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Everything posted by Astriloqua

  1. BYOND Key: Astriloqua Staff BYOND Key: @Melariara (I do not know their BYOND Key) Game ID: Not Applicable Reason for complaint: Contesting refusal of unban request, the ground on which I am standing is that the ban is meant for someone other than me. Evidence/logs/etc: I am not really sure as to how to prove that the account that the ban has been issued for isn't mine. Additional remarks: The ban was issued for cocacolatastesbetterwithmyname in late 2020, whereas I have played on Aurora in 2023 as a chemist under the BYOND Key Astriloqua without any issues in connecting (excluding a ban in early 2023 for Astriloqua, that has been resolved) until experiencing hardware issues, causing me to change devices. Joining the server with the new device, running the game through Wine (https://www.winehq.org/) is when I saw the ban issued. I did not file an unban request until having a device natively runs Windows which was a few days ago. To clarify, the unban request is for Astriloqua, not the other person. Additionally, only I have used and owned the device in mention so it is not possible for another BYOND account to have been made on the said device.
  2. BYOND Key: Astriloqua Total Ban Length: Appeal Only - Issued at 2020-12-09T06:32:17 Banning staff member's Key: shenaanigans Reason of Ban: (Ban Applied For BYOND KEY cocacolatastesbetterwithmyname) Was observed wandering around spraying people with a fire extinguisher, grabbing random items, and then ultimately trying to break into the HoP's office. DC'd when told about server expectations. Reason for Appeal: I don't even think I knew about Space Station 13 in 2021 and I have never heard about the mentioned user. I presume this ban to be issued under my name for having tried to play Space Station 13 via Wine on Linux, which I've tried due to issues in my Windows running computer. Astriloqua is the only BYOND account that I possess.
  3. BYOND Key: Astriloqua Total Ban Length: Unspecified Banning staff member's Key: peppermint96 Reason of Ban: MANUAL BAN (Likely because I was AFK for an extended period or exited the game without leaving my body) Reason for Appeal: I realized I had to leave so I packed my in-game items and rushed to the sleeping pods however I forgot to leave my body. Sorry for the inconvenience I caused, I'll try to be more careful next time.
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