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Everything posted by JaxMaxx

  1. It says that I am piston1937 But I was never that key.
  2. I tried to join as my current one, jaxonmaxx
  3. BYOND Key: JaxonMaxx Total Ban Length: Perm Banning staff member's Key:tbear13 Reason of Ban: As a roboticist, used a combat mech to run out ahead of security to fight cultists. Reason for Appeal: This ban is 3 years old at this point. It wasn't even me who did this act. Someone may used my IP address or another user was logged in. I would like another opportunity to play on this server
  4. also the ban is still there.
  5. How do I correct my mistake? by using a vpn and choosing a different server region?
  6. Im still banned since my account got linked with that other dudes ban.
  7. I had an old account called goku4867 but Im pretty sure that one is deactivated. and no , I haven't tried to ban evade before. I may have tried to ban evade with my older account but that account I used when I was like 13 so lol.
  8. Just One. JaxxMaxx
  9. That's the ban message.
  10. When I made those keys, I must've misread the info and entered the info incorrectly. I prolly forgot the key of who banned me at the time as I prolly made that appeal without looking at the ban ticket when entering the server. And in 2019, I wasn't using discord very often so I wasnt in the server. It was an honest mistake. And I forgot to correct the info I presented.
  11. What questions were asked of me? I dont recall that. If you have the time, I can answer your questions now. I also wasnt online for this ban as this ban isnt my account. I never played a roboticist before nor did I attack any cultists with a mech.
  12. BYOND Key: JaxonMaxx Total Ban Length: Perma Banning staff member's Key: tbear13 Reason of Ban: " As a roboticist, you used a combat mech and ran out ahead of security to shoot at cultists. Reason for Appeal: I was not online when this ban was applied. I think this must be due to a vpn mix up that caused my ip or computer identifier to be the same as someone else. So with that being said, I request for this ban to be rescind. If you need more details, I will happily give them.
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