Sadistic Nightmare
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Barman (3/37)
Title: Manual / Automatic Sentry Submitter: Idion Galdeielis (Gal-de-ay-lis) Type of submitter: Independent Designer Submitter information and dealings (list): Low-popularity designer whose submissions and commissions are more aesthetic than functional. Has no official documentation or certification regarding taught knowledge of firearm function (College / University, or anything for that matter.) 'Art' is mainly related to geometry and buildings. Official living location outdated. May be a fraudulent submitter, given listed information. Submitted via secure email within Ward-Takahashi. No further information. Name(s) of design(s) being submitted (list): IEI-2458 S.M.A.R.T. SWIVEL Description(s) and history of research: After both legal and partially illegal research with several known and unknown substances, I've designed a circuit-board with 'sentience'. Not necessarily intelligence, but the ability to siphon and transfer energy in an efficient manner, as well as detect threats to itself, and act accordingly. Sapience tests, however, have not yielded success. Inability to understand english, sign-language, or binary, even when transferred directly to hard-drive. Video-Transcript being sent now. May take several hours for upload ((I'll draw it later.)) Acronym S.M.A.R.T. defined as Super-Matter Assisted Algorithm for Turret-Based Defense Systems. Circuit-board designs, as well as alterations to allow for faster yet indiscriminate target-acquisition and definition, included below. Transfer feed complete.
Asianmang's Head of Staff Whitelist Request
Sadistic Nightmare replied to Aznmang's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Seen this guy on several servers before. Pretty good roleplayer, interacted with him as several different characters, always fun to re-meet. +1. -
I can see where you're coming from, and while I have to admit that nobody will want to play a clown with an IC reason to be on the space-station, much less if he has no office to slack around in. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they end up resorting to petty crime and grief to keep from going insane during a 2-hour shift. But, we do have two easy fixes; Whitelists, and event-only role. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, so I'm all but certain funneling a job nobody would rather take through a filter would all but guarantee a fun round, or in the least, some interesting roleplay. Glorified assistant? Sure, but an assistant that can help others, be an IC guide, organize prep rallies and departmental morale-boosting miniparties, act as a living throwphone / announcer during a riot or revolution round, the possibilities are endless. But again, it's only a suggestion, and I can already see that putting a facade over the clown and calling him a new job isn't really gonna change minds. Still, might as well see what others say and think. You never know.
Simple idea, essentially a canon replacement for the clown. Wears either a Biesel Weasel® or Nanotrasen Nellie® mascot head and suit, actual costume ideas are still WIP (Offer suggestions, seriously). Probably not the best idea, but still, someone brought up clowns and while they're never coming back, no reason to not have an extra job. EXTRA IC INFO: Being stapled to the company, Mascots are essentially just assistants with some RP roots. Taking up either the Biesel Weasel® or the Nanotrasen Nellie® affiliated costume, they're to walk around the station and show their company spirit, especially around Medical. While their main goal is providing a morale boost and giving nanotrasen-cleared advice on how to properly do jobs, they'll also function as a tour guide around the station at any time they feel like scheduling, leading visitors and assistants around the station, and giving positive quips over each area and wing. They're required by Nanotrasen to be happy and drug/alcohol free at all times to leave a good impression on visitors, but can be ignored or fined / have their pay docked if some uptight in Command (such as an IAA) sends a formal complaint over misbehaviour. On the brightside though they'll likely not be noticed in their usual graysuit as the mascot outfit is an actual over-article, such as hard/softsuits, waistcoats, etc. Great for sneaking a cigarette or taking a break from looking like an idiot without having to change clothes entirely. Plus (will probably be ignored / unimplemented due to possibly being overpowered) the mascot heads function as voice-modulators that take precendence over IDs. IDs can still be noticed with an examine, and voice returns to normal as soon as the mask is removed. Might be whitelisted if it gets abused / misused often. That's for the admins, mods, and loredevs to decide. Not me. Comments, suggestions, tweaks, improvements, workarounds, and examples of icons, coding samples, etc. Appreciated. Know this won't get anywhere but might as well try.
Same, server went up for like 5 minutes, rejoined, and bam. Connection Failed message followed by 'Game will return shortly'. Blaming Tenpenny and his tower as suggested.
While I'm quoting just this small bit, I want to not only say thank you for the feedback, but also that I'm referencing the whole of your feedback in this, as opposed to just what I've quoted. Anyway, for starters I'm not explictly certain she's surrounded by her Tajaran culture (Unless she picks some cats-drink-free day to work on the station or something), but I will definitely keep ideas for how she interacts and explores her personal feelings on Ahdomai and Tau Ceti since it has been a roughly 10-year 'retirement' from Station work. Nothing induces creativity and curiosity better than co-workers / social bonds. As for the other Unathi character, I will admit he's one of my own, with a lore not exactly friendly with this station's lore (hence why I'm applying for the Tajaran instead of him). Still, it's a character dear to my heart given how it's influenced certain things within my personal life. Though I guess playing Space Station for almost 10 years will do that to people. And on the bump, I've only nudged the post in hopes someone else comes along and offers insight / critique. I'm doubting I'll get any more feedback than I currently do now but I will give it 4 days to sit and wait for another loredev to come along before I ask for an actual decision (An official one, not a personal 'what do you think' decision), but I will say in advance apologies if I bump a day early / a few days late - I've been horrible with time recently.
Well, I used to play a gay unathi who got SCP-173 spawned on him for kissing some cuban character I can't remember. But, you know, that was mostly just me fucking around and testing limits back when the server was a baby compared to it's current state. Given the backstory of the character revolves around someone who's had no weapons or fighting experience and was an admitted alcoholic/party-holic, I'll most likely stick to jobs that have social areas within them, such as Cargo, Mining, Gardening, Engineering apprenticeship, most likely Science as well. Definitely no Security or Command roles, for obvious reasons. Medical's a definite maybe though I'd need some reasoning as to why she'd be interning at a hospital given it's kind of stupid to have a doctor that won't doctor because they'd rather party/drink/ERP. Will partially re-write the story soonish (Gimme an hour).
BYOND Key: Sadistic Nightmare Character Names: Too many to list, current main is Raymond Carthas Species you are applying to play: Tajaran What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Dark purple RGB 54:16:0 / HTML:#361000 (Dark reddish-brown) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I've spent almost 9 years playing Space Station. The last 3 of them have been in trying to find a decent server to play on occasionally. Hence, I've been with this server for about 2 years now, and even though I'm infamous for good reasons, I feel it's time I indulge in some things I would've otherwise never tried had I not still been here after several bans, complete character losses, and a warning. If that doesn't show a willingness to be here, then I guess it at least shows how patient and forgiving the server is. I'm applying not because I want to make a difference or be known, I just want to try something different, be a little less of a shadow on the wall with a different name every week. Who knows, maybe it'll keep me here instead of leaving and coming back every other weekend like a stray cat. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: You roll your R's and act like an edgy foreigner. Just kidding. You're actually in every sense but the word a cat-beast. You're generally treated kinder / meaner / more passionately (Not sexually) than other humans due to your ICly being an outsider. You're expected to work harder and get paid less for being most-widely-known among the humans as a slave race. As opposed to honour and strength, you're religion and history, and sometimes diplomacy. But as for actually role-playing a Tajaran, you go in thinking you'll just be this quiet figure who only talks to other Tajara and avoids getting too involved with the human crew only to realize in every action you do, you have to befriend them, and work with them to get what they want. An extra miner? Expect co-workers and someone always asking about your homeworld when you take a five minute break in the bar. A scientist? Pfft. Enjoy the AI calling your species out for diluting sample-work due to shedding, or the Director saying you're too brutish (or too snowflakey) to handle the job. And then there's Security, everyone wanting to send in the Tajara and Unathi first for their animalistic rage and highly-sought strategic intelligence. In truth, there's no area aboard the Research Station in which you're not working with humans. So why be different? What forces people to take on this non-human role? Simple: It introduces character, it makes story-time easier, both to make up the stories and to get people to listen to them. This is a race that gets attention whether they like it or not literally because they're so different than humans. They're funner, they're meaner, they typically don't understand human slang. They're generally played by furries and people who've never seen nor played the Star Commander series. But I am and I have, so that's a bit of a bonus on my side I guess. Still, I've had 9 years of experience on my side, I'm positive I won't sink below or exceed expectations. Character Name: Rami'ri Rezah Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Just a preface, this character was one of my first, and hasn't been touched in years, so I may be rusty when coming back. But like all good characters, you learn their personality through experience, not explanation. Preface aside, Rami'ri Rezah (Rami Rezza, if you're a fellow oldfag and remember the character) was relatively young when she was hired, or more-or-less conscripted into working aboard Nanotrasen. In her youthfulness, she's seen the death of her parents in a bloody civil-war, the revitalization of her 'dead' world, and the meal-ticket that was a Nanotrasen job application. Back when she was first hired, she took job as an experience, a live-fast-die-young one at that. Constantly drinking, socializing, helping a young Unathi find his way through life after his adoptive father died from a genetic disorder similar to cancer. At some point she had to stop drinking, not because she had nothing to drink to any more, but because 10 years of alcoholism and partying does a lot to someone. And had she not stopped sooner, she would most likely not have been here to re-apply for work within the Biesel Sector. She came back, if only because the well of money that kept her nice apartment block on Tiramai-Crux Station Eight had dried up a lot sooner than she'd calculated. But maybe it's not all about the money. Old habits die hard, and ten-year-long ones die harder. Maybe she misses the drink, maybe the friends, maybe she wants to see another young out-of-place Unathi fall in love and live a life as good as she's got, even better than she has right now. Borderline homeless, constantly pressured into picking up a drink to forget the past, the bills, the neighbor's kid next door that pulls her tail when she needs to get her attention. Life is rough when you're in your prime. What do you like about this character? Besides being biased and saying 'everything', I've had this character for almost 9 years now and I've only played her on a handful of occasions. She's the only character I've played to-the-letter with very careful watching of my own playthrough as to not step out of line in-character. Not that I have a problem with stepping out-of-character, but sometimes it's hard to roll your R's while the station's under attack, or you're not exactly feeling your character but still want to try. I've never had a slip-up as this Tajaran, and on top of it being my oldest alium, I figured I'd give it a try. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Personally, it varies. 6/10? 7/10? Nobody generally wants to roleplay with my greaser main so I just stick to working but I do put in an emote of action every now and again, mostly when nobody's looking. Notes: Probably half of this Tajaran Whitelist belongs in this section. So yeah, first whitelist in a while. Been here 2 years, had several bans and a warning, I've appealed them a few times but as Skull once pointed out, 'My name is always going to be a google search away no matter how good I make this look'. So I guess enjoy reading lots of past-writings, 'trollings' and otherwise just uncanny ban appeals through the near 10 years I've played this spaceman sim. I'm personally doubtful I'll get the whitelist but I'm willing to work with critique and suggestions if anyone has any. I might rewrite some parts tomorrow / the day after if I have time (I work tomorrow).
Sadistic Nightmare's Warning Appeal
Sadistic Nightmare replied to Sadistic Nightmare's topic in Unban Requests Archive
Then you'll have to excuse the fact I do not believe you when just a week ago you killed a hostile in the heat of the moment because you could not cuff them, and when faced with this similar scenario in which I could not be moved by normal means due to my camera bug, I'm 'accidentally' shot. Now I'm just curious as to why Incognito did not bring up the shot being accidental when he PMed me, and instead pushed heavily for a warning. -
Sadistic Nightmare's Warning Appeal
Sadistic Nightmare replied to Sadistic Nightmare's topic in Unban Requests Archive
Outside of knowing a great deal about your method of playing antag, Alberyk, I have to ask how you didn't see the two LOOCs I messaged before deciding to attack. I'm very doubtful you'd have either fired the bolt by accident and not say anything LOOCly (one of the BEST reasons a moderator playing an antag should have it on in the first place), or that you'd have an instakill / instacrit weapon aimed at a hostage if you didn't plan on using it. There were plenty of options you could have done, like backpedaling and taking the maintenance way out, stunning and teleporting, etc. But instead, with no ingame reasoning or explanation outside of a post-round, post-warning OOC response, you tell me 'it was an accident'. I have to wonder how the communication between moderators can get to such a level where they care more about their round than to take a five-second break in a maintenance tunnel, overhear the PMs, and send an 'The kill was an accident'. This little tidbit of information should be enough to at least pardon the warning given the entire reason I ghosted was because I was shot, causing the cascade of admin-PMs. -
Sadistic Nightmare's Warning Appeal
Sadistic Nightmare replied to Sadistic Nightmare's topic in Unban Requests Archive
And you're calling me the inconsistent liar, Incognito. I doubt you have the logs to the round, and without them neither of us can ascertain what was said in PMs, but I can at least counter what I've emboldened in the quote: You did tell me that if I had ahelped, you could have given me the simple cancel-camera command. But you went further and stated in the PM that you are going to exclusively punish me for not using ahelp in the moment, after I PMed you twice stating that I did not think about using it. As in, I had forgotten about the ahelp command. Your exact quote on the matter of me ghosting after being put into crit was 'I'm detecting a bit of saltiness in your words.' I cannot remember exactly what you stated past this. Furthermore, I replied once and after explaining how my situation seems unfair, 'Please tell me you're joking'. Say 'same difference' all you want, I didn't PM you back like a sarcastic 16-year-old. You don't know who I am, yet you've read my notes and have gotten a brief idea that I'm apparently a salty individual who acts spiteful towards staff. Is that not what knowing someone is about? Getting an idea of them and a basic attitude towards either liking or disliking them? Or even an idea of their history given their notes? Outside of the obvious lie as your entire interaction with me was because I was involved (Otherwise why would you have cared that I ghosted?), I have some serious doubts about you not having any interaction with the event. You're a moderator, you'd have been filled in about the event / gamemode and would have most likely moderated it as it did involve both a ridiculously controversial antagonist and a decent size of the playerbase being affected (Code red, security and common radio channels lighting up over it). You went to such length as to claim that my ghosting was uncalled for in the scenario and as much as you can claim you didn't PM it, I am all but certain you mentioned the medic(s) that were going to rescue me as one of the few people whose RP / immersion was affected negatively. Not in those exact words as I cannot remember what words you used (It's been 3 hours now, and without logs I'm not going to be able to recite every PM you sent), but in the vain of the PM, the rough message you were getting across. And yes, I do apologize for the ad hominem. I did not see that in the rules when I was posting this appeal. -
BYOND Key: Sadistic Nightmare Warning staff member's Key: IncognitoJesus Reason of Warn: Roughly, 'Ghosting during round due to broken screen, negligence of using ahelp.' Something along those lines. Reason for Appeal: Yes, I know this is in the wrong place. Point / move me to where a warning appeal should go, because I didn't feel putting it in general was a good idea. Yes, I know I don't have a high standing with the community, or at least the staff of the community. Otherwise nobody else generally acknowledges my existence. Now, pre-notes aside, I'm here to appeal my warning. If you want to discuss it, go ahead. If you're a moderator with a log of the events, even better. I've had an hour to cool down and collect my thoughts, and honestly this is just ridiculous. I am grateful it's not a temporary ban over a misunderstanding but I'm still going to push for a pardon / appeal because nothing about this makes sense. It was about 30-45 minutes into a Wizard round. I was enjoying it up until then as a QM. I'm told over the radio that an intruder has breached the mining station and Security were on their way, so naturally I just stay in my office and try to monitor the area through my cams. He rushes in, NEC CANTIO's the room and demands my ID. I LOOC to tell him my cam view is broken and to give me a second so I can actually try and fix my cam. Doesn't respond to LOOCs, threats escalate after a half-second. So I take my ID off and tell him not to hurt me. Shot with a crossbow, a known lethal / instacrit weapon. I'm pretty sure attacking a willing hostage is against the rules as an antag. So right after I'm hit, I'm insta-critted and dying. I figure now's as good a time as any to ghost given my round is ruined because I'm not going to be able to go back to Cargo afterwards even if I'm revived due to either IC trauma or the area being closed because of said wizard attack. A minute into ghosting, IncognitoJesus adminPMs me over ghosting and I tell them it's because I'm close to dying and I couldn't see because the wizard that decided to crit me wasn't listening to the LOOC that I couldn't see. IncognitoJesus tells me I shouldn't have ghosted and instead should've adminhelped. I told him that I didn't think of doing that at the time. He then goes on to lecture me how I'm ruining others' (Read: One security officer and one ERT) RP. He then gives me a warning through the Warn command, choosing to ignore just about everything I have tried to tell him. It's at that point I decided to leave the server. And just to bring it up: This is not a player complaint over the wizard, as I'd prefer not to contribute to their (Alberyk's) complaint thread without logs. This is also not an admin complaint, despite the shown irrationality of IncognitoJesus, the pushing for warning me, and countering my complaints and excuses / reasons for ghosting with 'You're very salty to the staff'. EDIT: As of 2/27/2016, it appears my warning was removed / not listed under my name. Whether this holds true or not will be seen.