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  1. Ah, looks to me like the surface level of Command; the research shuttle to the north and the escape pods to the east. I can't recall visiting this location any more than a handful of times back in the day.
  2. Attention former crew of the NSS Aurora! The full map of your old workplace has been memorialized on the web! Visit aaronos.dev/Aurora to take a trip down nostalgia lane at any time.
  3. And so it begins... thank you very much, Skull. You've made me a very happy spaceman.
  4. Thank you so very much @Skull132! I'll get on this when I have the time and toss you one more thanks when I'm up and running. One last question for you; what method would you suggest for grabbing these images? i.e., Does the build itself output images for the webmap? Or would I do something like Ghosting around the station to grab what I need?
  5. Title says it all. Before we moved away from the Aurora, did anybody happen to save the full map of the Aurora and her various z-levels? I'm hoping for full-station photos like we used to have on the Web map, but if there exists a way to create the photos myself, I am absolutely willing to learn if someone can point me in the right direction. I'm aiming to throw together some nostalgic wallpapers, and occupy myself with recreating bits of the place to satisfy my nostalgic heart. Love and miss you guys, — Jet the medborg
  6. I've been working for some time now on my third attempt of rebuilding the entire station in Minecraft. I find it very fun to see how different areas of the map mesh together so well in 3D space. The 2D map is truly amazing, and being able to see how well it works in 3D is a nice treat. Here is a video tour on YouTube of the map as of August 30, 2021. I've added timestamps so you can find your favorite areas more easily. SS13 Aurora in Minecraft, 8/30/21 Outside of the video, here are some images of a couple honorable mentions of the project. This is an image of the entire station, taken a couple days before the tour was recorded. Here's the mural on the floor at Arrivals (I spent way too much time on this): This is a great example of how 3D space gives us a new perspective on rooms that we couldn't normally see in 2D: Here's the totally safe working environment that is disposals. Here's the Cargo warehouse. This is the Arrivals checkpoint. Here's the civilian zone of the station, including the kitchen. This is that one Security hallway where stuff always seems to go down: And finally, here's an older image that was taken outside the Journalist's office.
  7. I've started work on a project to rebuild Aurora in Minecraft, mainly because I really like seeing the station from another perspective. I'm building the project at the server ss13aurora.serverminer.com on Minecraft 1.15.2. I recommend that you allow the resource pack from the server, so you can see the doors, lights, and (eventually) the wall decorations. If you want to download the texture pack on its own, here you go: https://aaronos.dev/misc/ss13aurora.zip This 3D perspective of the station gives us a view of how some of these rooms really look; certain rooms have more than just the one level we see every day. One such example is the Medbay lobby, which opens up and has a view of several rooms on the upper level. Another interesting effect of this is that staircases, such as the one near chemistry, flow about as naturally as you'd expect them to. In several areas, such as the image above, you can also see outside the station's windows and get a pretty good view of the asteroid and other rooms. The build is a work-in-progress. As I build out more of the main level, I'll be adding the upper levels on top. Over time, I'll be building out the sublevel as well. On the first pass of the station, I'll be working on walls, floors, doors, and lights. On the second pass, I'll be adding furniture/equipment and decorations. This is the first time I've taken a station build very seriously, and the first time I've built one with z-levels involved. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. I'm hoping to maintain as much accuracy as possible, but I've had to compromise in a few areas to avoid tearing a hole in space and time. Luckily, the places I've had to do that are few and hold no functional difference. Pretty sure they were cosmetic in the first place, anyway. One small issue I've encountered is that lighting can sometimes be sparse, but it was typically like that in-game anyway. One of the things I've really come to appreciate with this build is the attention to detail and the continuity between layers in the map. Whatever groups of people worked on it, they did a great job.
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