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Everything posted by bieyes

  1. I can play now, thanks!
  2. Still cant join, but now on the ban reason it says MANUAL BAN
  3. Likely an evader that used a vpn that managed to get to me and then griefed on some servers, TGMC and Aurora.
  4. Still the same issue, though I just noticed it says the banned ckey is Chrisrobertbush? Maybe they used a vpn and managed to hit me and then did this shit which got me banned, the same happened on CM
  5. I last played like MONTHS ago, and I do not even have any vpns installed so no.
  6. BYOND Key: Bieyes Total Ban Length: Perma Banning staff member's Key: crishrobertbush Reason of Ban: spam in ooc Reason for Appeal: I did not do this, I believe my ckey was maybe hacked or something, I have not played aurora in a WHILE and I saw it above Beestation so I wanted to revisit and get that SWEET taste of HRP and was met with the horror of this ban. I've reset my password and all of that and it should be good now, thank you for your time.
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