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Everything posted by Haisuke

  1. BYOND Key:Valoryx/Haisuke (This is your Byond login/Ckey) Total Ban Length:Permenant, (It says for one minute but I am never unbanned so) (The total time of your ban. You can also note your remaining time, though it is not required) Banning staff member's Key:TishinaStalker(I was a jerk to you I am sorry) (This is the staff member's BYOND key/Ckey who placed the ban) Reason of Ban:Banned for attempting suicide after being perma brigged over a small arguement. refused to read rules when the admin tried to work with me (TishinaStalker) Told me to appeal when I read the rules (You can see this when you attempt to log in to the server) Reason for Appeal:read the rules. Feel bad. Want to get back into the community. (State your reason for why you think you should be unbanned)Its been like a year since I have been banned but basically I got jailed for stupid reasons threw a fit and tried to commit suicide. Was told to appeal after I read the rules and I did but I forgot to check the the questions that was asked and eventually gave up. however I believe its been a long enough time and I should be given another shot. I would sure appreciate it because your server is good because of the attentive admins. Will be here to answer questions. Previous post is here. http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=3274&p=32452#p32452 EDIT: WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME. PS I never once said I love your admins. Just saying. I dislike you greatly because YOU speciically are so butthurt you pissed me off and I said things that you arent worried at all what happened to ME which is what an appeal is about. But I wont write ignored words to you anymore because you are still on your power trip from a year ago. So enjoy your life Tishina, thanks for telling someone to appeal and twisting my words everytime.
  2. BYOND Key: Haisuke Total Ban Length: Million trillion years Banning staff member's Key: Valoryx (This is the staff member's BYOND key/Ckey who placed the ban) Reason of Ban: Raging and attempted suicide (You can see this when you attempt to log in to the server) Reason for Appeal: I miss the RP server, but I also feel bad and apologize. Let me know if there anything else I can do. (State your reason for why you think you should be unbanned)
  3. Define to me how having someone tell me to shutup, and me asking them not to be fucking rude deems me being perma'd? But whatever, ill find a server with admins that actually think with a brain. Or somewhere where people are actually fair. And dont single someone out in game and gang up against me because the person I argued with was a friend.
  4. Okay fair enough, it was my first time on the server in a LONG time though. I just came back to ss13 around then, I didnt think I had played on here before but if I did it was breifly. 4-10-2015 7:46
  5. Yeah, well thats how it came off. Ill admit I was being a dick that day, but it didnt seem like you were being friendly and it was my first time on the server so thats what irritated me greatly. I had the thought that "this server is full of pretentious jerks" after being thrown to the dogs from a retarded HoS and then I get an admin that comes off as standoffish and unwilling to assist. I understand its an "IC issue" but thats all you said to resolve is that "Its and IC issue" you atleast could have told them perma is a rediculous sentence just because of an arguement. I dont believe I should have had to sit out the whole round.
  6. Because you showed no willingness at all to help, and the fact that I was perma'd over an arguement was complete BS and you didnt put any effort into helping me, only complaining that I didnt want to stay in perma for the rest of the round so it pissed me off. Edit: And the WHOLE reason the arguement started with the other sec member was because I was told to shutup, and I told them not to tell me to shut up because thats rude as fuck, and to get perma'd and kicked out of the entire round just because of that is completely rediculous. And quiet frankly, you were being a jerk. And also, you need to note that you actually cant commit suicide with a pen.
  7. BYOND Key: Valoryx Total Ban Length: Permanant Banning staff member's Key: TishinaStalker Reason of Ban: I was banned due to failing to follow rules (Suicide rule) Reason for Appeal: I am here to appeal my ban, because while I do admit I was rather angry at the time, I was in the wrong. I got into an arguement with a fellow security officer, and was perma'd because I did not apoligize. Then I attempted to kill myself due to my anger of being perma'd over something so simple seeming. I was upset I was put out of the rest of the round just because of an arguement and I didnt find it fair at all. However that isnt the reason why I was banned, I was banned because I attempted to commit suicide because of my frustration with the admin "Tishinastalker" I will admit she was nice enough to tell me to read the rules, (Which I knew ahead of time but like I said I was frustrated and upset) about suicide and I was banned due to not being willing to read the rules, and really I was banned because I refused to listen to the admin. I am appealing today because I dont think I should have been perma'd I think a decent time away would have allowed me to see where I was faulty in my decision. I do believe I was in the wrong and fully admit to that. However I would like to play on this server again, because while the rules are strict, I see why they are nessacery. I was told to make an appeal after I read the rules so here I am. I apoligize and hope to be back to work. I am not a jerk, I just was having a really bad day, and was upset like I said over being pretty much put of the round just because I argued breifly with someone.
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