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  1. though not the same device I was originally banned on -- I bought a new computer recently.
  2. I'm not using a virtual machine but yes that is an alt key of mine that I tried to use to connect to see if it would work. Should be the same IP and device though.
  3. BYOND Key: Lofiai.art Total Ban Length: Forever Banning staff member's Key: melaria Reason of Ban: Aggressive and insulting in bwoink tickets. Reason for Appeal: I acknowledge that I was at fault in this scenario. The truth is that at the time of this incident I was in a lot of physical pain and had a different world view. As of January of this year, I was diagnosed with stage 3 rectal cancer -- this was what was causing the pain. I am almost done with chemotherapy now, and I am starting to be able to do things I once enjoyed again. It is not known at this time whether or not I will make a recovery or etc, but the odds are tipped slightly in my favor at the moment (about 60%). I have tried to play on other SS13 servers but none of them seem to have the charm and interesting mechanics that attract me to Aurora. I have learned a lot in the last year and I would like a chance to demonstrate that I can be a reasonable player in your community. Thank you for your consideration, -Lofi
  4. sorry but there is some mistake, this is not an alt account. you can check my website, type my name into your URL bar. this is the only name I use, same as my discord handle
  5. How is it possible that I have so many antagonist notes that would lead to me being banned if I am new to the server? This is only my second month playing here. Stop putting a bunch of notes in my file and communicate with me instead.
  6. BYOND Key: Lofiai.art Staff BYOND Key: lmwevil Game ID: I'm not sure. Reason for complaint: I received a warning for "not rping stealing the armory." I would like to understand how you intended me to RP this? Should I have announced it over general comms? I have since been informed by another admin that it is generally unacceptable to empty the armory as a first act of escalation, however this rule is not written anywhere and I am new to the server. You also threatened to banned me from antag roles, which is pretty off-putting considering I am still learning the ropes. Evidence/logs/etc: Additional remarks: I would like this removed from my record, and I don't think it's very professional to remark on the private administrative notes kept on my records. I am doing my best to learn how to be a good antagonist and this is definitely not the way to teach me or anyone.
  7. BYOND key: Lofiai.art Discord name/id: lofiai.art Borg / AI names: PAL Have you read the Aurora wiki page about the AI?: Yes. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I enjoy playing borg, and I suspect playing AI will be largely the same. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? I have not. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? I understand, and I look forward to receiving a discord interview.
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