Hello, people of Aurora!
I just stopped by to register myself in the forums and say hi to the community, before I decide whether or not to play one or maybe two rounds today before going to bed.
My RL-name is Holger, but you can call me Gurodel if you want. I´m from Austria and currently 23 years old.
At the moment, I just try to learn how to RP properly and also train my english skills, because english isn´t my native language. So if you find some grammatical or otherwise errors, just box me in the face, okay?
To my person: I am, was always and will always be a huge nerd. I love comics, especially Batman, Star Trek (with Deep Space Nine as my favourite of all ST-series) and video games. I also like to pretend being somebody totally different than myself, and this is the reason why I came to RPing in the first place and to Aurora on the second.
The place where I live doesn´t really gives me a chance to find Pen and Paper roleplaying or LARPing groups, with the next place to buy nerdy and RP-y stuff is in Vienna, a three hours train ride away. So I started to stick to online RPGs, but the most MMORPGS had too much MMO and too less RP in it for my taste and didn´t even deserve the name "role playing game".
I watched a lot of youtube videos on the topic of roleplaying games, even some guys that rp-ed Realms of Arkania and Vampire: The Masquerade in a Google Hangout livestream, until I just discovered BYOND and Space Station 13. Especially the roleplaying servers of the game.
After a really clunky start on other servers, many newbie-mistakes and a long absence to the game, I just decided to give my RPing skills and SS13 a new chance and started here, on Aurora. Some of you might even have seen my character ingame and I hope I didn´t make any too bad mistakes in my short time I´m here.
I would be thankful for help and hints and all stuff that could save me from getting "bwoinked", as you call it. Please remember, as I said, I´m fairly new to all this.
So, thank you for reading this big wall of text and sorry that my first post here is a such one.
- Gurodel, over.