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About Korywon

  • Birthday 19/05/1998

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  • Location
    Texas, U.S.A.

Korywon's Achievements


Assistant (1/37)

  1. In a way, yes. Though I was thinking maybe we can put a couple rounds in between the extended rounds. Another proposal is to single out a day just for extended.
  2. Alternating Rounds Earlier today, a couple people went into an entire argument for nearly half an hour about how people calls the shuttle during rounds. So here's my two cents. Alternating rounds. Server starts up, goes into extended. This is a server picked thing and nobody will be able to change it (except adminbus, of course). After one round of extended, the server then opens up to vote for a round (or two) of the playerbase's choice. I always wanted to really get far with xenoarcheology but I never have been able to since the round is on another mode other than extended. This is also a heavy RP server, so why not?
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