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  1. BYOND Key: Koshi Kaiser Total Ban Length: Permament Department ban Banning staff member's Key: @CampinKiller Reason of Ban: Doesn't have Medical Skills, jobbanned to become a Intern Reason for Appeal: I do not wish to be unbanned I wish for the Job Ban be corrected, after much time has passed, I have noticed one thing. I was not job banned, I was department banned, wich is a rougher sentence than being banned from one specific job (wich would be Medical Doctor), I am not here to appeal to be unbanned from Medical Doctor, rather be unbanned from the other jobs within Medical Department. My actions did not caused the Whole Medical Department to be destroyed nor was an act of Grief. I am appealing to be unbanned from Chemist, Paramedic and Psychologist. If not accepted I wish for only Psychologist I am not here to victimize myself, I have come with terms on Medical Doctor's Jobban and do not wish to appeal for it in particular.
  2. "but I sympathized with Vaurca being a difficult species to treat, given they are different than everyone else" That case has been resolved with another staff, I cannot partake in the surgery because I was there only to assist if the surgeon told me, it was a Necrosis removal of Kidney and Liver, I didn't got told to do anything because I do not have much confident in treating a Vaulcan, even more that I can't find anything related to them. And as you may be aware I can't do surgery on Liver and Kidney as it states in the wiki page and I was there just to stabilize if needed. I asked help for one of the Doctors and they responded that they were not my servant besides the fact I was helping set up the whole GTR alone and by myself. In the case of the CMO I was too stressed and trully lightheaded in listening things. The CMO did not assist me at all in the case of the other Doctor that was saying things about a dead crewmate and I had interveened saying that it was not right saying those things about other species. The Innaprovaline was a thing that I get too scared to inject because there's a lot of people and can lead to overdose, wich happened multiple times to me because there were multiple personnels in one patient. Besides, the Arm was cybernetic I have no knowledge in treating cybernetic arms because it's a Machinist's job. CMO did not resolved the case and just told everyone to shut up.
  3. BYOND Key: Koshi Kaiser Staff BYOND Key: Campinkiller Game ID: Lost. Reason for complaint: The jobban was unfair given the circumstances of those rounds. Evidence/logs/etc: Lost. Additional remarks: I've been playing for the past months as a Pshysician, treated multiple people and today, an Admin comes up to me says that my Medical Play is not good enough, when I was in the middle of treating a patient and had to go AFK due to a urgent reason and a intern was with the patient, the admin disregarded all of that and still said I was playing wrong. I have zero idea what they meant by Medical Play, talking with patient? Treating fast enough? No idea! Later round a Drama in-game happens and issues happens, miscommunications with crewmember and CMO, got told again that my Medical Playstyle was not good enough because I didn't followed a order to inject a medication when there was a CMO and other 3 people around the patient, in none of these occurences the patient died. Later time after that same round I was Jobbanned because I didn't have (as the admin stated) Medical knowledge to be a Pshysician. Despite the fact that I've been playing so long as a pshysician and they decided to say it today, disregarding any playtime I had with that Job.
  4. BYOND Key: Koshi Kaiser Total Ban Length: Permament Job ban Banning staff member's Key: Campinkiller Reason of Ban: Doesn't have Medical Skills, jobbanned to become a Intern Reason for Appeal: I've been playing for the past month as a Pshysician, treated multiple people and today, an Admin comes up to me says that my Medical Play is not good enough, when I was in the middle of treating a patient and had to go AFK due to a urgent reason and a intern was with the patient, the admin disregarded all of that and still said I was playing wrong. I have zero idea what they meant by Medical Play, talking with patient? Treating fast enough? No idea! Later round a Drama in-game happens and issues happens, miscommunications with crewmember and CMO, got told again that my Medical Playstyle was not good enough because I didn't followed a order to inject a medication when there was a CMO and other 3 people around the patient, in none of these occurences the patient died. Later time after that same round I was Jobbanned because I didn't have Medical knowledge to be a Pshysician. Despite the fact that I've been playing so long as a pshysician and they decided to say it today, disregarding any playtime I had with that Job.
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