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About Ggnomaz

  • Birthday July 19

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  • Byond CKey

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Botanist (5/37)

  1. Prepare for cute
  2. So, I've been watching Avatar: The Legend of Korra and I just finished season 3. I know season 4 will start October 3, but there's like, 2 more weeks to that, so I was thinking, Do you guys have anything to suggest?
  3. Have fun
  4. You need to see the whole video
  5. What. The. Fuck....
  6. The fuck are these two doing here? Someone remind me, it's been too long since the last time I watched Star Wars
  7. The image is wrong, there is a tiny bit of Russia by Baltic Sea. #learnurfacts #geographyismybitch #getrekt
  8. I only know about this because I love The Weeknd.
  9. I was the RD that round, and being extremely robust, I survived, and wasnt even infected, but that's not the case, I have the logs, showing what happened (from IC perspective, since I was playing). If this was properly executed, and perhaps with less grief and without depressurising the whole escape arm, I would've been fine. But i had a damn cryo pod attacking me. And honestly, if Meowy continued to screw around with me, I would've activated the nuke. EDIT: And honestly, since I survived, I could not care less about this,because it's just a fucking game, but it's the people who died, or nearly died, like Tophat who will be mad at this. and i understand the whole HEAVY RP thing, and yes this was unacceptable, but personally, I don't care, as long as shit like this does not repeat. EDIT2: Scan the attachment with antivirus. god knows what lurks in my pc.
  10. A good roleplayer, I feel like backstory could be a bit longer, but I don't remember how long mine was, so I don't have the right to say that, really. +1
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