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Everything posted by stevebuschemi

  1. The reason why I went from "0-60" was because Tenenza actively ignored everything I said and just stated "[22:00:04]ADMIN: PM: Tenenza/(Dimethylaminoethyl)->Binkow/(Ruben Osterwise): So because you got beat by security and denied medical treatment, you decided to break into the armory, steal weapons, and then...attack medbay?" So here, you chose to actively ignore everything I said and continue with your first accusation and then bring the point to me attacking Medbay. How would this not piss anybody off? What is the point of you even talking to me if you're not going to listen or read what I say and instead continue along with the chat like you are reading from a script? I'd have rather just been banned have it over with. The reason why you seem so god damn condescending was because all of your questions weren't trying to figure out what happened but were in fact loaded questions. Even after explaining that I had not assaulted Medbay you say "[22:01:14]ADMIN: PM: Tenenza/(Dimethylaminoethyl)->Binkow/(Ruben Osterwise): You are requested to change your tone at once, as it is not constructive to a civil discussion. You shall not be asked twice. Now, could you please then elaborate on how exactly you ended up attacking medbay?" Again, with the loaded question implying that I did attack Medbay. You really couldn't have asked "Can you explain what happened in Medbay?" This would've effectively de-escalated the situation. Then, after answering your questions you say "Please simply answer the questions. Now, have you read our server's rules?" completely shifting from the topic at hand just because you want to give the "warning" and get it over with. It's fucking hilarious because even at the end- it's like anything I said didn't have an effect on you or your awareness of the situation. [22:08:39]ADMIN: PM: Tenenza/(Dimethylaminoethyl)->Binkow/(Ruben Osterwise): Then please be aware that we have rules regarding what is and is not acceptable conduct for non-antagonists, specifically regarding conflict and escalation of force. In this regard, it is not considered acceptable escalation of force to go to stealing weapons, and actively attacking people due to being injured and denied medical aid by security. As this is your first offense, you shall recieve a warning, but please do not make a habit of this in the future. Do you understand? [22:08:56]ADMIN: PM: Binkow/(Ruben Osterwise)->Tenenza/(Dimethylaminoethyl): What? What do you not understand? They tried to kill me [22:09:07]ADMIN: PM: Binkow/(Ruben Osterwise)->Tenenza/(Dimethylaminoethyl): I was thrown into the midst on the cults [22:09:10]ADMIN: PM: Tenenza/(Dimethylaminoethyl)->Binkow/(Ruben Osterwise): Please answer the question. Do you understand? [22:09:15]ADMIN: PM: Binkow/(Ruben Osterwise)->Tenenza/(Dimethylaminoethyl): YES I UNDERSTAND MR. ADMIN Like seriously, why ask me questions if whatever I say will have no effect on what you're going to do? You obviously didn't investigate the logs to understand what was going on~ but even all my attempts to explain the situation didn't have an affect on you. Also is this "Do you understand?" bullshit protocol for admins or something? Obviously I do not fucking agree with the punishment- I understand the rules and I believe I did not break any of them. If it wasn't protocol it seemed like some sort of bullshit power move which only pisses people more off.
  2. Uh.. it fired when you were struggling with me- it wasn't a problem with it not cocking. Also, a stun revolver isn't lethal, mate.
  3. Protect you from the cult? You guys made it very clear that you sided with them without physically joining on the rune. Excuse me for being confused, but you guys claimed to have robbed the armory with a cultist. Yeah, my friend is mistaken here. I ended up being friends with the cultist- but he ended up having no relation as he never spoke to her.
  4. LMAO! He shot you with the stun revolver after you decided it would be smart and totally in character for you to to start stripping an armed guy's radio- then you stole my combat shotgun and used it on us.. you were the one who escalated to lethal force?! You are very much in the wrong here, lmao.
  5. Commander just posted the logs which prove you are indeed lying again. It shows you stripping me of my headset while I was on the ground- before ANY of the fighting occured and in fact this lead to the fighting. You were shot because you started the conflict by stripping an armored goon while held at gun point. And yes, don't post bullshit if you don't "remember 100%". Just read the logs- whatever BS you spout is refuted by the logs.
  6. Nope. You obviously took out very vital important information. Also a BUNCH of lying is here as well. The younger one shot you with the stun revolver after you started stripping me of my radio and other things. You were obviously playing the hero by spamming in comms "SECURITY TO MEDBAY" and then walking up to a heavy armored goon on the ground and starting to strip his shit. I was never in possession of a stun revolver the entire time nor did I shoot one doing this scuffle so this is just a straight up lie. I also did "beat you with the butt of the shotgun" at all. I didn't attempt to flash bang you to get the shotgun back.. I was nearly critical and far away from you. You were busy still pumping rounds (I was basically lying on the ground and you were unloading..) into me and the youngin' and the youngin' at this time was crit and NOT able to do anything. I could only see 1 god damn square away because of the massive concussion and blindness so as a last ditch effort I popped the other grenade in my belt (ironically I have a mechanical heart and eyes-- did not notice it was EMP till it was triggered) and this EMP ended up finishing me off.
  7. What? You obviously didn't understand much this round or are blatantly lying. I really don't think you even read my post to be honest. - Junior and Senior are in the psych's office. One of the only correct things here.. congratulations. - Junior cracks Senior over the head with a bottle and knocks him out This never happened. - Senior gets up and starts beating the shit out of Junior with a cane In this context, I only slapped junior in the drunken spur and then was taken away by police.. - Junior says things over comms that sound like some sort of BDSM cane-whipping fetish This never happened. - Junior shows up in the dorms with a sword, attacking a station-bound synthetic This never happened. Maybe the fucking cultist with us did this- ever think of that? - Junior and Senior both show up in the brig, stealing all of the armory weapons I guess you just didn't see the cultist doing shit. I was arrested 90 percent of the time in Brig till the cultists came and took over. You really do not have a clue what happened this round. We had no intention to raid the armory from the start. - Senior pulls a gun on a random botanist in the hallway and uses him as a 'hostage', even shooting him once The fuck? This never happened at all. - Junior and Senior run down the departures hallway, /murdering/ a security officer the moment they see her during the evacuation This NEVER happened at all?!? I'm legit fucking disgusted at these straight up lies. Do you care to explain why you are straight up lying or otherwise feel you can provide accurate enough information to post here? I'd like for an admin to pull the logs please.
  8. BYOND Key: Binkow Staff BYOND Key: Tenenza Reason for complaint: Extremely condescending and unprofessional ... immediately instills a hostile tone Evidence/logs/etc: Unfortunately I forgot to copy and paste the entire chat log before the server ended so whoever is going to to look into this will have to ring them up . Additional remarks: First of all, I would like to say it really does take a special push to get me to go out of my way to make a formal complaint like this. Basically, let me explain the round from the start. I decided to roleplay as an 115 year old alcohol abusive war veteran grandfather (who had all prosthetic limbs, mechanical heart, and mechanical eyes) who recently got a job aboard the Aurora station- and brought his grand son along so he could get prosthetic limbs (he had no arms or legs lmao) and we could roleplay an awesome story for the crew to participate in. Ironically, my job title was psychiatrist and my friend, the grandson, was an assistant. I brought him to my office- met the staff and got him legs, etc. My first step of abuse towards him was in the bar, just verbal. I was drinking from my sippy sippy flask and ended up taking him back to my office and beating him as a 'punishment' with my cane. After I passed out on the chair with a bottle of whiskey in my hand, the grand son requested somebody come in to check on me. The AI ended up bolting the door open- and as everybody was coming in and making a scene I blamed the door breaking and everything on the grand son. I then promptly hit him in the face, and security shortly came after and arrested me. In Brig, this is where I met the cultist. I was starting to sober up as my flask was dry and they don't supply alcohol in the prisoner common area, so I spend the 4-5 minute sentence by talking with this sole woman there. She tells me why she's in and I tell her why I'm in. She asks if she wants to join a group of people and that the pay was good so I say why not. I met up with my grand son outside brig with her and we follow her to the dorm bathrooms. I tell the boy to let the adults speak, and I realize she is a cultist when I see her with her cultist blade, sprawling runes on the floor, and the cultist hood. Security suddenly walks in as I guess the AI was keepin tabs, and we realize we're too deep so we escape to the bar while she and security duke it out. While I was in Brig, my grand son received prosthetic arms by the way- so he is fully functional-- forgot to mention that. So, while we're in the Bar (just us two), the AI locks us in while we get drunk and an inevitable fight breaks out as my grand son was eager to get revenge. Since it's a 115 year old vs a 17 year old he clearly wins and my face is borderline unrecognizable by the time the AI unlocks the door and a few people storm in to stop the fight. These good Samaritans rush to the aid of the 17 year old and start beating the fuck out of me while I'm borderline unconscious on the ground with a concussion and one of them picks up my flask and starts force feeding me it. ----- so this is where the situation as to why the admin comes in One engineer drags me to Brig while the other civilians drag my grandson to the cargo bay. The confused warden at Brig takes me in and puts me in the interrogation room (or check in room, whatever it is) and straps me down. I complain about my heading aching as I had a massive concussion and was on the borderline brink of death (was in dark red but got to dark orange by this time). My vision was heavily impacted and I could barely see (just fuzzy), but the alerts about the broken skull and shit were being spammed. So as I'm strapped to the chair, that cultist from earlier comes in and shanks the fuck out of the warden with her cultist blade. I'm saying thank you and she uncuffs me and brings me to the medical area with aid of the warden's ID. I'm healed up as good as I can be (concussion and vision damage still very present), and the cultist talks about how it's time to arm up and ascend whatever whatever. At this point- I'd also like to mention that I'm mentally retarded from the brain damage. So, I'm armored up in the tactical gear with a shotgun on my back and as we attempt to leave a security cadet sees us and in fear I kill him with a laser rifle (I mean she killed the warden, I'm balls deep in this shit and if I'm caught we're all executed). My grand son is also waiting outside and we make up- but at this point I can rarely stand up and I'm basically blind (can only see 1 tile around). So, I tell m'boy to take my stun revolver off my belt and he drags me to the Medbay. Here we meet the one I call the "hero combat expert medical doctor" Matt Price. I am basically in no fighting position and my grand son is just begging/borderline threatening them to heal me / fix my vision. The medical doctor keeps calling security in radio and is in general intimidated by our presence. Matt Price then starts stripping the security headset from my body (that for sure, maybe he tried more), so my grand son shoots him with the stun revolver a couple times. Then the fighting breaks out. Since he's 17 he gets robusted fairly easy and the medical doctor goes into full assassin mode. I manage to finally stand up and pull out my shotgun, but due to the fact that I am blind and retarded nothing happens- upon which he pushes me down.. takes the shotgun and starts blasting away at me and the grand son. Another medical doctor runs in and starts stabbing me with a knife or something as I'm on the ground again (legs collapsed) and in no time we're both dead. --- then the admin comes in I'm a little bit salty about the lack of roleplay on the hero medical doctor's part as there's a server rule: "Generally, avoid playing hero. There are certain opportunities every character can seize to overthrow an antagonist, but going rambo on syndicate ops as a frail, unarmed medical doctor constitutes a failure to roleplay and will likely end with you getting shot. Also, if you are unarmed, and being held at gunpoint, it is generally expected for you to comply with your captor, or risk suffering the consequences." But anyways, the admin known as Tenenza comes in and asks why it was acceptable for me to raid the armory and assault Medbay. I start explaining the story from the beginning and while I'm still explaining, the admin jumps to conclusions with something along the lines of "So you raid the armory and start killing people and assaulting Medbay because you were refused medical treatment?" I said no and start mentioning the cultist again (and at this point his aggressive tone is escalating me to an aggressive tone too) and basically I'm like "If you could listen to what I'm saying"... yadda yadda yadda. Then he's like "I'm going to only say this once, do not talk to me in that tone again.. blah blah blah" I mention the fact that I'd appreciate it too if he stopped talking to me in such a condescending tone. Then he just says something along the lines of "Do you understand what you did wrong- you're receiving a warning for this blah blah blah... this is not a debate". Of course I feel wronged as I acted like I would have in real life- or like this character would've in the situation but I guess this rule isn't a rule in the eyes of Tenenza: Conflict is acceptable, even if you are not an antag. but it needs to be believable, and meet roleplay standards. The average Joe will not simply decide to blow up their workplace one day. As a headmin on the old OG Apoc station and borderline headmin on Yogstation the 1st year it was started I really do feel that an admin should not act like that when confronting a player. Honestly, if Tenenza apologized for acting condescending/jumping to conclusions I would've never made this report in the first place and just said whatever on the warning-- but that coupled with the fact that I honestly didn't feel I broke a rule in the first place made me take my sweet time to write this out. Thanks for reading!
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