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About Gurodel

  • Birthday 21/10/1991

Personal Information

  • Interests
    Reading, writing, painting, playing video games, role playing games and soccer.

Gurodel's Achievements


Chaplain (2/37)

  1. Remote newsfeed access could be helpful for such cyborgs, yes. But as I said, it´s possible without any special tools, it´s just time-consuming to read the newsfeeders manually every time there comes something new in. I can see very funny and interesting rounds involving those news borgs, even if they are only played to state the same old news over and over again, annoying everyone who crosses their path. - Gurodel, out.
  2. I think I just found another "job" standard cyborgs could do... Helping the Librarian/Journalist and the Chaplain. Because on another server I saw Standard Cyborgs acting as mobile newscasting units, reading the feeds on the newscasters and shouting them out to everyone they encounter. Hell, they were even reading horoscopes and such shit. Another cyborg helped the Chaplain with his work, as he had saved the entire religious works of over a dozen religions and cults on his harddrive and recited them on demand. Sorry if I write completely bullshit, but that´s just my opinon. - Gurodel, out.
  3. I just don´t know what to say about that... Better I get my rolling pin and stuff ´cause, y´know... for emergencies.
  4. Oh, that´s really strange. Thank you, I will try it next time when I´m playing. I see that there´s much to learn for me here on Aurora.
  5. @ Jackfractal. Hello and thank you for the nice welcome. And I have indeed a question, even if it may be a very dumb one and not even really fitting in this thread. How can I change clothes in the game, especially the jumpsuits? I mean, if I try to put on, say, a kilt with my character, in which slot does it fit, because if it´s in the jumpsuit slot, then I don´t know how to get rid of it. Thank you, - Gurodel, out.
  6. Thank you for the advice. As I said, I´m not very experienced at RPing and I don´t plan on playing medbay for a long time, so don´t worry. I just play my chef and barkeeper character, that´s something relative easy to start with I think. To 3: I think I can distinguish between IC and OOC in terms of insults and behaviour and don´t feel offended if someone insults my character ICly. Only if somebody starts to OOC provoke me, I cannot guarantee that I don´t inform the admins. To 4: See point 3. To 5: Thank´s I will have a good time here, I think. And please, if you or somebody else has got another tip or advice, feel free to slap it into my face directly. - Gurodel, out.
  7. Austrian here. From Styria, to be exact. Nothing more to say about that I think.
  8. Hello, people of Aurora! I just stopped by to register myself in the forums and say hi to the community, before I decide whether or not to play one or maybe two rounds today before going to bed. My RL-name is Holger, but you can call me Gurodel if you want. I´m from Austria and currently 23 years old. At the moment, I just try to learn how to RP properly and also train my english skills, because english isn´t my native language. So if you find some grammatical or otherwise errors, just box me in the face, okay? To my person: I am, was always and will always be a huge nerd. I love comics, especially Batman, Star Trek (with Deep Space Nine as my favourite of all ST-series) and video games. I also like to pretend being somebody totally different than myself, and this is the reason why I came to RPing in the first place and to Aurora on the second. The place where I live doesn´t really gives me a chance to find Pen and Paper roleplaying or LARPing groups, with the next place to buy nerdy and RP-y stuff is in Vienna, a three hours train ride away. So I started to stick to online RPGs, but the most MMORPGS had too much MMO and too less RP in it for my taste and didn´t even deserve the name "role playing game". I watched a lot of youtube videos on the topic of roleplaying games, even some guys that rp-ed Realms of Arkania and Vampire: The Masquerade in a Google Hangout livestream, until I just discovered BYOND and Space Station 13. Especially the roleplaying servers of the game. After a really clunky start on other servers, many newbie-mistakes and a long absence to the game, I just decided to give my RPing skills and SS13 a new chance and started here, on Aurora. Some of you might even have seen my character ingame and I hope I didn´t make any too bad mistakes in my short time I´m here. I would be thankful for help and hints and all stuff that could save me from getting "bwoinked", as you call it. Please remember, as I said, I´m fairly new to all this. So, thank you for reading this big wall of text and sorry that my first post here is a such one. - Gurodel, over.
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