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  1. BYOND Key: genoliver Total Ban Length: until appeal Banning staff member's Key: Fyni Reason of Ban: Consistently DCing at round start when not rolling antag, alongside DCing as actor when not a violent round. It's not acceptable to fish for antag positions like this, while also DCing without even hitting cyro. - Reapealling after denied request. Reason for Appeal: Well i played few rounds last time, was quite busy week for me though (exams in my university, so i had to spend my night time preparing, not gaming.), i think im quite confident with my connection now and playing non antag rounds as i did before, so i ask for my ban to be appealed. Fyni said i can do that in a week, i think enough time passed.
  2. BYOND Key: genoliver Total Ban Length: until appeal Banning staff member's Key: Fyni Reason of Ban: Consistently DCing at round start when not rolling antag, alongside DCing as actor when not a violent round. It's not acceptable to fish for antag positions like this, while also DCing without even hitting cyro Reason for Appeal: Well to be honest no one spoken with me about this, and i dotn have any warnings, so i thought its cool, and also my internet sometimes is fucky, or im being drowsy and forgetting to unready myself, so uh, sorry, i promise to be more responsible with me getting into round. Also i did DC not because odyssey gimmick wasnt violent, i just didnt want to play in lowpoo, since that probably would be incredibly boring, so i just went to sleep instead. I understand that what i did is unnacceptable now, and promise to be more responsible with staying in game if i join the round.
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