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  1. BYOND Key: Hiddenroman Character Names: Sloan Moberly Species you are applying to play: Skrell What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Blue or greenish Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I wish to play this specific race because I feel the most comfortable playing as a skrell, mostly because I mainly played skrell on other servers (Servers which do not exists anymore, sadly). I like that they can learn multiple roles and that they are caring for less advanced species. I hope to play this race one again. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Skrell don't make rash decisions and value logic more than an average human would. Skrell are interested in other species art forms, thus asking about it during conversations should be more common that usually. Character Name: Angelica Whiteman Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Angelica Whiteman was born on Qerrbalak, in Gli'morr city. She describes growing up in Gli'morr city as a wonderful experience, talking about how she started tinkering with everyday household items just because she could. As she was growing up, she went to school and studied well. But soon after finishing high school she decided to go to a university where she began to study Robotics, she also picked up basic Chemistry and Surgery alongside robotics. She never really understood why AI are hated by older skrellians as she found robotics quite interesting and challenging for her. After university she decided to seek for work. She found a job in a human robotics facility and as it was easier to adopt a human name as most of the workers there were human, she decided to change her name to Angelica Whiteman. Now she has grown into the name and doesn't mention her childhood name often. After a while she decided to leave the facility to seek out new adventures in the known galaxy. She stick to the humans most of the time as she felt the most comfortable around them. She tried dozens of job offerings, but none felt good for her, either because the coworkers were hostile and incompetent or because the equipment she was working with wasn't state of the art she had at her first job. After a while she came across a job opening in Nanotrasen NSS Aurora and decided to give it a shot. Now she patiently waits for their response to her application, hoping it would go through. What do you like about this character? I like her because she isn't afraid to look for a challenge and to improve herself. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I would they're pretty decent. Notes: I've played this Character on multiple other servers. Edit: Changed my current character name.
  2. This is purely my view of the extended and I do not want to see "Extended if for RP" because that is truly not true. Skip it if you want to get straight to the point Now that all of that is out of the away, here is my suggestion: Let there be more random events as they add more to the shift, let me point out a few examples[list=]Radiation belt usually gives medical a lot of work Viruses give virology something to work on. Space carp give security something to fight with Those are just few examples and you can surely think of some yourself. Why? you may ask. Well, that is because these give you something to do in the down time. It'll even great some fantastic RP moments and holds up the tension while everything else fails to do so. Maybe even add some custom events that don't need to be supervised.
  3. I had this idea once, which I never went through with, but as I joined this community's server and wrote the entry part in a book, ingame ofcourse, everyone seemed to think it was a good book. What they didn't know was that it was suppose to give you a brief look of the world you were going to join.... anyway without a further explaining - here is the story. The planet Calderis is, or rather was, a production planet for the mankind. Before it's downfall it was very very rich and overflowing That's also on of the reason why Calderis fell down into a ruined state. No-one didn't see it coming, the sudden attack of Sovereigns as Calderis was once providing them with resources and production and the Sovereigns already owned the Calderians. Maybe they weren't happy with the guilds popping out of nowhere and weakening their control over the planet. Guilds is something that many people take a granted as they help us prosper. But almost no-one knows that the guild leaders are people that came within us, but those who knew this, they kept their mouth shut as the population would have been outraged if they found out. Calderians don't have that much fate in eachother. The Sovereigns brought the Calderians here and left them. What they didn't count was that Calderians would build a settlement, and another, and another, so they came back, looking to seek out the Calderian leader. What they found wasn't a leader, but a book. This book was like the bible for Sovereigns. The people of Calderians followed it and worshiped it. What they also found out was that they, Sovereigns, were their gods or as close you can get to a god. They abused it to the fullest by making the people of Calderis xenophobic of eachother what led to families breaking apart and enemies hiring mercs to kill eachother. This raised a huge issue in parts of Calderis that didn't follow this book and so they decided to weaken the Sovereign control by creating guild and claiming them to be Sovereign sent governors. Even though there were many guilds, each city had about two or three in them, they didn't have the military might to fight against the Sovereigns. Guilds all united under the same banner to counteract this, trade focused guilds were in control of the logistics, where they made huge advancements. There was only one diplomatic guild and so they were trusted to rule all the other guilds and speak with the Sovereigns about truce. Then there were nobility guilds that built and army out of basically nothing. They managed to create an army in a week. And that is why they're in control of the army management. There is also the thief guild that is the only one not under control of the diplomatic guild and they're the only one that has an official name, Harpon. Harpon is the smallest guild out of all, but they play the biggest role in the upcoming war as their guild consist of hackers, assassins, thieves etc. They quickly because notorious for stealing all of the money from one of the SkyYorks. It might have not been much, but it was still and achievement that no-one has ever been able to do. After that, the Sovereigns declared a full out war to Calderis, starting the first Calderian-Earth war. Calderians didn't find it hard to defend their homeland and the Sovereign army was untrained, unorganized and mostly consisted of conscripts. It ended up in Calderian victory and Sovereigns had to release the planet of Mars from their control. Planet of Mars was the only reason why people had the technology to live on planet of Calderis. As you can imagine, Sovereigns weren't happy and built a new and more disciplined army, now with war machines that no-one has ever seen. 20 years later, they secretly moved their ships to Calderis and started bombing every major city on Calderis, thus starting the second war of Calderian-Earth war, what they weren't counting on was that most of those cities had an experimental shield what deflected any normal bombs, the only ones that were able to penetrate the shield were the metal rods. Calderians mobilized a whole planet of conscripts as the Sovereigns broke their truce with them and the people were outraged because of it. This war didn't end that well for Sovereigns either and now they have depleted most of the Earth natural resources. And Mars wasn't willing to help them out either as Marsians were disappointed in Earthlings actions. Marsians called them out on breaking the 50 year truce. So falls the old world of Earth as they are unable to grow or advance in technology. Mars is still prosperous and happy, they also have started mining a lot of asteroids inside the asteroid belt. Calderians aren't that happy though as they want to kill Sovereigns completely, but the people refuse to do so as the Earthlings are still gods to them and the damage they took from the bombings is still visible today as the most major cities are rebuilding eachother. Mars and Calderis are in a mutual agreement to never trade with the Sovereigns and to trade technology between themselves. If enough people are interested then I'll make it a thing
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