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About echo519

  • Birthday 20/04/1993

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  • Occupation
    Life Guard
  • Location
    Hell, and I don't mean underneath our feet either.

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  1. First off thank you for leveling with me and understanding. Second of off I've been wearing a gas mask and they do question it but once I tell them they don't ask me to take it off. Third If there not trying to insult or upset me then why do I feel like there trying to insult or upset me...
  2. Look, I even Pmed Skull and tried to negotiate with him and I told him what about wearing a black medical mask instead and he shot that to shit as well so either way either way there not going to be happy with my idea anyway I try to change them...
  3. I still stand by by statement you hypocrites...
  4. If you dont have anything nice to say don't be a prick and don't say it at all.
  5. Blue thought it was a good idea.
  6. BYOND Key: Echo519 Character name: Cameron Anderson Item name: Skull Mask Why is your character carrying said item to work? The reason why Cameron is carrying this mask to work is because of his kidnapper from his past that did experimentation on him left his entire body deformed along with his face so he tries his best to keep his entire body covered up. Cameron was so sick and tired of being picked on and treated unfairly due to his disfigurement so he bought a unique mask to cover his face. He does find it funny and does like to chase people around and scare them whenever the lights go out but mostly he just wears it to cover his face. Item function(s): Can put it on his face, also glows in the dark when the lights are turned off. Item description: A white skull mask with the lower jaw removed. Item appearance: A white skull mask with the lower jaw removed, it looks like it glows in the dark! Additional comments: Here’s Cameron Anderson’s short bio if you want to read it. http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=71&t=208 Here’s a picture of an idea of what I would like it to look like, however you can change what it looks like but I would like it to stay a skull. If you have any ideas for it just message me on the forms. http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/317/4/8/reaper_skull_mask_by_smilodonna-d32t4c4.jpg
  7. Cameron Anderson is a human male born on February, 14th, 2439 on New Gibson (Tau Ceti IV). Cameron was put up for adoption on March 1st, 2439 and lived at the Gibson orphanage. However September, 23rd, 2445 Cameron along with a few other orphans were kidnapped by Nanotrasen scientist, (Classified). Cameron Anderson along with the other orphans went under unauthorized experimentation due to the lack of funding Nanotrasen declined to provide (Classified) with from the experimentation he wanted to run. The experimentation that (Classified) did on the orphans he kidnapped on was electro-charging and gamma-radiating body tissue. He hoped to successfully achieve by amplifying them, causing the body to become more durable and stronger. However as a side effect, it did cause some deformities, such as genetic intensification, however (Classified) had a theory to remove some of the negative effects. These experiments went on for six years of Cameron’s life, most of the orphans died either from the side effect of the experiments or from when (Classified) killed them because they couldn't be used for experimentation anymore. However on May 21st, 2451 (Classified)’s experimentation was discovered and his secret laboratory was raided by a Nanotrasen Emergency Response Team. Cameron Anderson along with the few surviving orphans was rescued from the laboratory and (Classified) was arrested and is imprison for the remainder of his life. Cameron Anderson had to go under emergency surgery due to deformities he was experiencing. Some deformities on Cameron surgeons couldn't restore so the surgeons had to amputate his left arm and his left leg and replace them with robotic limbs. Cameron’s heart and eyes were severally damaged also so they had to be replaced with a mechanical heart and mechanical eyes. After his surgery a Nanotrasen officer met with Cameron and felt bad for Cameron and adopted him days later. Years went by, after getting used to his robotic limbs, mechanical organs, psychiatric help and evaluations Cameron was finally somewhat mentally back to normal however his physical deformities would be permanent. Cameron is however mostly shy toward people since he didn't have much communication with anyone when he was kidnapped. He does have a fear/distrust/hatred when coming in contact with anyone who works with science. Finally when Cameron turned seventeen his adoptee felt it was time for Cameron to get out in the world and live his life so the Nanotrasen officer pulled a few strings and got Cameron a job on the Aurora Station as part time help. He now tries to live a normal life like everyone else due to his horrific past and the person who made him to what he is today. (Person to help with Cameron Anderson's short biography was Blue)
  8. echo519

    My apology...

    I felt like whenever I posted something that you guys tried to find everything wrong with it and post negative things about either the custom items or my characters. However whenever I fixed them nobody had anything good to say about the posts. In the end I just felt sorry for myself because I already have a bunch of negative things going on with my life and I thought that this form might offer some kind of support. However when people posted negative things about my posts I felt angry and I lashed out on everyone and I'm sorry about that. Its just I would like some positivity from people instead a cluster fuck of negativity.
  9. echo519

    My apology...

    Alright guys listen up... I'm sorry for my behavior for the last past couple of weeks, actually I take that back, I'm sorry for my behavior ever since I joined the server and this form. Apparently I let my attitude and anger get the best of me, maybe I should be thinking really hard about the characters I post, the custom items I want and the actions I perform on the server instead of arguing, bitching, moaning, and complaining. I cant say that this wont happen in the future however I hope that my doesn't because I really love this server, you guys are awesome and I really appreciate you guys for tolerating me and not kicking or banning me from everything.
  10. Samantha Felix was born on Earth’s Moon, Luna on August 23, 2200. Samantha is an extremely knowledgeable and well-rounded individual; she is most popular due to her bright smile and cheerful outlook. She's tries to be as helpful as possible and always thinks of other people first. Being comfortable to harsh realities of society she seems to never lose her cool even in extreme situations. She tends to get along with everyone; her reactions to situations portray Samantha as unapologetically nice and girly. She never uses any inappropriate language or uses a term any stronger than "meanie." She is fond of collecting stuffed animals, having a lot of clothes. On her 18th birthday her and her parents were heading out to go get something to eat to celebrate her birthday. However they had gotten into a horrible head-on collision with another vehicle which and killed both of her parents instantly and left Samantha in serious condition. Samantha was treated at a hospital for a couple of months due most of the condition done of her heart from the accident, while she was being treated at the hospital she met a young nurse named Leon Martin she slowly fell in love with. Once her condition had gotten better Leon had given her a wrapped gift that was meant for her for her 18th birthday from her parents that the police had found in the trunk of the car. When she opened it, inside was a stuffed animal. After she was finally released from the hospital she went to go live with Leon, two years later Leon became a doctor then later in the year in September she returned to the hospital due to chest pains. Days later she had learned she had developed a heart infection that had been slowly disintegrating her heart, making it weak. She was released and given a trial prescription to see if the medication would stop the infection and help her as she was put on a waiting list for a heart transplant. Sadly a month later she was rushed to the hospital because the medication had no effect on the infection and the infection was disintegrating her heart so much the hospital staff had to put Samantha on life support, there was no chance for her heart to recover and a very slim chance for a heart transplant due to a lack of heart donors. When all struggles to fix her heart condition had failed the hospital turned to Samantha’s family to make a decision they couldn't find any so they turned to Leon, he then made the decision to discontinue life support and put Samantha into Cryopreservation. Anticipating this action would end in clinical death until she could eventually get a heart donor. Once she entered Cryopreservation there was a computer malfunction to where the date was set when to “thaw” her out was far into the future. Once the doctors found the error, Cindy was “thawed” from Cryopreservation and received her heart transplant she needed. After the surgery she couldn't remember anything until the doctors gave her the stuffed animal and a few other belongings things slowly came back to her and she started to remember things to a certain point, however she keeps the stuffed animal on her to remind her of all the good times and all the people she loved who are now gone. Samantha had to find and adapt to a new life now that she was living in a new era with advanced technology along with new different life forms. Samantha saw this as a second chance, a new opportunity to actually do something with her new life so she decided to go work for NanoTrasen. She usually works as a bartender on the Aurora Station however she’s always dreamed of helping people more by becoming a nurse. Image came from an avatar maker: http://www.arcadeallday.com/game/manga-creator-school-days-p_7.html
  11. Christopher Webb is a human male born on April 20th, 2435 on Earth’s moon, Luna. He had a rough life when he was a child; he developed epilepsy and would have constant seizures however he now takes medication to deal with his epilepsy. However his epilepsy wasn't his only problem, he constantly would be beaten and abused by his father while his mother would sometimes stand by and let him beat on Christopher and his brother, whenever she would step in he would he would always throw them out and they would always stay at her mother’s house. However weeks or even months later when things calmed down she would go crawling back time and time again and things would go back to normal. Christopher always ask his mother why she always went back to him when he does this every time but she would always give different answers like “Because I love him” or “Because I love you guys and we have no other place to go”. Christopher then began to develop depression at the age fourteen, years went by and his depression had gotten worse and worse until his first suicide attempt when he was sixteen. He attempted to jump off an overpass onto a busy highway but failed when another civilian seen him trying to jump. Christopher spent a few months in a psychiatric hospital and developed a love interest with another patient. When Christopher was released a few months later his mother took Christopher and his brother and went to go live with their grandmother. Christopher’s mother divorced his father however his father did not take too kindly to this so he began to stalk her and threaten her. His mother couldn't take it anymore so she packed her bags and ran off leaving Christopher and his brother behind as their grandmother took care of them. When leaving them behind his father then began to stalk Christopher always asking where his mother went or where she was at. Christopher couldn’t take any more of this so he attempted suicide again by sneaking but on a police officer and attempting to grab the officer’s handgun and then use it on himself. However he failed when he brought the handgun to his own head but had gotten stunned in the back by the officer’s partner which Christopher did not notice before he could end his own life. Christopher then spent a couple of years in the psychiatric hospital, when he was released he was assigned a case manager to check up on him twice a week and spend time with for a few hours. Chris slowly began to piece his life together; he began to know what he wanted out of his life as his depression had gotten less severe when he turned twenty-one Christopher joined Nanotrasen and went to go work on the Aurora Station. Christopher does a various amount of jobs around the station however his two dream jobs are to either work in Security or work in Medical. He is usually known for carrying around medical supplies in his backpack. His personality is strange however, he hates says he hates himself and wants to die but his reason on why he’s still alive is because he wants to help people. Christopher is both emotional and orderly; he tries to uphold the law and his ideals, but he follows his heart when doing so however Christopher may often bend the law a little. At best, he is decisive and heroic at times; at worst, he is brash and violent at times. He loves to collect random, useful objects. He loves to be prepared for the worst even though the worst may never come. Christopher loves to make friends and be with people but he is very socially awkward, however he does like to be in his comfort zone by being alone. Christopher is very nice and caring and that’s why people like people like him, he gets a lot of compliments about how nice he is and how young he looks for his age. He loves to be the center of attention most of the time but only when it’s positive things about him. However he doesn't like to be to be told what to do when he is having fun but when he’s serious and down to business he prefers to be told what to do instead of ordering people around. Christopher may act dumb and may not want to do anything but it’s only when he finds things boring, however whenever he finds things interesting he wants to learn all about it to a point to where he can master it, he’s basically acts like a teenager and some people say he needs to grow up and act his age. Image came from an avatar maker: http://www.arcadeallday.com/game/manga-creator-school-days-p_8.html
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