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Everything posted by cake

  1. BYOND Ckey: freestiff Discord username: .truncatedcake0161 Character names: I forgot, sorry, on linux, and would have to reboot to check edit: Corey Thorley, Lyric Snyder Species you are applying to play: IPC. — General Whitelist Requirements What colour do you plan on making your first alien character?: Not applicable for IPC’s. Have you read the lore pages for the species you wish to be whitelisted for?: I've read a good number of them, followed some of the links, several times, and gone over them again while I was writing this Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. (Please man, I have dysgraphia, writing paragraphs is hell) Why do you wish to play this species?: androids are cool. I really like the classic android character, and frankly, I just want to play one What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human?: many things- in no particular order, an IPC's body, while important, also can be considered "replaceable" as an object, like a car- maybe you're attached, but it's still something replaceable. IPCs also see serious discrimination and quite literally are in many cases, owned by others, seen as tools to be used and discarded, as well as their varying personalities, IPCs can range from a band of near human, to near completely logical, depending on origin, age, personality, creator preference, and so on, making them a wildly flexible species for character creation, in terms of a human facing shell like I'm looking to create, a more human like personality isn't just expected, but even a benefit, on the other hand, a shell is still an IPC, and thus both may see things differently than humans, and be painfully aware that they will always be just out of reach of what is naturally afforded to others. in aurora, IPCs also function off their self preservation drive, and how they interpret that to definite what life is, and this varies from individual to individual, one might consider life, and think "experiencing new things is a core part of life, you aren't properly living if you're sitting around doing nothing at all" maybe it's a new IPC that only understands the concept as far as protecting their own skin, and variants thereof probably could write more, but nothing is coming to mind at the moment Character Name: Sarah R(eceptionist) Please provide a short backstory for this character Sarah is a human facing shell originally purchased for the purpose of being a receptionist in the headquarters of a now defunct company working on prosthetic and cyberization technology, when the company collapsed, she was put up for sale along with many of the companies other assets. she was then purchased by a fairly wealthy elderly couple in retirement to perform a servant's duties, as they were reaching a state where they would physically no longer be able to take care of themselves, during this time, she received some upgrades and advanced maintenance, but as with all things, it had to end, when her owners died, the estate took over all assets(as the family had no descendants), including sarah, and is currently in a holding pattern due to difficulties for the foreseeable future, in this, sarah is not currently in use by the estate, nor is she released, rather, the estate will pay for maintenance, and cheap repairs only, the most basic requirements, and otherwise the lawyers do not care beyond maintaining the value of the estate, and they are less than willing to handle day-to-day life for sarah, thus there is a temporary agreement to lease out money and assets earned to sarah, as long as the initial investment sees return, so at this point, sarah is on her own for the most part in supporting herself beyond the basics, hence why she is seeking a job aboard the Horizon as a character, sarah is (will be?) somewhat different from other IPCs- dating back to even her original job, she's had a fascination with robotics and transhumanism, and their relationship, as well as her perspective as an outsider staring in. she also, ironically, is extremely unfamiliar with IPCs, having interacted with very few, both her original job, mainly being interacting with humans in an office setting, and then mostly housebound in her second job, as well as being designed for human contact, where she would expect to be confident about a human's outward feelings, she struggles to read and understand other IPCs, and likewise being unfamiliar with IPC culture and speech patterns, and this disconnect makes her uncomfortable, given her interest in the topic. she has a strong drive to learn, seeing knowledge as the greatest asset one can acquire, and the loss of such as a tragedy, and likewise, does not consider it to be properly living to simply be existing, you need to experience new things, learn, and see different things to be truly alive. between this, the relatively sheltered existence she had before and her previous jobs' abrupt ends, she is cautiously curious about the goings on of the Horizon. beyond this she has a concern for other people, thinking that the loss of someone being a tragedy as well- with her original front facing job, she has a fairly well developed set of emotions and personality. in terms of death, sarah is terrified of dying, as there is so much to see and learn, and she would lose all that, but at the same time, there is a little curiosity about what comes after, and she considers a certain amount of risk worthwhile when it is interesting depending on what the character creator is like, I may give her a prosthetic arm for thematic reasons, IE lost it, and the estate would only pay for a cheap replacement this took practically half a day to write. How have the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted your character? Events such as the Phoron Scarcity, the Solarian Collapse or even the Invasions of Biesel for interstellar-wide affairs, while region-specific events such as the Peacekeeper Mandate, The Titan Rises or even Cold Dawn may impact your character. Sarah is only barely familiar with these events, and some of them not at all, thanks to a fairly limited experience of the world pre-horizon, but the phoron scarcity terrifies her, as it stands to shrink the world, and the solarian collapse stands as the tragic end of an ancient entity How does your character view the megacorporation they work for? as a means to an end Notes: paragraphs, why. this isn't school I haven't decided on a set job, and for the most part I'm transient on what I play, and I'm not a big fan of making multiple characters, I usually spend a long time creating one, and use that one probably leaning towards medical or robotics, as those are both of the jobs I tend to the most on other servers, as well as my character's backstory supporting it well. I'm not a huge fan of backstories, because they hem you in, and limit you to a certain space, and if you ignore it, it starts creating holes in the narrative of the game, I much prefer leaving things ambiguous so I can play my characters more naturally. here I tried to find a balance between what would let me roleplay smoothly and naturally without having to check a book every 5 minutes, and what would be acceptable here, but overall this is a lot more writing than I ever do. ingame I approach it as conversations and interactions, but out of game, you're just making random stuff up, so for the most part I do not write a lot.
  2. thanks a ton, all good now fingers crossed I don't screw up again, but nobody knows what the future holds
  3. works now- previously was without- but all the same thanks for the help- and thanks for the quick handling once you noticed if I can make a suggestion- protonvpn should probably just be blacklisted, not stickied, lotta people use vpns, and it's probably going to keep catching people and I did it again- forgot to turn it off. I need another unban, please.
  4. argh- still banned, thanks though- this time it's a different sticky
  5. er- hello? it's been almost a week- has been a week. another request posted after mine was already served, and still nothing here
  6. BYOND Key: freestiff Total Ban Length: permanent Banning staff member's Key: automated (melariara) Reason of Ban: sticky ("Griefer DC'd during ticket. ignored request to read rules. Attempted suicide)(ban is for someone called damperaxis) Reason for Appeal: I occasionally use vpns, and you have sticky bans placed on the ones I use. normally I turn them off before playing ss13, but I forgot, and now I have someone else's permanent sticky ban on me. I've been considering getting into aurora for a bit, but it's quite difficult when you're banned. I have no past bans anywhere
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