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Everything posted by CheekyCarp

  1. It is now fixed and I can now get on! Thank you very much
  2. So It's been a while since I lasted played, and last time I got banned do to me getting scared and logging out. I appealed this ban the day after and planned to get on soon, but I got caught up in school haven't been able to play. So it says the ban was applied on 2015-10-03 23:27:36, and lasts for 1 minute and expires on 2015-10-03 23:27:36 (server time). So after like ten seconds this will disappear and pop up a message that "Dream Seeker may be experiencing a problem reaching byond.com. If your game does not start, please check your firewall and antivirus settings to be sure BYOND programs are not blocked." I know BYOND isn't blocked because I can open every other game and SS13 server without a problem. I was just curious if anyone knew how to fix this
  3. I thank you for your time, and your consideration. I'm glad you saw my side of the story, unlike some other staff on some servers. I'm glad we sorted this out with no debates, or disagreements, making mine, and probably your's as well, life much easier. You'll probably be seeing me around
  4. I realized that leaving wasn't the right thing to do. I wish I would've informed you guys that I hadn't an idea of what it did. And to answer your question, I've honestly no clue why I said that. I don't have a memory of that line, but I'm sure you do. So for what ever reasons I said, I'm sorry, and I wish I hadn't.
  5. BYOND Key: IcePhoenixes Total Ban Length: Permanant Banning staff member's Key: soapycup Reason of Ban: Griefer, holodeck fire Reason for Appeal: Last night, around 11:30 GMT, I was playing as a borg. I was wondering around and decided to stop at the holodeck. I went to the holodeck control panel and there was a button called Holodeck Burn Test, or something of the sort. I clicked the button not knowing what it did, and in case you haven't figured it out, the holodeck exploded with fire. A quickly got off NSS Aurora, and my computer actually, because I was afraid. I hope you will consider I didn't mean to do it, I was just curious. Thank you for taking your time and reading this. Have a nice day.
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