The Storyteller
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Station Engineer (8/37)
On the screen appears a figure, swathed in anonymity. Despite the blurred darkness of the figure, it is obvious that they are super ripped. The jarbled voice comes through, a voice changer making them sound like a small child. "The target in question is a guy named, "Ned." He's probably wearing a yellow shirt that is stained with spaghetti sauce. His hairline is receding slightly in the front as well. He fucked my wife. I want him "terminated" from duty." The video transmission cuts out, leaving only a picture of what is presumably "Ned" on the screen, captioned with, "He fucked my wife."
Tajaran Reproductive Customs
The Storyteller replied to The Storyteller's topic in Answered Questions
Thank you everyone for your contributions so far! I really appreciate the activity on this thread, despite the somewhat taboo topic. However, we need to go deeper! (haha) Something we've neglected to discuss thus far, which I was saving for after the conversation fleshed itself out a bit more, was the details of certain bits that might change how the creatures act. If it can be assumed that Tajara carry some primal instincts possessed by feral cats, then one instance of such roots taking effect would have to do with their emotional tendencies, due to and in regards to their lower bits. Although, I understand the server does little in terms of getting down into these things, as they lack some relevancy to in-game activities. However, the character and global lore for the species is most likely effected by this stipulation. Depending on certain characteristics - which do NOT need to be described to be inherited - of their no-zones, primal cats - and possibly, Tajara - they will react in an emotionally different way from Tajaran-to-Tajaran with each approaching dilemma. ADD. To make this clear, for example, size difference might mean a braver or more cowardly character. Once again, not that this has to be detailed in-game. Simply something to keep in mind as the player of said character. -
Hello! First off, thanks for stopping by my thread! I'm not the most active member of the forums, but I pop by every so often to make my rounds, and try to stay integrated in the community. I strongly believe that Aurora has one of the most engaging and emotionally connected societies on the web, and it's always a pleasure to come back and see what's going down around here. Now, I would like to apologize. Last time I was active for an extended period of time on the forums, I was under a bit of fire for some disrespectful things I said towards the Tajaran player community. I am truly sorry, and looking back, I am completely mortified by my actions. Anyone whose feelings I had hurt, I hope can forgive me, so that we may move forward as friends. However, I would like to note that it was all in jest! Anyone who knows me knows that I have always been a huge fan of the great intricacy and diversity that the Tajara race brings to the game, and I was just joking with the post I made. (in fact, some friends might say I'm a furry. >_< but that's ok) Alright, now! On to the meat of this suggestion thread, forgive me - once again - for getting sidetracked. As I have always been a MASSIVE lore-buff for this game, (it's come to be a bit of an issue with some friends... sorry!) I found that, whilst playing several rounds among our furriest of brethren - and, as one - that there were a few inconsistencies between the lore and the role-play(at no fault of the players! I have a huge amount of respect for all of the AMAZING Tajara role-players on this server, and have honestly learned many of my role-playing tactics from watching them perform). It arose questions within my mind as to the reproductive customs of the Tajara race. The first and foremost of which, is the incredibly hormonal tendencies of this race. As I know the lore states, the culture of this race points at a more conservative and de-sexualized era. This kind of lustful activity seems a bit out of place within the confines of this ethic. However, after extensive mulling of this topic, I have hypothesized what I think might be the reason to this hole in the lore. Do Tajaran, although very conservative, go through a state of heat (could become canon in the lore) which results in this uncomfortable longing for such things? And, perhaps this intense abnormality in physical control is integrated into their society in a way that they can contain it without causing massive psychological damage to their kin? Anyways, that's all I'm going to ask for a start. Please feel free to post below, and together we can flesh out and enrich the quality of lore for this already amazing species. Thank you for taking your time to read! Add. Please join me in discussing the topic of Tajara sexuality, not just pertaining to my original question! ANYTHING that pertains to the topic is worth mentioning. Is polygamy possible within the confines of their cultural shackles? Do Tajara have fetishes? etc., etc.
I suppose I should address this, even though I already have repeatedly in my last few threads. Although I am always 110% serious in all of my roleplay related activities, I have never held mal-intent towards another player. I am not being malicious. And, I wouldn't consider voicing my ideas for changes in the story of the server as shit-posting. I am making a suggestion as to lore changes for a fictional space cat person race. If I have hurt the feelings of any real life Tajara, please let me know. I will take down my post immediately.
First of all, that opening line was super sassy, and down right disrespectful and unprofessional. There's no reason to be so aggressive, and pretty heartless to your fellow forum users. Especially not as someone on the staff. And, as Frances as already stated, comparing my (very serious) post to saying the Jews deserved the Holocaust is a mind-boggling stretch. I am talking about eliminating a fake species on an internet role-playing game. Relax.
First of all, I'd like to make it very clear that I've never directly insulted, or harbored ill-will to any specific player. So, stating that my "extremely nasty" post was aimed at Tajaran players is entirely inaccurate. I never once expressed any distaste towards the people who play Tajara in my post, but simply an IC lore-related request to have the species removed from play, in the form a little bit of genocide. (No big deal.) That being said, to assume anything I say is ever in jest is also a misconception. For I am always serious. I never lie. I never joke. Fun is for children. We're all adults, here. If you want to make jokes, go to a light RP server.
Yes, I understand. It was a mistake in tone at the time, and it won't happen again. I am a serious role-player, and I know I should act like it. Thank you for setting me right.
You clearly elected to ignore the spaghetti in that post, otherwise you would have been enjoying some delicious hospitality. There was no ill-will there.
As I previously stated, I am very passionate about the lore of this game, so at the time, it felt right to word my suggestion in such a manner. As I have had time to collect myself, and dry myself off after the ordeal that was the request I made, I would like to apologize, as I didn't mean to sound brash. I simply think that rather than laying eggs, Skrell should have the "v" word thing.
Yes, I was. The warning specifically states that I am not to use the "v" word on the forums, as it is not PG-13. I was never once warned on the forum or in game to discontinue my "troll posts" by staff. And, I don't recall doing anything of the sort. Everything I've posted has been for a reason, and that reason was - in all cases - 100% serious. Just because you find things that I am passionate about silly, does not mean that I am trolling. And, I will re-iterate again, I was NOT warned by staff for "trolling." Not discretely, or otherwise. I was warned because I was apparently not remaining PG-13. I am aware, and it IS taking place in another place, under a complaint. I was simply responding to the last post made on this thread.
I assume that all of these people will be receiving warnings at some point? Along with others who have posted no-no words. ((I can't say them, because I don't want to get in trouble.))
Staff Complaint: TishinaStalker
The Storyteller replied to The Storyteller's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
Fixed it. #inflatingmypostcount -
BYOND Key: AbandonedScholar Staff BYOND Key: TishinaStalker Reason for complaint: Giving me a warning when I did nothing wrong. (How heartless.) Evidence/logs/etc: http://vvcap.net/db/IaJQPg5U4ig2z4d2voz6.htp Additional remarks: I have been informed that it is my duty as a member of the community, and as a member of society with an active moral compass, to report any incident that I feel is unjust, and requires further exploration. PG-13 indicates there's material in the film that may not be suitable for children under the age of 13. A PG-13 movie could go "beyond the PG rating in theme, violence, nudity, sensuality, language, adult activities or other elements, but does not reach the restricted R category." The MPAA will give this rating to films with drug use or more than brief nudity, although the nudity in a PG-13 is not sexual in nature. In addition, the MPAA states "there may be depictions of violence in a PG-13 movie, but generally not both realistic and extreme or persistent violence. A motion picture's single use of one of the harsher sexually-derived words, though only as an expletive, initially requires at least a PG-13 rating. More than one such expletive requires an R rating, as must even one of those words used in a sexual context." I already responded with why my warning was ill-suited on the other post. The mix-up here is that PG-13 is being confused with G, and I've already made the points I wanted to make. If you want to see what I already said, look at the other thread. I'm too lazy to link it. Take that, #thesystem.
I mentioned the word once, and said that it should be added to the anatomy of a race within the game. I have linked a reference where it is used in a much more unscientific manner, which is also PG-13. The implimentation of sexual organs is not a topic that is PG13, even if used in a joking manner. The implications what was suggested, which can be inferred from word choice to be erotic, is definitely not PG13. First of all, I don't know who said I was joking. I feel like this is a drawback in the lore implementations within this server, and was making a very serious post regarding my lore idea. It was disappointing to see it moved AND locked, despite the sincerity of my idea. ((Which received resounding support, by the way.)) And, once again, I am linking you to something that has a more crude manner. I've linked a movie that is PG-13 for, and I quote, "crude and sexual content." Your problem appears to be that you are mixing up PG-13 and G ratings. If the server is to be considered G rated, then I will apologize for my actions, and I will not make the mistake again. But, until that happens, my point still stands. And, although you can infer that my implications were suggestive - which once again, IS PG-13 - you cannot speak for me, which I will say, my post was purely scientific. http://vvcap.net/db/GzibiPIKQZDU8EA4618l.htp