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  1. Malak

    Out In The Black

    Well you could always build space pods, numerous ones. Use that for transportation no? Or is it gateway only? Also if you want, just make players Xenomorphs/Alien races. Admins could act as them, I couldn't possibly imagine this ever not being remotely fun. IF you do it just once I promise, you will be getting swarmed by people yelling "AGAIN, PLEASE< MOAAAARRR". You'd have the benefit of being the ONLY server that does proper exploration, with a real mission and real story to it. That's what roleplay is about, creating new and interesting story for people, it's something you remember years afterwards. I still remember an exploration mission I did on a GmodRP that which will stay unknown, that involved a hostile sort of creature bouncing around in this ice cold planet, killing off security and science personnel inside the bunker. It was like someone had gotten the Thing but put it in the sci fi universe, it was really awesome.
  2. Malak

    Out In The Black

    <--- Play this before READING. Advance the map to allow out of space exploration, once in a while a NanoTransen official under the guise of most likely your Head Administrator would create a sort of mission for the crew in a way, involving a team to go out and explore space. I don't know if SS13 allows for persistent changes to the game like adding NPC's to a certain area, which would create a sort of creeper spawn for these people to find. A science team much like in the movie I referenced with the images would go with a security team and an engineer or two to explore a certain area, to then uncover what is there. It would be an IC advancement of the station's science, possibly influencing the whole station's story in a long term way as everyone would remember their experience exploring the area. I've actually done this before but on a different game, with a different roleplay, it always worked though and was very, very interesting. All I can say is exploration is fun, but exploration of science is much better and the mystery of what is, why and how are the greatest part to it. They might uncover an amazing technology or some kind of creature that shouldn't of ever been found(Xeno's for example.). Which could have HARSH ramifications for the station and it's crew on board when they come back, carrying whatever aliens, parasites or disease that might be with them. The law of life is that for there to be great reward, there must be an equal amount of risk. I can give some textual roleplay examples if possible, although it's not in the traditional SS13 format, one you'd see in forum roleplay. Joshua steps forward, obscuring his light over the empty and desolate deck, the light shining through the breaches within the ship, unable to feel the bone chilling air of space through his hard suit. Before stepping forward and turning on his radio he'd say "It's all clear and yeah... I think we found it." he'd shine his flashlight up to a large piece of flesh emitting from the roof, like a spiral connecting to an egg, the so called 'fabric' of the creation being a mixture of bone and a puss flesh. ^ You can see roleplay occurring from something like this and how it would be VERY fun for people as well as interesting to hear about, as opposed to Antag's busting heads with a E Gun.
  3. BYOND Key: nickscv or Nickscv Total Ban Length: Permanent. Banning staff member's Key: casperf1 Reason of Ban: Permanently banned for a lack of roleplay as a drone and player. Reason for Appeal: I've been gone for a while and I've actually gotten into SS13. Not that I am new to roleplay, I've been roleplaying for 4 years. I was just incapable at the time of seeing anything else then antagonist roleplay, so when I was sort of deprived of it constantly as someone who did not understand SS13 or the possibilities you had in passive, I decided to fuck around. Honestly I just want to jump on because I'm actually at a point where I am sick of playing on servers and seeing people fuck around, like I use to. I love writing and I've gotten into Sci Fi so massively now, it's fucking amazing for me. But what's not amazing is listening to incoherent twelve year olds attempt to /me or to see people abuse their positions/jobs to mess around on the server. Where I play most of the time I have to deal with idiots that almost make me not want to even roleplay, it's always incredibly awkward to be the only person /me'ing actions such as: Michael Murphy hand raises up from his pocket, sitting down in the stool in a clad black suit, chest holster over it. His hand would dance around the glass of his drink, an invisible ring being only heard to him, but still music to his ears as the surface of his fingers made contact with the glass. He'd then grasp it with a soft grip and take a few sips, the bourbon inside the glass causing him to cough a little before downing it, his throat a little sore from the disease he had caught earlier. ^ I do that and no one responds, I remember coming here and I remember people did /me's. It's why I believe I NEED to come back, because I request progressive roleplay. I've had my fun with antag and I've explored roles as much as you can in terms of script, but roleplay... fuck me sideways a lot of servers lack it. Hopefully if I do come back, this place still holds to the standards I remember it in or perhaps better(You can only hope.). If I do come back Michael Murphy will be a new character, I will never antag or troll again, because I now see SS13 as the most fun game I have ever played, as opposed to whining about being bored because I didn't know what I could do with my job or the extent of what roleplay can do for you. I'd also like to invest in some whitelists, if you have the ability I'll probably intend on donating. All I can say is I'd contribute as much as possible as a roleplayer to your pool, assist with possible roleplay design and make suggestions that are important enough to be posted on your forums. Also it's my birthday today .
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