What? She has a disease so she works harder and harder? And, ontop of this, wouldn't this be a liability in the real-world for any job? Like, you have a disease that causes bone spurs and dissatisfaction and discomfort. It apparently even hindered usage of your limbs. With a backstory like this, I'm confused and unsure that I can support this. A lot of the story seems fragmented and just forced in there. I'm personally going to give this a negative from me because it's just confusing to even attempt to grasp. You go from a caretaker role in the house to wanting to become a Medical Doctor? A nurse is one thing and understandable, moving from a caretaker role to a nurse.
You're helping people at home, so you do it for a living! Great. Except, you somewhere decided to become a Doctor. I understand not everyone knows the process on actually being a Doctor, but it's just simply googling really. I see no internship history/background in the backstory at all, nor do I even see any talks of attending any undergrad program. Just "she did well at school, graduated Valedictorian, got PhD." The thing that really stands out is "She got a MD specialization for surgery." A medical doctor specialization in surgery? Why not just say 'She attended Medical School and worked towards becoming a surgeon' or something like that.
I mean, you're telling us your character's history, what kind of person your character is, in just two paragraphs, but all I saw was the literal lyrics to an Eminem song.