me off guard, mostly because I'm so used to playing on more rule-relaxed and less RP-Heavy servers. The fact is, I know all about most of these aliens, and can play off "Oh my god what is that!" pretty well, but when it comes to a quieter, less action-oriented and RP-heavy situation, I'm completely caught off guard. It's a shame that it had to happen like that, but there it is. So, my question is, how should I RP the different aliens, especially Changelings, who are apparently completely unknown for the most part and yet who can look and act human and camouflage so well? It just seems like unless a Xenobiologist or the ling itself says so, I'm supposed to assume....what? An agent with advanced abilities? That it's a genetics issue? I mean, how would I even know to jail a changeling or someone with a bore? How would I even RP suspecting something like that? It just seemed like if I even narrowed my eyes at them I was meta-gaming. Which, untill I get a decent explanation, I just don't understand. Examples would be a huge help.
  13. 1. That's a lie or you have a terrible memory. 2. Also, very big lie. I stunned you on the way out one time, when I couldn't talk. 3. Did you even read that whole reasoning? Or are you just re-wording it to make it sound worse? Also, yeah, it is a good reason, because guards aren't borgs, so emotions and needing a moment are valid things that happen. 4. That wasn't how I was trying to salvage the situation, I said that to you in OOC to make a point it was almost impossible to salvage at that point. 5. Yeah, when the captain showed up and I head the voice, i thought maybe that was some sort of power you had. Remember when I came into the cell the second time? That was to check for a mic, after the captain got there, I tried to step as far back from the situation as I could. The first two points will just have to be settled by admins, because that's bull. And the third point, re-read my statement a bit more logically and with a bit less salt. I felt that was a rationale thing a guard alone on a station and scared after his voice disappeared would do. Excuse me if at a situation like that I used what I felt would be common sense instead of by-the-book. As a side note, I need a link that better describes how to deal with lings please, because the wiki doesn't say anything other than "Besides Xeno, no one really knows much about lings or how to identify them."
  14. Wow. That's an amazingly innacurate description of what happened. 1. The borg stunned you outside the bar, no idea why, you were just missing. I took you to the brig to ask you questions and try and ensure your safety while I looked for Baylock (Clearly didn't know you had switched.) 2. The borg came in and stunned you in xeno. I showed up late, and upon leaving with Aris, I couldn't speak. I panicked, because I thought it was a fault on my end or with my computer. I asked both ahelp and in LOOC if it was me or what, Admin (skull) responded it was legit, the player responded it was a silence sting. 3. I thought I would try my best to RP it, and play along, knowing sec would have no idea what a changeling or sting was. The borg suggested the BOTH be detained, which I agreed on (admittedly, it was a convenient out for me, and that is where I admit I may have messed up.) BOTH people were taken to cells, because as the only guard, i knew my ability to control both was very limited and I needed to control the situation while i figured things out. 4. The borg left and checked on a body we found earlier. He came out of cryo as one of the players i had jailed, which to any sane person, would show that the person jailed could not be who they claimed to be. So, i let the other player I now believed to be innocent, go, as I had no evidence, and kept the one I did have evidence on, jailed. It was at this point all the metagaming stuff came about. I apologized for asking in LOOC to begin with, to the player and the admin, and tried to salvage the situation as best I could. 5. I assumed the player was the journalist because that is the only person i KNEW was missing. As for assuming something was wrong with either of the crewman when I was silenced, that is definitely on me. I guess I had a really hard time figuring out how I'm supposed to deal with a situation like that, and that is all on me. Everything else though, well, I don't know. Edit: Oh, and the incinerator thing, I thought you were dead, and yeah, that was just plain stupid. I'd chalk it all up to me being tired, but that's stupid to.
  15. So I was told to come to the forums with an idea a fellow user and I had (didn't get there username, but had a char as K.R.I.E.G.). Basically, an upgrade to mining more in-line with that of TG Station and the like, BUT still accessible to all players and completely optional. We thought if there were a separate section of the asteroid, maybe it would be far away, or simply disconnected by a bridge and subtly marked as a dangerous area, where there would be mobs and ruins worth exploring. A mod (Conspire2Ignite) also suggested that maybe the two be combined, basically small areas with loot that would be guarded. I know mining isn't a HUGE part of the RPing community here, but it would certainly make it a lot more fun (admittedly in only my opinion so far) and possibly more engaging to everyone looking for action (like the countless people who only stick with Security for the action). The rewards code in TG Station for the mining vending machines is also an idea? On a lore-friendly note, asteroids are generally dangerous and inhospitable places. On Baystation however, it's like playing a version of minecraft without any Mobs. Collect and transport, that's mining in a nutshell. Finally, I'd like to make it perfectly clear that I am not ungrateful to those who slave away at the existing code, or to those who have developed all of this into such a wonderful experience. This is nothing more than a simple posting of an idea with a supplementary explanation. That is all. Thanks for reading, Das_Boot
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