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Ian The Corgi

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  • Interests
    Having A life
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    Somewhere over the rainbow.

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Plasma Researcher

Plasma Researcher (22/37)

  1. Sometimes as a robotocist I need buckets/additional welding masks/proximity sensors/minihoes and my only option is to either beg R&D or beg Cargo. adding an autolathe to robotics would fix this. That is all.
  2. BYOND Key: ianthecorgi Total Ban Length: ANTAGBAN - INDEFINITE Banning staff member's Key: SirCatnip Reason of Ban: Banned from Syndicate - Blew up bomb onstation as mercenary with no warning or valid reasoning, thus venting a large portion of the station and creating a large breach.. Ban is in conjunction with previous notes as well. (Ban applied on the behalf of Muncorn. Trialmod at the time) Reason for Appeal: The bomb was to cause panic by randomly detonating a bomb on the station then announcing our arrival, causing terror. However, I screwed up the mechanics and accidentally blew myself up with it, ruining the round. I take full responsibility for being a shitter at that time because of 1. Terrible tactics 2. Messed up idea of an antags purpose 3. General disregard for other's enjoyment I have changed since, and I would like another chance to enjoy the game as an antagonist, as it truthfully is one of the most fun parts about this game.
  3. I dont know a whole lot about IPCs, but I like this app.
  4. thought some of you might be interested, while I'm aware most of you are beyond it, some people might be interested.
  5. This is a great minecraft server, it has a few cool things, and the owner works nearly entirely based on suggestions. I'd ask that you'd check it out because its struggling at the moment, the owner has sunk alot of money into it to keep it afloat and he cant do it anymore unless he can get a larger playerbase.
  6. It has come to the attention of the Zo'Ra hive that during routine labour, one of our bound drones was deprived of K'ois by the gardening staff. The Zo'Ra hive offically request an inquiry from NanoTrasen into these events such that the Zo'Ra hive will not in future lose any drones. The Drone (Ka'Viax'Mith Zo'Ra) reported that Botanists Bennett Benett and Rodney Dapson removed planted K'ois and binned them, before physically removing the drone from the Garden, instructing it not to enter again. Following their protocols it was severely malnourished due to its inability to acquire food, we require that the employees involved be held accountable for their actions so that a similar incident may not occur in the future
  7. Okay, thanks for the hasty response
  8. Question that may require an answer or may require a change: Bound are barred from the security department. They are free to take civilian jobs (except Quartermaster and Chaplain) or engineering jobs. They are also free to be menial lab assistants, or orderlies in the medical department. They do not need to be formally promoted before taking these jobs. Because Za bodies are only for combat, and because Bound cannot join Security, playing a Za'Viax is not permitted. Could a Za'Viax be possible as antagonist (Syndicate Operative) ?
  9. I understand completely. Thank you in advance for another chance. On a personal note, I'd like to clarify that you aren't a bad admin or a bad person in my view, I was emotional at the time I wrote that post and I lashed out at you, lessons were learned.
  10. Could I get this moved over to unban requests?
  11. 1.- Oh im an idiot 2.- this is re-opening a request not the actual unban request
  12. BYOND Key: IanTheCorgi Total Ban Length: Until the heat death of the universe, and possibly a bit longer Banning staff member's Key: Alberyk Reason of Ban: Stealing blueprints from the ssd chief engineer, renaming the engineering area as ASS BLAST USA as a bound vaurca drone, and then wearing force gloves as vaurca engineering for no reason Reason for Appeal: This is a re-appeal due to my last appeal being closed for inactivity. Could I please have information about my "first ban" as I am unaware of any such ban, however my memory is about as useful as a chocolate floppy disk so if you could give me the information, I will be able to respond to Alberyk's question.
  13. BYOND Key: Ian The Corgi Total Ban Length: Forever Banning staff member's Key: Alberyk Reason of Ban: stealing blueprints from ssd chief engineering, renaming the engineering as ass blast usa, as a bound vaurca drone, then wearing force gloves as engineering vaurca for no reason Reason for Appeal: I really would like to play again, I cannot deny that what I have done on this server was very bad, I am not attempting to justify my actions, but to ask for another chance. I'd like to apologise now to those whose immersion has been damaged my reckless idiocy, and ask forgiveness of the admins who had to divert their time to me being a terrible person. Going forth, i will make these adjustments to my playing if I am unbanned: - No more ridiculous characters (pill addictions, psychosis) - More acknowledgement of how my actions will affect others. Thank you for listening whether you choose to unban me or not. -Ian
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