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Everything posted by Uberzweihander

  1. As I mentioned in-round to ya, this has my +1. Giving Xenobiologists a good excuse to get out and roleplay is going to get my support as a lowly player no matter what form its in.
  2. Oh man, give me some context, I already have the popcorn!
  3. I think I've roleplayed with you as a borg before- liked what I saw, felt you were a damn good synth player.. +1!
  4. Axis and Allies? Oh god, I'm reliving traumatic memories of family reunions... Japan, Japan everywhere.... *EDIT* guess I gotta share details now. Oh god. Right, 20 year old guy who works security IRL, played way too many videogames, and is going to be living with 2 other equally as videogame obsessed guys in about 2 months. I also make a lot of awesome dishes- my specialty is a savoury paprikash, which is like a delicious meaty sauce with spices and chunks of beef.
  5. Sorry to necro this thread, but I do have a on-topic question relating to this, and didn't want to make a superfluous thread doing so. In regards to the information displayed in the Mendell City Bugle ( http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=2981&start=10#wrap ), will Full-Body prosthetics require collaring? Personally, I'd be leaning towards a firm yes, or if not, SOME form of state-issued ID that declares you are not a shell or IPC. The reason I'm asking, is because I'm not sure what or how my FBP, Frank Hardie, would react, and just want a foundation for what he'd be saying; don't want to pull things outta my ass after all!
  6. Thanks Xander and Sleepy for posting in this lil whitelist of mine! And glad you had a good time Sleepy, I tried my best to be interesting and believable as a hostage in that round.
  7. That's for the up vote Sierra, I greatly appreciate it!
  8. As a player, I love this idea. Seriously, this is honestly amazing- and totally in-character for Nano-Trasen to boot. After all, who needs to bother with making an advanced physical core when you can just use the most ubiquitous computer in reality- the brain!
  9. Yep, I've been advertising it once per round, either at the beginning or end, depending on when I join (don't want to break the rhythm of RP, y'know). Hilariously, I am receiving neither +1 or -1 votes- if I was to guess, I would believe Aurora's reaction is much like those from Planet Neutral: no strong feeling one way or another. I also am guessing that the fact that I'm around for only 2 shifts a day might be contributing, although those are some pretty full shifts. I'll keep seeing if anyone is willing to chime in, and thanks for the extension Killerhurtz, I greatly appreciate it. To anyone reading this, any criticism or suggestions are greatly encouraged!
  10. Well, if I am trained, then I apologize. Please, take this beautiful basket of fruit in apology. I think the people who made it were kinda lazy though, the only fruits in it are persimmons of a metallic hue...
  11. Yay for a post! Thanks Killerhurtz for the input, I appreciate it! Time to respond. 1) Yep, I made this whitelist app with the express purpose of Hardie permanently being made into a chassis(shell?). I fully acknowledge that Frank will no longer be playable as a squishy denizen of meatspace. 2) That's the plan when I get home from work! 3) OH GOD I'M NOT QUALIFIED FOR THIS THEY DIDN'T TRAIN ME!
  12. BYOND Key: Uberzweihander Character Names: I play a handful of characters on Aurora. I usually played URIST, Frank Hardie, and Matthew Hallarn prior to my hiatus, and since my return I have played URIST and a one-shot miner. Species you are applying to play: IPC Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes I have, as well as reading up on several lore pages in the lore section of the forum and wiki for inspiration. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I have a very strong personal appreciation of artificial/transhuman characters, and in particular the idea of a mobile unleashed humanoid robot is quite appealing to me. As well, many of the current accepted IPCs have been an absolute blast to roleplay with on Aurora. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: I feel like IPCs(and in this specific instance, an MMI chassis) have a lot different strengths and weaknesses when compared to baseline humans/organics, especially in regards to their specific weaknesses such as heating issues EVA, their reliance on power leeching, as well as the standard catastrophic damage of EMP weaponry. Character Name: Frank Hardie Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs A clumsy yet well-meaning man, Hardie is a talented xenobiologist and an avid researcher. Educated on Luna, Hardie became well known both for his desire to learn and his unfortunate klutziness. He eventually attracted NanoTrasen's interest, and was hired on to study the odd creature known only as "Slimes", and their relation to phoron. Hardie earned a reputation for results and accidents aboard the Aurora in equal measure. He also developed a (related) fear of small primates during this period. Unfortunately, a particularly bad slime attack left Hardie in critical condition, and irreparably damaged on a genetic level. While he has stabilized, he is unlikely to ever work again, as he had not updated his genetic records for several months. For now, he is on medical leave, but he is seriously considering being hooked up to a MMI and gaining a robotic humanoid chassis to continue his research. He is fully aware this means that he will be considered a second class citizen and likely discriminated against by the majority of the human population. If he goes through with the surgery, Hardie would likely continue with his duties as a xenobiologist with greater fervour than before, and likely with a bit more confidence (thanks to a nonorganic body). He'd likely have a large amount of regret for switching, yet would understand that it was a necessary sacrifice to allow him to continue to live and learn. What do you like about this character? Hardie has always been one of my favourite characters to play, mainly based on his quirks that have developed from natural gameplay (his clumsiness and the aforementioned primate fear both stem from an incident regarding a monkeycube, for instance). I feel like a transhuman Frank would be a treat to play, as his clumsiness might even be increased due to a possibly "ill-fitting" body. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I would confidently rate my role playing ability with Hardie and URIST (the characters I am most adept at playing) with an 8.5/10, with Hallarn (my Internal Affairs) character being a 6/10 with a heavy desire to improve. Notes: This IPC would be an MMI chassis, although I'm not aware if that changes anything in regards to gameplay. Criticism and suggestions are extremely encouraged by myself.
  13. Characters: Kaleb Lowe/URIST (Prior human, now leashed cyborg) The Lowe family has a history of asteroid mining, and Kaleb is no exception. A Sol expatriate now living on Tau Ceti, Kaleb is an occasionally rough but very polite miner with a strong sense of entitlement. Unfortunately, the man fell in with a group of anti-corporate radicals, and was captured after a failed bombing attempt on a NanoTrasen compound. Sentenced to life imprisonment, he elected for conversion to a MMI instead. He can now be found as the NanoTrasen cyborg URIST, filling menial roles aboard the station. Its most common duties are mainly restricted to janitorial and mining, but it has also been known to switch to the odd Security or Service chassis. Doctor Frank Hardie (Human) A clumsy yet well-meaning man, Hardie is a talented xenobiologist and an avid researcher. Educated on Luna, Hardie became well known both for his desire to learn and his unfortunate klutziness. He eventually attracted NanoTrasen's interest, and was hired on to study the odd creature known only as "Slimes", and their relation to phoron. Hardie earned a reputation for results and accidents aboard the Aurora in equal measure. He also developed a (related) fear of small primates during this period. Unfortunately, a particularly bad slime attack left Hardie in critical condition, and irreparably damaged on a genetic level. While he has stabilized, he is unlikely to ever work again, as he had not updated his genetic records for several months. For now, he is on medical leave, but he is seriously considering being hooked up to a MMI and gaining a robotic humanoid chassis to continue his research. He is fully aware this means that he will be considered a second class citizen and likely discriminated against by the majority of the human population. Matthew Hallarn (Human) Matthew Hallarn is a quiet and investigative member of NanoTrasen's Internal Affairs branch. A man in his late 40's, Hallarn's modus operandi is heavily interview based and characterized by a fastidious amount of note-taking and paperwork. Can usually be found in the Internal Affairs office, and is generally approachable to crew. Has a soft spot for parents.
  14. Yep, that'd be me. God, so embarrassing/hilarious.
  15. Hey Aurora! Boy, it's been a little while. Not sure if anyone particularly remembers me, as I was one of the numerous people who joined during summer. (My small 15 minutes of fame was being that idiot who accidentally ate a monkey cube on their first shift as xenobiologist) But anyways, I've always had a NanoTrasen shaped hole in my heart since that summer, and I've been aching to come back. Would have come back sooner, but as they say, Life Happens. In other, more hilarious news, I now validhunt in real life. Yes, I work in... Security. I even have a nifty baton! Anyways, hope to see you guys on Aurora either this evening or this weekend, internet permitting. Peace!
  16. I knew something was going on involving this thread when I saw this on the Holodeck. Then it just devolved into boxing and Thunderdome.
  17. I've avoided coming in here to let things take its due course, but I think I should re-iterate something. My character was not involved with Rusty's in any way. So please... don't just assume I am playing a Mary Sue because I am complaining. Because I was not, and I do in fact dislike that we're throwing out names in this thread. In any case, I do apologize for using the word "cunt". That was rude of me, but I was fed up with Rusty's repeated showboating and gloating in the OOC chat at the end of the round.
  18. My character never went into space. o.o Mine actually was Roswell Fisher, the Cargo Tech that missed the security takedown on account of being blind from welding without a mask. The reason why I posted this complaint was because I saw your actions in the OOC as being rude and unnecessary. I actually never had IC interactions with much of the Security team, except during the end.
  19. Unfortunately, I don't have the exact logs, since there have been several power shortages in my area and my computer's been going off an on for a bit. However, if anyone knows /how/ to recover logs from previous rounds, I would gladly volunteer my time to do so to back up my claim (if it is at all possible for a member to do so)
  20. BYOND Key: Uberzweihander Player Byond Key: Rusty Sh4ckleford Reason for complaint: Gloating, showboating, and being incredibly rude in OOC. (Note: I personally have no beef with their actions during the round IC: but. Gloating about it, antagonizing the players involved, and being a general ass is what has caused this complaint.) Approximate Date/Time:2015-08-15, 1:00 to 3:45 round, Extended-Custom.
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