I don't know how, I don't know why, but I was a zombie.
While you haven't said it directly, you're calling me a liar.
It wasn't my speculation. My indicator was my rotting flesh, walking at the speed of diona, and making it down an airless halls after collapsing and regenerating several times (in what would otherwise put me into crit.)
You saying I wasn't a zombie does not make it true.
You're claiming not only that I'm delusional about what happened, but that I used it as a excuse to ignore EoR.
By saying that I ignored the EoR rule, you're saying that I was fully aware of the rule, yet chose to ignore it because I wanted to cause grief.
So to sum up, according to you I am: A liar, delusional, and a griefer.
I never play antag, unless I'm forced into it like this situation. I do not enjoy fighting and griefing. My only excuse is that I am inexperienced as an antag and got too deep into the role playing, so much that I forgot the EoR rule for 30 secs.
I would be really nice if you could give me a legit reason why my unban is denied. So far your only reason was because there was "too much going on at the time." This unban request would have been the perfect place to give me a warning, plenty of time.
I understand the reasoning behind auto banning for something like this. But I'm beginning to wonder what the point of appeals is if they get denied without any legitimate reason.