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  1. Regarding https://forums.aurorastation.org/topic/13965-unban-request-promestein/ BYOND Key: Promestein Total Ban Length: Manual ban Banning staff member's Key: nursiekitty Reason of Ban: In attached image Reason for Appeal: I'm not going to bullshit or lie, I am the person who used that ckey. However, the reason I wasn't playing on that ckey is because I deleted that account a long time ago. I'm not "playin", I really am trying to make a fresh start. I didn't lie when I said it popped up out of the blue after I had been playing for about a week. I will admit I should have been forthright about this, but I didn't want people judging me for things that happened years ago. I'm sure everyone has done at least one thing in the past that they're not proud of. EDIT: I'm making an honest appeal here, I'm not pulling anything. So I would appreciate it if people would not just dismiss it out of hand. And while I can't speak for the opinion of others, I think I've done a fair job at rping the different characters I have. I wouldn't say I've done it perfectly, but who is?
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