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Everything posted by Kirid

  1. Played this guy for about 2 years now, ~3 months on this server. I've considered applying for CMO, but I/he doesn't really have that ambition; only to be a badass surgeon. I get LOOC called a "bad doctor" by people in surgery quite often, then they wake up perfectly fine. What do you people think?
  2. I've worked with Xinc over several shifts. I think we work well together. I know I can trust him as a doctor when I need help, and doesn't seem to mind tag teaming or oversight on patients. I can understand wanting more communication from him, but at the same time we have great synergy as surgeons. If Xinc steals your patient, it's probably because they were not being treated properly and explaining why takes the same amount of time as treating them. As doctors, you have to be able to figure out what is happening on your own. That's efficiency.
  3. Those are all solid arguments, though genetics always causes some toxin damage. If done correctly surgery doesn't cause any damage, nor does it "maim". Medbay has 2 operating tables (one in genetics), and in many shifts they see little to no action anyways. Most of these employees are far flung into space. The aurora has a well equipped surgery room, psychiatric counselling, and is on the company health plan.
  4. From male to female or female to male. Swapping of character pronouns He/She. Scalpel, retractor, hemostat, cautery; just like eye surgery but aimed at the groin. Not trying to make any statements, I think it seems reasonably fitting enough. This procedure has come up at least once in my surgical career, and I'm always surprised to rediscover it doesn't exist. Probably for purely roleplaying purposes, though weirder accidents have happened.
  5. Sloan Strange, Surgeon Theme Song: Röyksopp - Remind me: Surgery: Royksopp - This Space:
  6. Well since it is a day later all I can say is I didn't see that. Perhaps I was afk since I was dead? I'm done trying to defend myself, everything is spun so I look like a complete asshat, and every response has been rather tactless. Nice to meet you all.
  7. That makes sense. I'm glad someone actually knows what happened. With all the other players saying we were zombies and having basically all the symptoms, I was convinced. I think I would have preferred to stay dead rather than get a magic revive; that's immersion breaking in the very least, and extremely confusing without any heads up.
  8. I don't know how, I don't know why, but I was a zombie. While you haven't said it directly, you're calling me a liar. It wasn't my speculation. My indicator was my rotting flesh, walking at the speed of diona, and making it down an airless halls after collapsing and regenerating several times (in what would otherwise put me into crit.) You saying I wasn't a zombie does not make it true. You're claiming not only that I'm delusional about what happened, but that I used it as a excuse to ignore EoR. By saying that I ignored the EoR rule, you're saying that I was fully aware of the rule, yet chose to ignore it because I wanted to cause grief. So to sum up, according to you I am: A liar, delusional, and a griefer. I never play antag, unless I'm forced into it like this situation. I do not enjoy fighting and griefing. My only excuse is that I am inexperienced as an antag and got too deep into the role playing, so much that I forgot the EoR rule for 30 secs. I would be really nice if you could give me a legit reason why my unban is denied. So far your only reason was because there was "too much going on at the time." This unban request would have been the perfect place to give me a warning, plenty of time. I understand the reasoning behind auto banning for something like this. But I'm beginning to wonder what the point of appeals is if they get denied without any legitimate reason.
  9. Not trying to argue my way out of it, but.. I was a zombie. I died in the bar explosion and was brought back to life with a group of other people. I wasn't part of the rampart griefers on the station. Having their grief prevent you from being patient with otherwise innocent players is quite sad.
  10. BYOND Key:Kirid Total Ban Length: 4320 minutes Banning staff member's Key:aimlessanalyst Reason of Ban: EoR Grief Reason for Appeal: Near the end of the round I got brought back as a zombie, so I assumed eating brains was my goal. People were simply saying EoR and EoG in LOOC, which I didn't understand at the time. I know EoR Grief is a rule, but I wasn't sure what to do when I got pulled on the shuttle as a zombie. I wasn't given any warning in terms of admin contact. This is my first offense on the server, and I'll do the time if I have to. I just find it unfair for an admin to ban without questioning at all.
  11. I had my first run-in with two Vaurca last night. A drone had an infection in his right arm and hand. The unbound doctor that was treating him had already tried spaceacillin. CMO suggested using a special disinfectant during surgery. I was operating when humans in medbay began hallucinating. CMO supposedly had the disinfectant(RP or no?) but was later found dead via "organic needle". We had already tried everything so I switched to plan B- cut it off; yet I was incapacitated before I could amputate the arm and he died of toxins on the operating table. Vaurca doctor LOOC "Bugs with bugs"
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