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Commanderweb's Achievements


Chaplain (2/37)

  1. Revolver was empty, right before you went unconcious. Matt Price attempted to disarm Vladimir Osterwise! Vladimir Osterwise punched himself in the upper body! Your armor softens the blow! Matt Price attempted to disarm Vladimir Osterwise! You fire the stun revolver! You fire the stun revolver! The stun revolver is not ready to fire again! Matt Price has disarmed Vladimir Osterwise! Matt Price slumps to the ground, too weak to continue fighting.
  2. The Stun Revolver is not a lethal weapon. It was being used to stop you from stripping us of our gear, the only thing possible of protecting us from the cultists. You proceed to get up and immediately disarm the Grandfather, who so far has not shown any physical hostility to you in any way Vladimir Osterwise has disarmed Matt Price! *click click* [Common] Adam Davis stutters, "C-CH-H-HAPEL-L" Vladimir Osterwise attempted to disarm Matt Price! Matt Price has pushed Vladimir Osterwise! [Common] Adam Davis stutters, "FUC-C-C-CK-K" [Common] Sslazhir Yinzr asks, "Where?" Ruben Osterwise's the combat shotgun goes off during the struggle! *click click* [Common] Adam Davis stammers, "C-CHAP-P-PEL-L" *click click* *click click* Matt Price attempted to disarm Ruben Osterwise! Yet you feel the need to escalate to firing 3 shells into me before i lose conciousness, and at least 2 shells into the Grandfather. You continued to fire after we are both dead/crit. Because easily more than 5 shells were heard.
  3. If your only argument against my evidence is "No, you doctored it." then you don't have an argument. Just claiming I did anything to the chat logs doesn't invalidate my argument. It just makes you look self righteous and defensive of your own actions. Given the current situation any sane human would react the same to an aggressive individual, let alone a mentally retarded one. If we want to talk about escalation to lethal force we can bring up you unloading slugs into our bodies when we are already in Crit.
  4. As for what the AI "saw". Ruben Osterwise=Binkow/Grandpa Vladimir Osterwise=Commanderweb/Grandson - Junior and Senior are in the psych's office. Yes, we are related, I am in his care, and I didn't have any limbs until further into the round. - Junior cracks Senior over the head with a bottle and knocks him out. Ruben Osterwise has attacked himself with a bottle of Uncle Git's Special Reserve! The contents of the Uncle Git's Special Reserve splash all over Ruben Osterwise! Ruben Osterwise has thrown Broken Bottle. The leather psychiatrist's couch has been hit by Ruben Osterwise with the bedsheet. Ruben Osterwise says, "God damn." - Senior gets up and starts beating the shit out of Junior with a cane I assume this is what you were referring to? Ruben Osterwise shouts, "MY BOY AIN'T MUCH BUT HE'S ALL I GOT!" [Common] Matt Price says, "What in the-" Vladimir Osterwise says, "Hello good sir" Ruben Osterwise exclaims, "VLAD DON'T YOU SPEAK WITHOUT BEIN SPOKEN TOO!" Ruben Osterwise landed a striking fist on Vladimir Osterwise's upper body! [Common] Kourtney Slade says, "Forgive me, Astor." Ruben Osterwise yells, "WHAT DID I TELL YOU!" Jade Rathel says, "No." Vladimir Osterwise says, "GRANDPA IM SORRY" Jade Rathel says, "You're under arrest." - Junior shows up in the dorms with a sword, attacking a station-bound synthetic This was actually done by the cultist as you will read here. Shard of Aether has been slashed with Cult Blade by Evelyn Fermi! Shard of Aether states, "Greetings." [Common] Lizandro Kowalski slurs, "BoOOM'!" Shard of Aether states, "U-unit damaged" - Junior and Senior both show up in the brig, stealing all of the armory weapons If you are going to exaggerate then please make it at least somewhat believable. The armory was 80% empty when we arrived, and we were not about to take the chance that we'd run into those cultists again without being able to defend ourselves. - Senior pulls a gun on a random botanist in the hallway and uses him as a 'hostage', even shooting him once This is just as fake as could be. Grandfather had to be dragged from Brig to Medbay due to succumbing to his concussion and he was basically blind. Even with a combat shotgun there is very little chance he could robust someone. - Junior and Senior run down the departures hallway, /murdering/ a security officer the moment they see her during the evacuation. This is just a straight up lie. We died in medbay and never came in contact with security after leaving brig. I'm really beginning to question the validity of your other 900 posts. I'd like you to keep in mind that actions of Matt Price, He clearly states that there is nothing wrong with us and instead of waiting for security or even just asking us to leave, read what he does instead. This is my Log from the time I met up with Grandpa after his 2nd arrest until we both died. Jane Pyre aims a shotgun at Spike Patterson! Spike Patterson says, "Ahahhhhh" *click click* Evelyn Fermi(as Jane Pyre) shouts, "Don't move!" *click click* Ruben Osterwise fires the laser carbine! *click click* Ruben Osterwise fires the laser carbine! Ruben Osterwise fires the laser carbine! *click click* Ruben Osterwise fires the laser carbine! [Common] Cryogenic Oversight states, "Auralia Ro'Suos'Fedas, Head of Personnel, has entered long-term storage." Ruben Osterwise says, "FUCKER" You buckle yourself to the steel chair. Ruben Osterwise fires the laser carbine! Spike Patterson seizes up and falls limp, their eyes dead and lifeless... Ruben Osterwise fires the laser carbine! Ruben Osterwise fires the laser carbine! Evelyn Fermi(as Jane Pyre) exclaims, "Stop!" Evelyn Fermi(as Jane Pyre) shouts, "Why did you kill him!" Evelyn Fermi(as Jane Pyre) shouts, "No!" Vladimir Osterwise says, "Oh hey Grandpa" Ruben Osterwise exclaims, "THEY'LL TRY TO KILL ME!" Ruben Osterwise points to Vladimir Osterwise Ruben Osterwise exclaims, "YOU!" Evelyn Fermi(as Jane Pyre) yells, "You imbicile!" Ruben Osterwise points to Vladimir Osterwise [Common] Matt Price says, "Someone be sure to come fix this borg." Evelyn Fermi(as Jane Pyre) exclaims, "Stay away!" [Common] Evan Treanor yells, "GAH!" You unbuckle yourself from the steel chair. [Common] Evan Treanor yells, "Security!" [Common] Adam Davis asks, "Hey, who grab Andre's head?" [Common] Evan Treanor shouts, "Xenobiology access!" Vladimir Osterwise is trying to empty Unknown (as Spike Patterson)'s pockets! Ruben Osterwise is trying to remove Unknown (as Spike Patterson)'s security radio headset! Vladimir Osterwise empties Unknown (as Spike Patterson)'s pockets! Ruben Osterwise says, "M'boy.. you nearly killed me" Vladimir Osterwise blinds Ruben Osterwise with the flash! Ruben Osterwise has been bashed in the head with laser carbine by Vladimir Osterwise! Vladimir Osterwise asks, "Are we gonna have issues?" Ruben Osterwise exclaims, "M'boy finally standin up for himself!" Vladimir Osterwise has thrown the laser carbine. Ruben Osterwise is trying to put a laser carbine on Unknown (as Spike Patterson)! Vladimir Osterwise is trying to remove Unknown (as Spike Patterson)'s Spike Patterson's ID Card (Security Cadet)! Ruben Osterwise exclaims, "It's war now, son!" Malcolm Shaw says, "Guys" Ruben Osterwise asks, "What?" Vladimir Osterwise asks, "Yessir?" Ruben Osterwise finishes eating Mushroompizza slice. Malcolm Shaw asks, "What the fuck is going on?" Ruben Osterwise says, "War.. war.." *beep* Message from QuickDatingSystem (Unknown / spam?), "Your profile caught my attention and I wanted to write and say hello (QuickDating)." (Unable to Reply) Vladimir Osterwise says, "No idea sir" Ruben Osterwise says, "These fuckers tried to kill me" Ruben Osterwise says, "M'boy here and I are defendin ourselves" Malcolm Shaw says, "Well" [Common] Arrivals Announcement Computer states, "Sslazhir Yinzr, Security Officer, has arrived on the station." Malcolm Shaw checks Unknown's pulse. Malcolm Shaw says, "Oh fuck" Ruben Osterwise says, "He's dead." Malcolm Shaw says, "Is he..." [Common] Adam Davis says, "Your late" Malcolm Shaw says, "Damn." [Common] Evan Treanor yells, "Medical needed at research!" [Common] Adam Davis says, "The Brig was bombed, plus Science" You unwillingly chew a bit of Meatpizza slice. Malcolm Shaw is trying to remove Unknown's security satchel! You unwillingly chew a bit of Meatpizza slice. You unwillingly chew a bit of Meatpizza slice. A.I. Announcement No response from Central Command. Security is failing to contain the situation, additional personnel have been confirmed hostile. Systems are now considering evacuation. -Katana Alpha Ruben Osterwise says, "I couldn't let them get evelyn." Ruben Osterwise says, "She saved me so.." [Common] Ka'Akaix'Zalim Zo'ra says, "Lets put it up to a vote" [Common] Gago Merchant says, "Is prrrobably for best." [Common] Arrivals Announcement Computer states, "Bo Dinh, Gardener, has completed translation from offsite gateway." [Common] Adam Davis says, "This is what happens when your Late Yinzr" [Common] Ka'Akaix'Zalim Zo'ra says, "If you want to leave, say I" [Common] Arrivals Announcement Computer states, "Lokya Ariel, Assistant, has arrived on the station." [Common] Ka'Akaix'Zalim Zo'ra exclaims, "I!" Malcolm Shaw has thrown the security satchel. [Common] Gago Merchant says, "I mean." [Common] Adam Davis says, "I" [Common] Anderson Leichter says, "I" [Common] Gago Merchant says, "Science station without science is shit" [Common] Ka'Akaix'Zalim Zo'ra yells, "I! I! LEAVEE!" [Common] Lizandro Kowalski says, "I" Malcolm Shaw says, "Should we..." Malcolm Shaw asks, "Get guns?" Juan Siganto snores. [Common] Lokya Ariel asks, "What's going on?" Ruben Osterwise says, "Get whateva." Malcolm Shaw puts the W-T 550 Saber into the laboratory backpack. Ruben Osterwise says, "I don't have access.. and I'm blind" Ruben Osterwise says, "I can't see right now." Priority Announcement An emergency evacuation shuttle has been called. It will arrive in approximately 10 minutes. [Common] Gago Merchant says, "Good." Ruben Osterwise talks into the security radio headset Ruben Osterwise talks into the security radio headset Vladimir Osterwise has thrown the bomber jacket. Malcolm Shaw puts the box of spare handcuffs into the laboratory backpack. Ruben Osterwise says, "Hey" Ruben Osterwise asks, "Can you heal my eyes!?" [Common] Evan Treanor says, "Medical's needed outside research." [Common] Evan Treanor exclaims, "Hurry!" [Common] Jade Rathel says, "Edical to sciene." You put the flash into the satchel. Ruben Osterwise has analyzed Ruben Osterwise's vitals. [Common] Jade Rathel asks, "Medical?" [Common] Gago Merchant says, "I offerred Jade a medical kit but she said no." You put the flashbang into the satchel. [Common] Evan Treanor asks, "Medical where are you!?" [Common] Jade Rathel says, "I'm pretty sure I need more than a medkit." Ruben Osterwise says, "M'boy you gonna have to point em out to me." Malcolm Shaw says, "We should head to escape" [Common] Adam Davis says, "Lit up Escape, it was dark" [Common] Cryogenic Oversight states, "Vance McTarvish, Assistant, has entered long-term storage." Malcolm Shaw says, "Pull him" [Common] Gago Merchant says, "Well I brrring." You fire the stun revolver! The electrode misses Malcolm Shaw narrowly! Malcolm Shaw says, "Woah" Vladimir Osterwise says, "My bad" Ruben Osterwise yells loudly, "PUT ME IN A CHAIR!" Ruben Osterwise yells loudly, "MY LEGS ARE FAILING ME" You shake Ruben Osterwise trying to wake him up! Malcolm Shaw says, "Sec" Malcolm Shaw says, "He's wounded" [Common] Bo Dinh shouts, "Dumb farmer boy with gun going postal!" Ruben Osterwise yells loudly, "HEY." Ruben Osterwise yells loudly, "HELP ME UP!" You shake Ruben Osterwise trying to wake him up! Ruben Osterwise shouts, "Kill the security!" Ruben Osterwise yells loudly, "LETS GO THE SHUTTLE" Ruben Osterwise talks into the security radio headset Ruben Osterwise yells, "DON'T!" [Common] Artificial Intelligence Oversight states, "Katana Alpha has been moved to intelligence storage." Ruben Osterwise talks into the security radio headset Ruben Osterwise yells loudly, "KILL YINZR!" Ruben Osterwise talks into the security radio headset Ruben Osterwise shouts, "HE'S A TRAITOR!" You put Ruben Osterwise's ID Card (Psychiatrist) into the satchel. You put Ruben Osterwise's ID Card (Psychiatrist) into the satchel. You put the flashbang into the satchel. [Common] Sslazhir Yinzr roars, "Ss. Seekishshseekissesi!" [Common] Matt Price says, "Security to the MEdical Bay-" Matt Price talks into the medical radio headset Matt Price says, "Security to the MEdical Bay-" [Common] Evelyn Fermi says, "Stop firing--" [Common] Adam Davis says, "DAMN IT YNZIR" Matt Price asks, "What in the fuck?" Vladimir Osterwise says, "Help him" [Common] Adam Davis says, "SHOT THE ALIEN" [Common] Adam Davis says, "NOT ME" Ruben Osterwise says, "I'M BLIND" Matt Price says, "What did you-" Ruben Osterwise yells loudly, "I CANT SEE!" Ruben Osterwise yells loudly, "H-HEL-LP M-ME Y-Y-Y-YOU F-FOOL!" Ruben Osterwise yells loudly, "THEY'RE COMIN FOR US! THE ALIENS!" Matt Price exclaims, "Nothing's wrong with him!" Evan Treanor asks, "What is he talking about?" Vladimir Osterwise says, "He needs med attention now" [Common] Matt Price says, "Security, there are two armed and mentally unstabnle individual in Medical." Matt Price talks into the medical radio headset Matt Price says, "Security, there are two armed and mentally unstabnle individual in Medical." Ruben Osterwise yells, "I can't see and my legs don't work!" Matt Price has analyzed Ruben Osterwise's vitals. Vladimir Osterwise says, "He's blind" Matt Price says, "He's mentally unstable." Ka'Akaix'Zah Void says, "No thankzz" Ka'Akaix'Zah Void has thrown Erransis Fedranin. Glass Airlock was hit by Erransis Fedranin. Ruben Osterwise yells, "I'M NOT UNSTABLE YOU FOOL!" [Common] Adam Davis stammers, "T-Th-h-han-nks-s Yinzr-r-r" Ruben Osterwise yells loudly, "I'M IN PAIN!" [Common] Adam Davis stutters, "N-Now-w I c-cant-t k-kill t-th-h-h-he Al-l-l-lien" Matt Price says, "Hey-" [Common] Matt Price yells, "Security! Holy fuck!" [Common] Lizandro Kowalski asks, "What ayys?" [Common] Lizandro Kowalski asks, "Where?" Ruben Osterwise says, "SECURITY IS DEAD" Ruben Osterwise yells loudly, "Y-Y-YOU T-TOOL!" Central Command Update Machine Learning Alert Rampant brand intelligence has been detected aboard NSS Exodus, please stand-by. newscaster beeps, "New Station Announcement Available" Matt Price is trying to remove Ruben Osterwise's security radio headset! [Common] Lizandro Kowalski says, "Oh ayys are very friendly they want cute hugs :3" Vladimir Osterwise says, "You need to get him his sight back. Now." Jesse Darby has grabbed Jim Calhoun passively! You fire the stun revolver! Matt Price screams! You fire the stun revolver! Matt Price screams! Matt Price says, "I'm not a Surgeon, asswip-" Matt Price has pushed Vladimir Osterwise! Matt Price attempted to disarm Vladimir Osterwise! Vladimir Osterwise punched himself in the upper body! Your armor softens the blow! Matt Price attempted to disarm Vladimir Osterwise! You fire the stun revolver! You fire the stun revolver! The stun revolver is not ready to fire again! Matt Price has disarmed Vladimir Osterwise! Matt Price slumps to the ground, too weak to continue fighting. Vladimir Osterwise stomped down hard on Matt Price's upper body! Vladimir Osterwise is trying to remove Matt Price's PDA-Matt Price (Emergency Medical Technician)! [Common] Adam Davis stammers, "Oh-h F-F-F-FUck" Vladimir Osterwise has thrown PDA-Matt Price (Emergency Medical Technician). [Common] Adam Davis stammers, "Y-Y-Yin-n-nz-zr-r g-get-t bac-ck-k her-re an-nd-d K-KIL-L-LL-L T-T-TH-HE AL-LIEN-N-N" [Common] Adam Davis stutters, "AH-HHH-HH-H" [Common] Adam Davis stutters, "F-FUC-CK-K" [Common] Adam Davis stutters, "AH-HH-H-H-HH-H" Vladimir Osterwise has disarmed Matt Price! *click click* [Common] Adam Davis stutters, "C-CH-H-HAPEL-L" Vladimir Osterwise attempted to disarm Matt Price! Matt Price has pushed Vladimir Osterwise! [Common] Adam Davis stutters, "FUC-C-C-CK-K" [Common] Sslazhir Yinzr asks, "Where?" Ruben Osterwise's the combat shotgun goes off during the struggle! *click click* [Common] Adam Davis stammers, "C-CHAP-P-PEL-L" *click click* *click click* Matt Price attempted to disarm Ruben Osterwise! [Common] Adam Davis stammers, "Y-YOU ID-DOIT-T" Matt Price has disarmed Ruben Osterwise! Vladimir Osterwise kicked Matt Price in his left leg! Ruben Osterwise threw a glancing punch at Matt Price's upper body! Ruben Osterwise attempted to strike Matt Price, but missed! Matt Price cries out and drops what they were holding in their right arm! Matt Price fires the combat shotgun! Ruben Osterwise is hit by the slug in the chest! [Common] Malcolm Shaw stutters, "H-H-H-Hel-lp out-ts-sid-de es-sap-pe" Suzy Bousum has disarmed Ruben Osterwise! You hear a loud cracking sound coming from Ruben Osterwise. Ruben Osterwise screams! Matt Price is having trouble keeping their eyes open. Suzy Bousum attempted to disarm Ruben Osterwise! Matt Price fires the combat shotgun! The slug shrapnel sticks in the wound! Vladimir Osterwise is hit by the slug in the chest! Something feels like it shattered in your upper body! Vladimir Osterwise screams! You feel broken bones moving in your upper body! Something inside your upper body hurts a lot. Matt Price fires the combat shotgun! Your movement jostles the slug shrapnel in your upper body painfully. Vladimir Osterwise screams! [Common] Malcolm Shaw stutters, "H-Hel-l-l-lp-p" Vladimir Osterwise kneed Matt Price in his left leg! Vladimir Osterwise has been hit in the upper body with combat shotgun by Matt Price! Vladimir Osterwise screams! Suzy Bousum attempted to disarm Ruben Osterwise! Matt Price fires the combat shotgun! Vladimir Osterwise threw a glancing punch at Matt Price's right arm! Ruben Osterwise threw Suzy Bousum a glancing kick to the left leg! Suzy Bousum attempted to disarm Ruben Osterwise! Ruben Osterwise stomped on Suzy Bousum's left foot! Suzy Bousum has pushed Ruben Osterwise! Matt Price fires the combat shotgun! Suzy Bousum attempted to disarm Ruben Osterwise! The slug shrapnel sticks in the wound! You feel something rip in your upper body! Vladimir Osterwise is hit by the slug in the chest! You feel broken bones moving in your upper body! Something inside your upper body hurts a lot. You feel faint You prime the flashbang! 5 seconds! Vladimir Osterwise has thrown the flashbang. [Common] Matt Price stutters, "Sec-cur-rit-ty t-to Med-dical-l!" Matt Price talks into the medical radio headset BANG Matt Price fires the combat shotgun! Ruben Osterwise is hit by the slug in the head! Your upper body hurts badly. ...You almost hear someone talking... ... You can almost hear someone talking ... ... You can almost hear someone talking ... ... You can almost hear someone talking ... ... You can almost hear someone talking ... ... You can almost hear someone talking ... ... You can almost hear someone talking ... ...You almost hear someone talking... ... You can almost hear someone talking ... ... You can almost hear someone talking ... Ruben Osterwise screams! You hear a sickening crack. Ruben Osterwise screams! Erransis Fedranin says, "I have not... Come 263 years... To die in human-space." Lokya Ariel says, "..." The ghost of Ruben Osterwise now prowls among the dead. Just in case you missed it, he begins to strip us of all our gear. If this doesn't constitute as playing hero in a situation where he would normally have absolutely no chance then I don't know what does. He began acting aggressively towards two well armed individuals, one of which he has already claimed is mentally retarded and would not likely respond well to any aggression in his current condition, So I implore you to read ALL of the evidence presented, Binkow's retelling of the whole story, the chat logs, and the false AI claims and tell me that we were acting outside of the Roleplay Standards of NSS Aurora Station.
  5. BYOND Key:Commanderweb Staff BYOND Key: Tenenza Reason for Complaint: Punished for acting within roleplay boundaries Evidence/Logs/Etc: [secondary Admin PM]Tenenza: Namaste! Hello! It appears you raided the armory and used weapons as an assisstant. Can I ask why? to Tenenza: My Grandpa told me to. He said we gotta protect ourselves. [secondary Admin PM] Tenenza: Could you please elaborate what you mean by that? to Tenenza: The Psychiatrist is my Grandfather and he told me the security tried to kill everyone, so we had to defend ourselves. [secondary Admin PM] Tenenza: So, you just did it because your grandfather told you to? to Tenenza: With so many dead people around it was the only safe option. [secondary Admin PM] Tenenza: So, how exactly did you end up in medbay attacking people there? to Tenenza: Grandpa was going blind. I brought him there and the medical personel started calling for security instead of helping. If we had gone any longer without medical attention he probably would have died. to Tenenza: The doctor started trying to disarm us and i had to act [secondary Admin PM] Tenenza: I see. Have you read our server's rules? to Tenenza: Yes I have. [secondary Admin PM] Tenenza: Then please be aware that we have rules regarding what is and is not acceptable conduct for non-antagonists, specifically regarding conflict and escalation of force. In this regard, it is not considered acceptable escalation of force to go to stealing weapons, and actively attacking people due to being injured and denied medical aid by security. As this is your first offense, you shall recieve a warning, but please do not make a habit of this in the future. Do you understand? to Tenenza: As your rules also state"Roleplay precedes over objectives - do not engage in behavior which would be unrealistic for your character in an attempt to win the round. " In the given situation my character would have acted as he did if the situation occured in real life. [secondary Admin PM] Tenenza: This is not an issue to debate. Do you understand you are getting a warning and why? [secondary Admin PM] Tenenza: Ahem, once more, please answer if you understand you are getting a warning and why. to Tenenza: I am recieveing a warning due to my action of commiting such actions as raiding the armory and assaulting fellow crew members while not being Antag. I understand this is my first and likely only warning. [secondary Admin PM] Tenenza: Okay then, thank you for your cooporation and have a nice day/night/timeless limbo. Additional Remarks: Upon further review of the station rules under "Antagonists and Conflict" it reads "Conflict is acceptable, even if you are not an antag. but it needs to be believable, and meet roleplay standards. The average Joe will not simply decide to blow up their workplace one day." In the given scenario my character and his Grandfather were caught in the crossfire between cultists and security. Once most of the security officers were dead we took it upon ourselves to access the armory and prepare to defend our lives. Once the weapons and armor were acquired we headed to the medbay where my dying grandfather was refused treatment and disarmed by the medical staff. As the medical staff attempted to disarm me I opened fire with stun revolver, this quickly escalated into the medical staff disarming my grandfather and returning fire with a combat shotgun, resulting in both our deaths. It was at this time that I began talking with the admin and the warning was issued. Returning again to the server rules "Only escalate conflict in a realistic manner. Some characters might overreact, but you would not realisticall go berserk or attempt to kill someone if they stole your prized pen, for instance." Under the given circumstances, from a roleplay point of view, my actions were well within the boundaries of the server rules. The entire story can be found on Stevebuschemi's (aka Binkow) (Grandpa's) post regarding the same issue.
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