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  1. He's staying.
  2. Given Lady's and I's history on how she insults me for my political views (Though out of character, it has nothing to do with the game at all), I felt this as a mocking and sarcastic comment
  3. What? She has a disease so she works harder and harder? And, ontop of this, wouldn't this be a liability in the real-world for any job? Like, you have a disease that causes bone spurs and dissatisfaction and discomfort. It apparently even hindered usage of your limbs. With a backstory like this, I'm confused and unsure that I can support this. A lot of the story seems fragmented and just forced in there. I'm personally going to give this a negative from me because it's just confusing to even attempt to grasp. You go from a caretaker role in the house to wanting to become a Medical Doctor? A nurse is one thing and understandable, moving from a caretaker role to a nurse. You're helping people at home, so you do it for a living! Great. Except, you somewhere decided to become a Doctor. I understand not everyone knows the process on actually being a Doctor, but it's just simply googling really. I see no internship history/background in the backstory at all, nor do I even see any talks of attending any undergrad program. Just "she did well at school, graduated Valedictorian, got PhD." The thing that really stands out is "She got a MD specialization for surgery." A medical doctor specialization in surgery? Why not just say 'She attended Medical School and worked towards becoming a surgeon' or something like that. I mean, you're telling us your character's history, what kind of person your character is, in just two paragraphs, but all I saw was the literal lyrics to an Eminem song.
  4. So, wait. I posted on a thread saying to 1138 "Weren't you leaving? Again?" and that was edited due to unrelated content. But, when a player outright insults me and I even report them, nothing happens there? (He changed the quote from my original post to something I felt was insulting and unnecessary. What's the deal admin team? If this sort of behavior is tolerated and allowed any community that I'm playing, I don't think that this one is the best for me then. P.S: Put this in Off-Topic since I felt it unnecessary for a complaint to be filed and I don't believe it belongs anywhere else other than here.
  5. I do agree with this, as some avatars/gifs (most specifically the "ALL TAJARANS SHOULD HANG") is quite bad for my epilepsy. It'd be helpful to have this.
  6. Don't believe he left.
  7. OH, didn't think you'd google-search it, I actually post on those places as well, Facepunch in particular and barely Deviantart anymore, I'm just flippin' everywhere. Talked with 'you' on steam. You told me other interesting things, and you are very polite.
  8. http://i.imgur.com/aR0N4EC.png I too do artwork
  9. Again, I can't stress this enough. If there is a bad security officer, report them. Why is this such a problem to do? If you can't fill out a player complaint/incident report, then how can you expect people to fill out an application?
  10. Of course! Thank you for your assistance!
  11. Oh, you mean something like this from Fallout New Vegas? Except just with other words on it? (I don't think that idea is an all out great thing) Doesn't this chip seem more of a liability rather than helpful? I mean, he shuts down upon removal of the chip, that doesn't seem quite wise and more harmful to situations than helpful. Then, what is the issue? It does not seem to have a large impact on the RP other than you shutting down, however I don't believe most crew members would even know about your chip unless you told them of it. So, it doesn't seem like it would come into play into the RP as much as you think it would.
  13. BYOND Key: Taffytaffer Total Ban Length: Permanent. Banning staff member's Key: Adminbot Reason of Ban: Your IP has been blacklisted! From what I have gathered with others, I have been IP-banned due to using a proxy to access the server. Reason for Appeal: I sincerely apologize, and I had no intention on breaking the rules or anything of that sort. I had not realized that proxies were against the rules, but since I do now, I do not intend to use it further on this server.
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