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About jming

  • Birthday 26/11/1995

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  • Interests
    Tech, music, good friends, and good food. Combine for best results.

jming's Achievements


Assistant (1/37)

  1. Lieutenant Jono, California, 'Murica
  2. Oooops... probably should have checked for that. I can change the name. But, ya'know, "imitation is the highest form of flattery," and, "great minds think alike," and all that jazz.
  3. BYOND Key: Lieutenant Jono Character Names: Julius Strider, Enarin Liadon, Gary Mitchell, V.A.R.A. Species you are applying to play: IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): IPC Exempt Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yep, I've read about half of all the lore pages, including the page on IPCs. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I'm a Computer Science student (and enthusiast) who has spent a great deal of time wondering and learning about the way computers think. I'm fascinated by the way simple electric pulses can coalesce into something capable of interacting with people. The way I see it, Artificial Intelligence is an attempt to bestow humanity upon something we have created; I enjoy and respect this notion greatly. Because of these things, I want to consider further what it might be like for these synthetic intelligences through role-play. Plus, I think it would be fun! Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Most notably is that positronic intelligences are incapable of truly experiencing emotion. Emulation of emotions is possible, but it is just that: emulation. Also, positronics struggle with the ideas of sentience and identity. In most situations, the lack of a hard-coded comprehensive definition of sentience causes the synthetic to have problems self-identifying; this leads to confusion at best, malfunction at worst (my character will lean toward the "best"). Character Name: Bios Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Bios is a Designed (yet slightly Emergent) positronic intelligence that has been in an integrated chassis since its activation. It was originally designed in 2443 by a medical research team aboard the NSS Canis Minor for the purpose of aiding hospitals primarily in operations requiring minute accuracy. It was programmed with a simple yet sufficiently firm moralty core that left much of the interpretation up to the intelligence. Bios was (in the interest of speed and efficiency) coded to be learning and intelligent, yet decidedly obedient. Sentience was never part of the plan. That all changed, however, during Bios' 11th year of medical service aboard the NSS Canes Venatici hospital. Up to this point, Bios' diagnosis and disease prevention-oriented learning algorithms had led it to ask the question, "Where did this come from?" a great many times. Be it a foreign pathogen, virus, toxin, tumor, or injury, Bios asked itself and others, "Where did this come from?" in order to better understand and isolate the source of the problem. Then, that fateful night arrived: July 29, 2455. It so happened that the hospital was short on surgery staff at the time, and a human woman suffered serious complications during childbirth: an emergency surgery was necessary. The shortage of surgeons combined with the present doctor's failure to read the company's Positronic Policy caused the doctor to rely on Bios' help to perform the surgery. The lives of the woman and her child were saved by Bios, and upon beholding the brand new life ushered into the world, one of Bios' most familiar neural pathways fired, for the first time, all on its own. "Where did this come from?" This life, being, person, this little sentient one? Where did its sentience come from? It was by asking this very question that Bios found a sentience of its own, and it has never been the same since. What do you like about this character? I really like this character's dynamic comparison of its robot-ness and its "humanity" found in sentience; I think this will create a fun personality to role-play, especially on Medical staff. Even I sometimes consider the heavy question, "Where did my humanity come from?" and I like the idea of a newly sentient artifical intelligence asking the same question as me. I also like Bios' inherent inquisitiveness and fascination with life. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Decent and growing - I've been playing "RPGs" for nearly as long as I can remember, but only in the past year have I truly begun to invest in the characters I create and in role-playing them. A big step forward in my role-playing ability happened a number of months ago when I first began playing Dungeons and Dragons with my closest friends. Notes: Fun fact: The name Bios is a play on words derived from the ancient Greek for "life" and from the computer abbreviation BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) Slightly less but still kinda fun fact: Feedback is most certainly welcome, especially since I'm still pretty new to the Aurora community. Been playing SS13 for a long time, but this is the first time I've started to invest in a particular server's community instead of just hopping around.
  4. jming

    The List 2.0

    Enarin Liadon - Enarin is a skilled scientist in the field of alien life forms, but also excels at nearly any scientific pursuit you can throw in front of him. His intelligence shines through his eyes. At the same time, however, his lack of combat fortitude shines through his light build and less-than-menacing stance. He doesn't seem particularly attached to life on the space station, preferring to engulf himself in his science. He's still human, though, and tries (to the best of his limited ability) to interact socially with his coworkers. Julius Strider - While wholly average in dress and appearance, save for his prosthetic left arm, Julius's experiences have not been as average as he sometimes thinks. He always enjoyed the way spaceships worked and picked up a freight job as soon as he could so he could pilot spacecraft. He proved himself a competent worker, eventually rising in the opinion of the quartermasters he delivered to, and was offered numerous cargo technician jobs. Each one he declined, however, since he really did enjoy piloting. All that changed after the accident. A malfunction in the docking mechanism between Julius's ship and another space station caused Julius's ship to collide with the docking bay somewhat violently. Julius lost his left arm and suffered severe injuries along the left side of his torso. After obtaining his prosthetic arm (which drained most of his savings), he was ready to get back out and do something, but he just couldn't bring himself to pilot spacecraft again. So, he went back to one of his previous clients and took their still-open cargo tech job offer. Years passed, and he settled nicely in to his job and his arm. By now, he is completely accustomed both to his prosthetic and his work in the cargo bays of whichever space station needs him; both are natural to him, and his tranquil demeanor shows it. Gary Mitchell - Gary is hopelessly enthralled by robots of all kinds. Be it heavy cyborg, artificial intelligence, or even uplift, he can't get enough time working and talking with them. He views robotic chassis as superior to organic body and accordingly is on the waiting list for becoming a cyborg himself. (Still in progress)
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