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Everything posted by alt4s

  1. I'm not saying you should "roleplay for me", I'm saying you could've made an effort to help me as a staff member. All I needed was an example, I don't think it would be that hard to provide one, yet all you did was close the ticket.
  2. I mean as I said I completely understand if I acted wrong or didnt act enough, but all I needed was an example of how the situation was supposed to play out. An explanation on what I had exactly done wrong. I tried to provide as much RP being a changeling as I could have. I honestly tried my best, read the whole changeling wiki and read the whole thing on the rules as an antag. I didn't find anything on how changelings are supposed to act, that's why I asked for an example on how to act in the future.
  3. BYOND Key: Ranbee Staff BYOND Key: ShesTrying Game ID: cfP-dyv0 Reason for complaint: So I was playing changeling, absorbed a guy after failing to absorb another guy, and was warned by ShesTrying for failure to RP as an antagonist. While I understand that I may have done a mistake even after attempting to roleplay as much as possible, I was not given a proper explanation of what I had exactly done wrong. I tried to ask for an example or an elaboration but all I received are the copy pasted rules I've read before. I asked for an example because I wanted to know how to react, even though I tried to roleplay as a predator I was still given a warning. I did not receive any useful information and was completely ignored. Evidence/logs/etc: (Bottom to top) (Edit: nvm i dont know how the image system works) Additional remarks: -
  4. Because I don't really wanna get banned again and I wanna try enjoy my time on the server. I appealed because I realize that that behavior is not accepted by the server, and I wouldn't appeal if I didn't want to play again.
  5. BYOND Key: Ranbee Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: roostercat12 Reason of Ban: Reason for Appeal: So it's been 2 months, and 16 days, I remember being really bored that day and I just didn't have it in me to do hard rp stuff, yet still entered the server again due to my boredom. I stuck around for a bit, walked around the ship. Nothing was really happening, so I created a temporary gimmick for my character. That gimmick being that I had become crazy with boredom and started doing crazy stuff like fire rituals and speaking in a different language. Also ran around with a hazmat suit and sunglasses and threw shoes at people. And when I got contacted by an admin I was too lazy to even respond normally. That's basically the whole story.
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