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  1. Nettie actually appreciates Izemut and thinks of him as one of her rare friends. Ah, I didn't know but that's wonderful! I will continue writing events as Nettie witnessed them but yes, I won't mention them in-game. Besides this is supposed to be a private journal so Nettie would never discuss it with others in-game.
  2. Well, that's true...it was my first day on Aurora when I wrote that. Update: That Unathi doctor really doesn't like talking to me. Thanks Felkvir!
  3. ::[Name: Dr. Nettie Clarke]:: ::[Position: Medical Doctor]:: ::[Location: Medbay Reception, NSS Exodus]:: ::[Date: 69585.5]:: ::[Time: 13:43]:: Another day, another shift. I had arrived on the station to find medbay reception in a bit of a mess. Apparently, someone spontaneously gibbed themselves, with the outward explosion breaking parts of medbay reception. Eventually, reception was repaired by engineer Talkar Farstridar, whose face had been surgically repaired back to normal after he had an encounter with acid. After that, the medbay went back to its regular, slow pace. I was joined by Gareth Lance, who sat in the lobby talking with anyone who would listen and Tlazo Svydia, who sat in the adjoining desk with me. Besides witnessing what a face full of acid looks like, another unique event was the weird occurrence at the beginning of the shift. Svydia and I were prepping medbay when a large smoke cloud suddenly appeared on the right side of reception. From that smoke appeared Pondimo the Magnificent, a wizard that later spent his time hanging out with the big wigs and traumatizing Izemut Scal'a'har. Izemut Scal'a'har is a male Unathi that works in Security and sometimes in Botany. Once he heard of Pondimo the trespasser, he immediately went to confront him in medbay. Pondimo magicked Scal'a'har, removing his ability to speak clearly and move normally. When the effects wore off, he was not the same as before. He was empty. He was like a broken doll whose sole purpose in life was to be a vegetable. I hated that look. And I did the unforgivable to take him out of that state. With a medical team, we pulled his tail, one of the most severe taboos in Unathi social culture. He rampaged over the station, was stripped of his job, and was incarcerated for a while. Yet, I do not regret my decision to pull his tail because, in the end, it taught him something: the extent of other people's kindness....or that's what I presume. ::[Date: 69584.6]:: ::[Time: 13:23]:: If you would like to provide feedback, please post below about any thoughts, opinions, and/or feelings. All comments are appreciated! Bunny Tax:
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