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Assistant (1/37)

  1. Thanks! I just connected and it looks like the unban went through successfully. Appreciate it!
  2. BYOND Key: Gobears is the current ckey I use but this ban was under Jonahbbuilder Total Ban Length: Perma Banning staff member's Key: Garnascus Reason of Ban: Bought a bomb into medical bay. Looks like you tried to grief tbh. Reason for Appeal: This ban happened in 2018 so I don't remember much but I will say I was a fairly new player and did not respect the rules and culture of servers or even the concept of roleplaying. I stopped playing shortly after this ban but got back into ss13 after COVID and that's also why I have a new account since I forgot my old one's password. Since then I've spent most of my time on /tg/. That's also why this is under a different account. I have gotten into trouble a few times on /tg/ just for full disclosure but never for anything like massive grief like trying to bomb the medical bay. I would like to try out a High RP "classic" ss13 server and Aurora is pretty much my only option since Bay barely has enough people for a decent round and the other HRP servers are like fallout themed and not related to space. If you unban me I will read the required lore on the wiki and do my best to adapt to a high rp style. I do not have any HRP experience. If you don't unban me no hard feelings I understand why you would be weary about letting a mass griefer try playing on your server. Thanks!
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