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Everything posted by Kevin_McScrooge

  1. Okay, but I wasn't. Not sure how I can get more clear than that.
  2. I didn't, haven't played in a long time. Have you asked Melariara about it? I have no idea how Byond works regarding all the IP and computer ID stuff though.
  3. All I have is the info that Mel#6284 on discord gave me, so I would assume it got hacked roughly around the same time as the ban was applied. Also, I'm not sure what you mean by the computer id and ip, but I have a new computer if that helps.
  4. Probably sometime in January 2022 or December of 2021. Don't remember a day though.
  5. BYOND Key: kevinmcscrooge Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: Melariara Reason of Ban: Possible Hacker. Didn't respond to admin pings about why he stripped someone random and hypnotized them. Feel free to appeal this on the forums. Reason for Appeal: Yeah, I remember that I had my Byond account hacked and found out when Melariara DM'd me on Discord about it. Though I've been wanting to get back into non-ERP HRP and SS13 as a whole and I feel Aurora Station would be the perfect environment for it. Especially with the overarching Story-arcs.
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