BYOND Key: Valoryx
Total Ban Length: Permanant
Banning staff member's Key: TishinaStalker
Reason of Ban: I was banned due to failing to follow rules (Suicide rule)
Reason for Appeal: I am here to appeal my ban, because while I do admit I was rather angry at the time, I was in the wrong. I got into an arguement with a fellow security officer, and was perma'd because I did not apoligize. Then I attempted to kill myself due to my anger of being perma'd over something so simple seeming. I was upset I was put out of the rest of the round just because of an arguement and I didnt find it fair at all. However that isnt the reason why I was banned, I was banned because I attempted to commit suicide because of my frustration with the admin "Tishinastalker" I will admit she was nice enough to tell me to read the rules, (Which I knew ahead of time but like I said I was frustrated and upset) about suicide and I was banned due to not being willing to read the rules, and really I was banned because I refused to listen to the admin. I am appealing today because I dont think I should have been perma'd I think a decent time away would have allowed me to see where I was faulty in my decision. I do believe I was in the wrong and fully admit to that. However I would like to play on this server again, because while the rules are strict, I see why they are nessacery. I was told to make an appeal after I read the rules so here I am. I apoligize and hope to be back to work. I am not a jerk, I just was having a really bad day, and was upset like I said over being pretty much put of the round just because I argued breifly with someone.